
  • 网络ETO;engineer-to-order;engineering to order
  1. 随着客户需求的日益个性化,面向订单设计ETO(EngineeringToOrder)的生产类型在我国制造企业中所占的比重越来越大。

    With the individuation of customer 's demands , the manufacturing mode of Engineering To Order ( ETO ) is becoming more and more popular .

  2. 大规模客户定制生产中,面向订单设计(ETO)方式从最大程度上满足了客户个性化的产品需求,因此它对企业的产品设计管理能力要求很高。

    The manufacturing mode of Engineer-to-Order meets greatly the individual need of customers in mass customization , so it has much requirement on the ability of PDM .

  3. 面向订单设计行业的产品数据管理系统设计探讨

    The Design and Implementation of PDM System for Order Production

  4. 面向订单设计型机械制造企业制造执行系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of MES of ETO Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprises

  5. 项目制造是一种面向订单设计的生产类型。

    Project manufacturing is a design-to-order production type .

  6. 面向订单设计与生产已经成为当今制造业的主要发展趋势。

    Order oriented design and production has become the main development trend of manufacturing industry .

  7. 分析了面向订单设计型企业物流管理存在问题及现有的物流管理信息系统存在的不足之处。

    The problems existing in the logistics management of ETO enterprises and the deficiencies of current Logistics Management Information System are analyzed .

  8. 随着客户个性化定制需求的大量涌现,面向订单设计生产的企业竞争越来越激烈,借助库存管理理念和先进的库存管理技术已经越来越成为制造企业的重要发展趋势之一。

    Make-to-order enterprises are facing more and more serious competition with more and more personal customization requirements . Using the conception of Inventory Management and advanced skills of Inventory Management has become the one of the most important developing trends .

  9. 基于MC环境的面向订单产品设计方法研究

    Study on Rapid Design for Engineering to Order Product in MC

  10. 面向对象的订单系统设计

    Object-Oriented Design for Order Manager System

  11. 面向订单的产品快速设计方法对面向订单设计型生产企业提高市场竞争力具有重要意义。

    Demand-oriented products quick design has great significance to the design-based manufacturing enterprises improving their market competitiveness .