
jià nèi shuì
  • taxes included in the calculated prices
价内税[jià nèi shuì]
  1. 为此,建议比照增值税的相关规定调整消费税计税价格,调整部分消费品征税环节,改价内税为价外税。

    Therefore , the author makes suggestions on regulating price for tax assessment and levy process of some consumables according to the related regulations of value-added tax and further transforming tax included in price into tax excluded in price .

  2. 改价内税为价外税,增加其透明度;将消费税的纳税环节由生产环节调整为零售环节,规范其计税依据,以防止税收的流失,增强消费税的调节功能。

    In order to prevent the loss of tax income and increase consumption tax 's function of adjustment functions , it is essential to change the links of paying taxes from productive link to retail link to standard the basis of calculation tax .