
  • 网络on sale;Price-off Promotions
  1. 商品换季降价促销的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis on the Promotion of Seasonal Commodities on Sale

  2. 比如,美国电话电报公司去年对HTCFirst(配有以Facebook为中心的软件系统)的降价促销就没能挽救它最终没落的命运。

    For example , AT & T 's price cut last year on the HTC First , a phone with Facebook-centric software , didn 't save it from eventually being killed off .

  3. 德国西部小镇杜塞尔多夫的考夫霍夫百货商店(GaleriaKaufhof)洋溢着节日气氛,店里的商品从毛衣到城堡拼装玩具都在降价促销。

    The festively decorated Galeria Kaufhof department store in this western German town is cutting prices on items from fleece sweaters to toy castles .

  4. 为消化库存,一些开发商已开始降价促销。

    Developers looking clear inventory have started to cut prices .

  5. 新商品在30天推广期内店内不得进行降价促销。

    No markdown should be taken in the period of30 's promotion .

  6. 在任何行业,降价促销的策略都是`场赌博。

    A strategy of sacrificing price for volume is a gamble in any industry .

  7. 打折和降价促销的现象正在减少,而更多的迹象表明消费者信心正日益增强。

    We are seeing less discounting and markdowns and more signs of increasing consumer confidence .

  8. 相反,那些会引起后悔情绪的商品,则更适合降价促销策略。

    In contrast , products that will induce regret are better off using a markdown strategy .

  9. 玉林城区及周边县市商品降价促销的调查报告

    Survey Report at the Commodity Markdown Promotion in Urban Area of Yulin and Peripheral Counties and Cities

  10. 在唱片零售业,降价促销会挤压专营店的利润,从而引起他们的抵制。

    In music retailing it could prompt resistance from specialist stores which will see their margins squeezed .

  11. 分析师们说,杭州楼盘降价促销表明楼市存在供应过剩,未来可能会扩散至更大的城市。

    Analysts said the price cuts are an indication that there are oversupply problems which could spread to larger cities .

  12. 美国销售额出现出人意料的下降,原因是不断攀升的失业率沉重打击了早餐销售,以及竞争对手加大了降价促销力度。

    US sales unexpectedly fell , as rising unemployment hit breakfast sales in particular and rivals ramped up cut-price marketing campaigns .

  13. 在新年钟声敲响时,沈阳各汽车经销商的降价促销活动终止,调整后的价格开始执行。

    The car dealers in Shenyang terminated their discount promotions when new year came and began to carry out adjusted prices .

  14. 汽车制造商正在德国及其它国家进行降价促销,但这很可能会损害其利润率。

    Carmakers are offering discounts in Germany and other countries to boost sales , but this will probably hurt their profit margins .

  15. 在本研究中,消费者价值观包括消费者对时间,风险和自我意识的价值观,企业营销策略包括广告和降价促销。

    In this paper , consumers ' values were subdivided into values to time , risk and self concept and marketing strategies were subdivided into advertisements and price promotion .

  16. 零售商在确定一件商品是否会导致后悔之后,就可以利用我们的算法,决定到底应该采取天天低价策略,还是降价促销策略。

    Once they determine whether it 's a regret-inducing product or not , retailers can use our algorithm to determine what the optimal everyday-low-price or mark downs should be .

  17. 此举是寄希望于李宁能通过向市场推出全新的产品而领先于竞争对手,同时在无需降价促销的情况下清空存货,降价促销会进一步损害其品牌。

    The hope is Li Ning can earn an edge over competitors by bringing fresh , new products to market and clearing out old stock without a fire sale that would further dent the brand .

  18. 企业降价促销不等于价格战,价格竞争才引起价格战,价格战在市场经济初级阶段具有积极意义。

    For enterprises , to lower the price for sales promotion is not price war . Only the price competition can lead to price war which has an active influence at the early stage of the market economy .

  19. 中国70个大中城市5月份的新建住宅平均房价环比下降,为两年来的首次环比下降,这主要是由于在需求低迷及供应过剩情况下,房地产开发商纷纷降价促销。

    The average price of new homes in 70 Chinese cities declined in May from April , the first such drop in two years , as property developers cut prices to offset sluggish demand and a supply glut .

  20. 中国东部两座城市的房地产开发商已开始降价促销,引发了外界对中国房地产市场健康状况的担忧,并导致周一地产股下挫。

    Property developers in two cities in eastern China have started to cut prices of new homes in a bid to spur sales , raising fresh concerns about the health of the market and sending property stocks sliding Monday .

  21. 他的公司也加入了许多领先品牌的行列,为在年底之前减少过多库存而提前(去年11月)在香港进行降价促销,对鞋和手袋的折扣高达70%。

    His company was also among many leading brands that , in order to reduce excess inventories before year-end , held Hong Kong sales early last November offering discounts on shoes and handbags of as much as 70 per cent .

  22. 蒂芙尼破天荒第一次以降价的促销手段应对经济危机,但是收效并不明显。

    Confronted with the economic crisis , Tiffany scaled down the price for promotion for the first time but not that effective .

  23. 乙方不能擅自进行降价销售,包括降价形式的促销活动;

    Party B can not be carried out unauthorized sale , including in the form of price promotions ;

  24. 为了减少存量,商家降价;商家出的酒被降价促销,而酒的确畅销了。

    In an effort to reduce their inventories , Italian vintners have cut prices ; their wines are priced to sell , and they do .