
liánɡ dào
  • road for transportation of food;official in charge of land taxes
粮道 [liáng dào]
  • [path for transporting food] 指军队运送军粮等补给的通路

  • 粮道畅通

  1. 艺术经纬:那时候你们都在粮道街?还真是一个人杰地灵的地方。

    Editor : Did you live in Liangdao Street then ? That is a place with elite people and resourceful land .

  2. 在“通”形地域上,应抢先占开阔向阳的高地,保持粮道畅通,这样作战就有利。

    With regard to ground of this nature , be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny spots , and carefully guard your line of supplies . Then you will be able to fight with advantage .