
  1. 目前,学术界对于粮食供应链牛鞭效应进行的研究还处于初始阶段。

    The food supply chain Bullwhip Effect is at the preliminary stage now .

  2. 完善粮食供应链信息网络,逐步建立粮食产量和产能调控机制;

    We must perfect the information network of grain supply chain and gradually establish a control system .

  3. 他呼吁迅速且不受阻碍地向所有弱势社区提供人道主义援助,同时保证粮食供应链不中断。

    He has called for swift and unimpeded humanitarian access to all vulnerable communities as well as uninterrupted food supply chains .

  4. 本文将粮食供应链的个性和供应链牛鞭效应理论相结合,提出了粮食牛鞭效应的影响因素和形成的动态机理。

    This article integrated the food supply chain characteristic and the supply chain Bullwhip Effect theory , proposed the factors which cause and affect the food supply chain Bullwhip Effect .

  5. 粮食供应链体系复杂,涉及的环节多,范围广,每一个环节都有污染粮食产品的可能,粮食质量安全问题日益凸显,严重影响了消费者的身体健康。

    The complicated food grain supply chain system involves many links and wide range . Food grain could be contaminated in every single link . The problems concerning the quality and safety of food grain increasingly come out these years , presenting serious threat to the health of consumers .

  6. 她指出,埃西塔除了培育新品种的高粱之外,还在印度和苏丹努力开辟途径,使得他的新品种种子送到农民的手里,这突显修复所谓断裂的全球粮食供应链需要全面兼顾的方式。

    She noted that in addition to developing new sorghum strains , Ejeta worked in India and Sudan on ways to get his improved seeds into the hands of farmers , underscoring the need for a comprehensive approach to repairing what Clinton called a broken global supply chain for food .

  7. 对构建粮食物流供应链的思考

    The Thought of Building Supply Chain of Grain Logistics

  8. 吉林省粮食产业供应链的构建条件。

    Third , the construction the strip condition for the supply chain for grain industry of Jilin .

  9. 吉林省粮食产业供应链模型及运行体系设计。

    Fourth , the model and the fuction design for the supply chain for grain industry of Jilin .

  10. 莱州粮食经验:信息化供应链

    The grain experience of Laizhou : The informationization supplies the chain

  11. 吉林省粮食产业现状与供应链构建

    The Jilin Province Grain Industry Present Situation and Supplies the Chain to Construct

  12. 再次,本文构造了粮食物流两级供应链库存优化系统,对库存控制和配送运输进行了优化整合,构建了改进的经济批量订货模型,通过实例的对比分析证明了该模型的有效性。

    Thirdly , this article also built two-tier supply chain system of grain logistics to optimize inventory , the optimization of inventory control and distribution were integrated , and then found the improved economic order quantities model , which was proved the validity by the comparative analysis of examples .

  13. 文章提出,政府必须调整粮食行政管理体制,基于粮食供应链行使管理与调控职能;完善农业管理的法律体系,改革粮食管理制度,建立综合高效的行政管理体制;

    We must improve the legal system of agricultural management , reform the grain management system , establish a comprehensive and efficient administrative system .

  14. 在WTO后过渡期结束之后,我国的粮食行业面临着外资粮食企业带来的巨大冲击。为了保证国家粮食安全和粮食行业的健康发展,做大做强粮食供应链至关重要。

    After WTO post-transition period , the food industry of our country is facing tremendous impact that Foreign food enterprises bring on . In order to ensure state food security and the sound development of food industry , it is highly important for food supply to develop bigger and better .