
  • 网络Service-Oriented Architecture;Service oriented architecture;soa
  1. WCF提出的许多技术概念直接对应面向服务架构中的核心思想,使得使用WCF编程具有更强的针对性。

    WCF has many technical concepts directly to the core of SOA , consequently programming of WCF is more targeted .

  2. 面向服务架构中web服务组合安全的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Web Services Composition Security in SOA

  3. 利用WEBService技术封装服务,来实现面向服务架构的系统。

    Package the service using Web Service technology to realize the service oriented architecture system .

  4. 构建面向服务架构的INTERNET应用研究

    Study the Internet Application of E-government Based on SOA

  5. Web服务是实现面向服务架构的重要构建块。

    Web services are important building blocks to achieve a service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) .

  6. 随着互联网的飞速发展,面向服务架构的Web应用程序逐渐成为主流。

    With the fast development of Internet , web applications base on Service-Oriented architecture become mainstream .

  7. 伴随着WebServices技术的发展,面向服务架构体系(SOA)得到迅速发展。

    With the development of Web services technology , the SOA architecture developed rapidly .

  8. 本文侧重介绍在面向服务架构不断成熟过程中的不同阶段,如何以不同的方式使用ProcessServer。

    This article focuses on how Process Server is used differently at different stages in the maturity of a service-oriented architecture .

  9. 这个现代化的战略性项目的中心在于实现一个面向服务架构(ServiceOrientedArchitecture-SOA)。

    Central to the modernization strategy is the implementation of a Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) .

  10. 面向服务架构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)就是关于提供的和使用的服务。

    Service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) is about provided and used services .

  11. 面向服务架构(SOA)是一个企业化的概念。

    Service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) is an enterprise concept .

  12. 提出了一种基于面向服务架构(SOA)的分布式开放控制系统模型。

    This paper proposes a new SOA-based distributed open controller system model .

  13. 面向服务架构(SOA)可以从不同的视角来查看。

    Service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) can be considered from several perspectives .

  14. OnDemandOperatingEnvironment架构建立在面向服务架构(SOA)的概念上。

    The On Demand Operating Environment architecture is based on the concept of a service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) .

  15. 与此同时,出现了SOA(Service-orientedarchitecture,面向服务架构)技术。

    At the same time , SOA ( Service-Oriented Architecture ) was born .

  16. 面向服务架构的Web服务是一种新兴的分布式计算模型,它是以服务的形式封装应用并对外发布。

    Service-oriented-architecture is a new distributed computing technology . It is in the form of service for encapsulation , application and publishing .

  17. 随着Web服务和面向服务架构(SOA)的出现,XML已变得非常流行。

    XML has gained widespread popularity with the emergence of Web services and service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) .

  18. 很多人把Web服务与SOAP及成熟的面向服务架构(service-orientedarchitecture,SOA)联系到一起。

    Many people associate Web services with SOAP and a full-blown service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) .

  19. 随着越来越多的应用程序转向面向服务架构,经常需要将应用程序的功能公开为Web服务。

    As more and more applications move towards an SOA , often there is a need to expose application functionality as Web services .

  20. 后来,美国一个主要的联邦机构的Web服务和面向服务架构的主管联系到我。

    Afterwards , I was contacted by the chief of web services and services oriented architecture for a major United States federal agency .

  21. 他在分布式计算方面有丰富的经验,包括面向服务架构(SOA)。

    He has extensive experience with distributed computing , including Service-oriented Architecture ( SOA ) .

  22. 基于J2EE面向服务架构的电力生产管理系统研究

    Research on the Electric Power Production Management System Based on J2EE Service-Oriented Architecture

  23. Web服务与面向服务架构正作为分布式系统上的技术和架构涌现出来。

    Web services as well as service-oriented architectures ( SOA ), are emerging as the technologies and architectures of choice for implementing distributed systems .

  24. 这种方案以面向服务架构为基础,把医疗信息系统中所有的功能都表示成若干个相对独立的服务模块,其中每个服务模块以Web服务技术去实现。

    It bases on service-oriented architecture . All the features of the healthcare information system are expressed as a number of relatively independent services .

  25. Web服务是一种常用的面向服务架构实现方式,但在基于面向服务架构的网络系统中,存在大数据量传输效率不高的问题。

    Web Service is a common service-oriented architecture , but SOA system has a bottleneck of low efficiency in transmitting large amounts of data .

  26. 基于资产的研发是开发一个面向服务架构(SOA)解决方案的最佳选择。

    Asset-based development is the best choice for developing a Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) solution .

  27. 在面向服务架构(SOA)中,服务注册表用于发布和发现服务。

    In Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ), a service registry is used to publish and discover services .

  28. Web服务是面向服务架构(SOA)中的核心技术,使用Web服务可以实现企业异构系统之间的交互。

    Web Service is the core technology of SOA . Interaction between heterogeneous systems in the enterprise can be achieved by web service .

  29. 复合应用程序是面向服务架构(SOA)和上下文协作策略(contextualcollaborationstrategy)中的关键要素。

    Composite applications are a key element in a Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) and contextual collaboration strategy .

  30. 面向服务架构(SOA)的不断发展,特别是SOA的实现技术WEBService技术的不断发展,为小区的信息管理提供了一个很好的解决方案。

    The development of Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ), especially Web Service Technology , provides a better solution to the Community Information Management .