
guī lì
  • magnificent;elegant;surpassingly beautiful;be surprisingly beautiful
瑰丽 [guī lì]
  • [magnificent;elegant;be surprisingly beautiful] 风姿奇丽;辉煌

  • 俯视水练冲泻到深谷的涧石上,溅起密密的飞沫,在日中的阳光下,形成蒙蒙的瑰丽的彩色水雾。--碧野《天山景物记》

瑰丽[guī lì]
  1. 从分析张晓风的散文集《画晴》入手,透过张晓风瑰丽的文字,向读者展示一代散文家独特的文化品位与情感观照。

    This paper , starting by analyzing Zhang Xiaofeng 's anthology of prose Drawing Clearness , through the surpassingly beautiful words , tries to reveal to readers the special cultural taste and caring about emotions of a proser of a generation .

  2. 西湖景色瑰丽。

    The view of the West Lake is magnificent .

  3. 这是一部气势恢宏、引人入胜的电影,充满了动人心魄的瑰丽意象。

    This is an ambitious and intriguing movie , full of striking imagery .

  4. 她说她从未见过如此瑰丽的晚霞。

    She said she had never seen such a glorious sunset .

  5. 苍茫辽阔的景色染上了一片瑰丽浓艳的金黄色。

    The tremendous spaciousness of it was glowing with rich gold .

  6. 实际上,伦敦瑰丽酒店就把它的六套顶级套房称为“HouseSuite”。

    The Rosewood London actually calls its six top suites House Suites .

  7. 墨西哥何塞德尔卡沃(SanJosedelCabo)的LasVentanasalParaiso为瑰丽旗下酒店,它推出了12栋带私人泳池和私人海滩的新独栋别墅。

    Las Ventanas al Paraiso , a Rosewood property in San Jose del Cabo , Mexico , opened 12 new stand-alone villas in December with private pools and beaches .

  8. 站上距离顶层不远的天台媒体开放区,你还能看到海岸线旁若干尚未开发的小岛,它们是迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)瑰丽蓝图的一部分,而今则成了迪拜地产市场溃败的象征。

    At the media opening of the skydeck close to the top of the world 's tallest skyscraper Monday , you could also just make out the undeveloped islands that make up the offshore Dubai World project that is synonymous with the sheikdom 's collapsing real estate industry .

  9. Coleridge的诗作素以瑰丽的想象、极强的音乐性而闻名,在19世纪的英国诗坛独树一帜。

    Coleridge 's poems was so famous for its eccentric imagination and beautiful melody that formed a unique style in the poem arena in English in 19th century .

  10. 王雪红在加州门罗帕克的瑰丽酒店(RosewoodHotel)接受采访时说:我必须得回信,否则他会很生气。(她要经常往返于旧金山湾区和台北,这里靠近HTC的总部。)

    I had to write back or he would be upset , says Wang during an interview at the Rosewood Hotel in Menlo Park , Calif. ( She splits her time between the Bay Area and Taipei , close to where HTC is based . )

  11. 瑰丽酒店集团(RosewoodHotelsResorts)总裁拉达&12539;阿罗拉(RadhaArora)称,由于需求强劲,该公司逐步将其度假酒店中的套房比例从占客房总数的30%左右提高到40%以上。

    Rosewood Hotels Resorts is increasing the percentage of suites at its resort properties to more than 40 % of total rooms , up from around 30 % , because of strong demand , company president Radha Arora says .

  12. 这座教堂可以免费入内参观,因此游客也可以免费享受探索教堂内花窗玻璃的乐趣,其中既有悬挂在大门上方瑰丽无比的中世纪玫瑰窗,也有艺术家保罗·夏卡尔(PaulChagall)创作的现代花窗。

    Since there is no entrance fee at the church , the pleasure of discovering its stained-glass windows , which range from a spectacular medieval rose window over the main doorway to contemporary works created by the artist Paul Chagall , is free .

  13. 瑰丽酒店集团(RosewoodHotels&Resorts)总裁拉达・阿罗拉(RadhaArora)称,由于需求强劲,该公司逐步将其度假酒店中的套房比例从占客房总数的30%左右提高到40%以上。

    Rosewood Hotels & Resorts is increasing the percentage of suites at its resort properties to more than 40 % of total rooms , up from around 30 % , because of strong demand , company president Radha Arora says .

  14. 2014年开业的瑰丽酒店(Rosewood)也在朝阳区,对面就是位于商务区的标志性建筑、由荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯(RemKoolhass)设计的中央电视台新大楼,这是这家洛杉矶酒店连锁集团首次在亚洲开店。

    After that came the Rosewood , across the street from the iconic CCTV Tower that was designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhass in the city 's business district , also in Chaoyang . The hotel opened in 2014 , and marked the Asia debut of the Los-Angeles based chain .

  15. 正如14世纪的彼得拉克(Petrarch)攀登旺图山饱览山河,开启了文艺复兴的大门,开辟了崭新的思维方式,而塞尚,借助自己瑰丽的视野,也永远改变了我们思考与欣赏事物的方式。

    Like Petrarch in the 14th century , who opened the door to the Renaissance and to new ways of thinking when he climbed Mont Ventoux simply to take in the view , C é zanne , by power of his vision , also changed forever the way we think and see .

  16. 新奇、瑰丽、多彩的乐章&非洲史诗传统

    A Distinctive , Charming and Colorful Movement : African Epic Traditions

  17. 你可看到,彩虹的光芒斑斓瑰丽?

    See the colour of a rainbow as it gleams ?

  18. 很多作家都描写了威尼斯的瑰丽。

    So many writers have described the splendaurs of venice .

  19. 南京长江大桥的夜景雄伟瑰丽。

    The view of the Nanjing Changjiang bridge at night is magnificent .

  20. 文化上,它主要是瑰丽灿烂的宗教文明。

    In culture , it had mainly splendid religious civilization .

  21. 在夜晚,这座城市的灯光瑰丽壮观。

    At night , the city is spectacularly lit .

  22. 借助于色彩唐宋诗人为我们描绘了一幅幅色彩瑰丽的画卷。

    By means of color images , the poets painted varicolored scroll paintings .

  23. 这片新兴的奢华生态旅游胜地上到处是原始而瑰丽的生物。

    A pristine slice of biodiversity is home to a new luxury eco-resort .

  24. 瑰丽多彩是当代女子服装的流行色。

    Today 's popular color for women 's clothes is Beautiful and colorful .

  25. 你竟能铺叙一个如花的故事,比诗还瑰丽:

    A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme :

  26. 有棕榈树的小岛生如夏日朝霞般瑰丽!

    Born as rosy and magnificent as summer sunglow !

  27. 隶书真是书法史上瑰丽的一章。

    The development of li calligraphy is an important chapter in Chinese calligraphy history .

  28. 这是大自然规模、瑰丽、多元的功碑。

    These parks are monuments to nature 's size , beauty , and diversity .

  29. 冰情雪韵中同享冰城瑰丽之冬色,和谐世界里共抒深情厚谊之情怀。

    Enjoy beauty of winter of ice city , enjoy friendship of harmonious world .

  30. 素朴瑰丽的加州州花自然保护地的规划与管理原则

    The Principles of Planning and Management of the Brilliant Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve