
zhōu wéi huán jìnɡ
  • environment;surroundings;ambience
  1. 机器人需要能够在周围环境中移动。

    A robot needs to be able to move around its environment .

  2. 不论冰山漂到哪里,都会对周围环境产生巨大的影响,改变海水温度,并引入数十亿吨淡水。

    And wherever they drift , they can have a major influence on their immediate2 environment , changing the temperature of the sea and introducing billions of tonnes of fresh water .

  3. 变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色。

    The chameleon can take on the colours of its background .

  4. 这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。

    The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings .

  5. 那栋新楼与周围环境不协调。

    The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings .

  6. 这势必让我更加下定决心融入周围环境。

    It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings

  7. 工作时周围环境温度恒定有多么重要呢?

    How important is it to have an even temperature when you 're working ?

  8. 这建筑物和周围环境颜色很调和。

    The building tones ( in ) well with the surroundings .

  9. 他们可以根据周围环境而改变。

    They can change according to circumstances .

  10. 皮肤温度随着周围环境温度升高,香水中酒精的扩散速率也会加快。

    The rate of diffusion of alcohol in a fragrance increases as the skin warms to your surrounding temperatures .

  11. 第一百二十三条从事高空、高压、易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性、高速运输工具等对周围环境有高度危险的作业造成他人损害的,应当承担民事责任;如果能够证明损害是由受害人故意造成的,不承担民事责任。

    Article 123 If any person causes damage to other people by engaging in operations that are greatly hazardous caused by the victim , he shall not bear civil liability .

  12. 瓦赫宁根大学的科学家正在研发一种可以一次自动训练多只蜜蜂的机器,然后这些蜜蜂就可以利用它们的技能来检测周围环境中是否有气溶胶(含有病毒的微小颗粒物)。

    Wageningen scientists are working on a prototype of a machine that could automatically train multiple bees at once , then uses their skills to test for coronavirus aerosols ( tiny virus-laden particles ) in the surrounding environment .

  13. 绿辉石与蓝晶石在分解时并不形成一个封闭体系,它们均从周围环境中获取SiO2。

    The decomposition of both omphacite and kyanite obtained silica from their surroundings .

  14. 软土地区CFG桩施工对周围环境影响分析

    Analysis of the Effect of CFG Piles Construction on the Surrounding Environment in Soft Soil

  15. 目前,数学信息在Web上的交流主要通过静态的图片方式,这种方法有很多缺陷:数学信息的显示不能与周围环境保持一致,并且不能包含数学信息的内容以及语义。

    At present , most mathematics on the Web is GIF or JPEG format , which is difficult to consist with the context and can not include contents and semantics information of the mathematics .

  16. 根据X射线和其它分析表明,认为这些缺陷与周围环境残余的汽相HF和随后的晶圆表面反应有关。

    Based on X-ray and other analyses these defects were found to be related to vapor phase HF remaining in the ambient and subsequently reacting with the wafer surface .

  17. AGV通常通过多种类型的传感器来感测周围环境,从而实现轨迹跟踪和路障躲避。

    AGV usually uses different kinds of sensors to sense its environment in order to have abilities of track following and obstacle avoidance .

  18. 例如,米尔纳援引了神经学家的一些有趣研究,这些研究表明,当人们依赖GPS导航时,他们停止在认知层面与自己的周围环境互动,他们的大脑似乎会发生变化。

    Milner cites some fascinating studies by neurologists , for example , which suggest that when people rely on GPS to navigate , they stop interacting with their environment in a cognitive sense , and their brains appear to change .

  19. 在可重构系统中,硬件电路的配置信息存储在静态RAM中,容易受到周围环境的干扰,使硬件电路出现故障,故此提出了一种实时任务容错调度算法,以提高系统的可靠性。

    In reconfigurable system , circuit configure information is stored in static RAM and is susceptible to electromagnetic interference which can cause circuit fault . So a fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm is proposed to improve system reliability .

  20. 飞行环境监视系统(AESS)是航空安全的重要保障,通过对飞机周围环境的监测,提前探测危险区域发出告警,从而避免飞行事故。

    Aircraft Environment Surveillance System ( AESS ) plays an important role in the flight safety .

  21. Deiters细胞能够通过减少K+外流、增加K+内流来缓冲周围环境中K+浓度的变化。

    Deiters ′ cell could buffer K + concentration around the cells through decreased K + efflux and increased K + influx .

  22. AD7147配有片内校准逻辑,用以补偿周围环境发生的变化。

    The AD7147 has on-chip calibration logic to compensate for changes in the ambient environment .

  23. 本文以沈阳市航空遥感图像解译出的固体废弃物堆放及具周围环境信息为基础数据,在IBMPc/XT微机上建立了固废遥感微机信息系统(MSWRSIS)。

    A Microcomputer Solid Waste Remote Sensing Information System ( MSWRSIS ) was set up in microcomputer ( IBM PC / XT ) by using image data of aerial remote sensing in Shenyang area .

  24. 对OPGW中光纤所需余长进行探讨,根据施工及周围环境气象条件下所需的光纤余长进行分析计算,为设计、生产OPGW的光纤余长提供理论依据。

    The article discusses the optical fiber excess-length of OPGW , calculates the required optical fiber excess-length according to construction and weather Conditions , and provides the theoretic basis of optical fiber excess-length for OPGW design and manufacture .

  25. 介绍了一种CMOS(互补MOS)集成风速风向传感器,使用恒温差(CTD)控制模式将芯片加热,使其中间加热区域的温度高于周围环境(风)温度一定值。

    A kind of CMOS integrated wind velocity and direction sensor is introduced . The surface of the chip is heated under CTD controlling mode to get a constant temperature difference between the center of the chip and the surroundings ( gas ) .

  26. 通过测定不同土壤水分条件下,3a生盆栽刺楸苗木的气体交换参数及其周围环境因子,探讨土壤水分及微气候因子对光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度等气体交换参数的影响规律。

    Gas exchange parameters in leaves of three-year-old Kalopanax septemlobus Koidz were studied under different soil water conditions and microclimate factors , in order to explore the effects of soil water stress and microclimate factors on the gas exchange parameters .

  27. 树木细根(直径≤2mm)是控制树木与其周围环境进行能量交换和物质分配的主要器官,其寿命的长短决定了每年被分配到土壤中碳和养分的数量。

    Aims Fine-roots (≤ 2 mm diameter ) are important in controlling energy and matter exchange between tree and soil . Fine-root longevity is a critical determinant of fine-root turnover and therefore carbon allocation and nutrients returned to the soil .

  28. 首先,每个超声传感器的信息被输入到危险度模糊控制器(DFC)中,产生关于周围环境中障碍物危险度的模糊向量。

    Sonar data and target information are processed by the two-stage fuzzy system to generate the control commands . Firstly , the danger fuzzy controller ( DFC ) is used for each sonar sensor to judge the danger degree of the detected obstacles .

  29. 对西安地电台周围环境噪声干扰进行了实验研究,结果表明,环境噪声的衰减是很快的,地电测区避开企事业单位200m,环境噪声电平即可衰减1个数量级。

    The results of comparative observation experiment at Xi'an geoelectric station show that the decay of ambient noise is very quick . If the distance of geoelectric measurement zone from the interference sources is 200 m , the noise level will be reduced by one order of magnitude .

  30. 浙江省外经贸联建大楼位于杭州市区,基坑开挖深度9.45m~11.8m,周围环境较复杂。

    The Zhejiang Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Building is located in the suburbs of Hangzhou . The depth of excavation ranges from 9.45 m to 11.8 m , and the surrounding environments are very complicated .