
yún lèi
  • varieties of clouds
云类[yún lèi]
  1. 基于模糊C均值聚类的云图样本修正与云类自动识别

    Modification of Cloud Picture Sample and Automatic Identification of Cloud Type Based on Fuzzy Clustering Method

  2. 卫星云图样本集的FCM优化调整与云类判别

    The FCM Optimized Adjustment and Cloud Classification Based on Satellite Images Samples Sets

  3. 根据日本地球静止气象卫星(GMS-5)云图的新特点,运用动态分类方法对GMS-5四通道卫星云图进行分类,得到各种云类及地表。

    This paper studies the cloud classification based on the spectral characteristics of the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite ( GMS-5 ) observations at both day and night time .

  4. 将4种基本云类(卷云、积雨云、积云和层云)的分数维和灰度梯度共生矩阵(GGCM)的二次统计特征结合起来,对云类进行分类与识别。

    Combined the fractal dimension with the 2 order statistical features of Gray Gradient Co occurence Matrix ( GGCM ) of 4 kinds of basic clouds pictures ( Cirrus , Cumulus , Cumulonimbus and Layer Cloud ), the clouds are classified and recognized .

  5. 基于卫星遥感图象纹理特征的云类识别方法及软件设计

    Classification of clouds based on satellite data and its program design

  6. 理论与实际分析表明,不同的云类对纹理敏感,纹理特征量是识别云类的良好因子。

    The theory and application indicate that different kinds of clouds have different texture features , and texture is the good factor for the classification of clouds .

  7. 介绍了基于卫星遥感资料,运用纹理学识别云类的原理、方法及软件设计。

    Based on satellite images data , the paper presents a method and its principle for identifying cloud types by using texture . The program design is discussed .

  8. 基于云类样本的红外可见光二维灰度空间投影,采用模糊聚类方法调整优化云类样本特征区域,消除采样误差。

    Based on two-dimensional ( infared and visible ) gray space projection of cloud classification samples , the fuzzy clustering method ( FCM ) is used to adjust and optimize the characteristic area of cloud classification samples and to reduce the sampling errors .

  9. 红山文化勾云形类玉器文化意义再探讨

    Study on the Hongshan Culture 's Hook-Cloud shaped Sort of Jades

  10. 这类岩石的分类实践表明,它们宜归入岩浆成因的云英岩类范畴。

    Classification of magmatic monomineralic topaz rock shows that it is advisable to classify it as the category of magmatic greisen .

  11. 该书也是对被热议的网络空间或云计算这类抽象概念的及时说明。

    And it is a timely antidote to oft-repeated abstractions about cyberspace or cloud computing .

  12. 进而提出了识别植被、土壤、水、冰雪和云等五类目标的最佳波段和分类函数及分类流程图,得到了很高的分类精度。

    The best wavebands , the classification functions and classification flow diagrams for five kinds of targets are determined .

  13. 该书也是对被热议的“网络空间”或“云计算”这类抽象概念的及时说明。

    And it is a timely antidote to oft-repeated abstractions about " cyberspace " or " cloud computing . "

  14. 通过对我国南北地震构造带(南北带)影像进行云检测试验证实,该算法对MODIS夜间影像上的各种云类具有较好的检测效果。

    The test of night cloud detection on the N-S seismotectonic zone in China shows that this algorithm is effective in detecting night cloud on the MODIS image , and thus it can provide a bas .

  15. 对1998~2001年6~9月在塔里木盆地普查得到105个降雹云团进行分类,按尺度大小分为雷暴云、对流云、中尺度对流系统、冷云核和系统云系云区5类。

    Hail clouds were found from April to August during 1998 and 2001 on the verge of Tarim Basin . Hail clouds were classified 5 kinds according to scale : thunderstorm cloud , convection cloud , mesoscale convective system , cold-cloud-nuclei and cloud-field of system clouds .