
  • 网络granary;grain barn;The Provisions Storehouse
  1. 粮食仓库建设回顾与仓型选择

    Review of granary construction and granary type selection

  2. 粮食仓库自动控制和监视系统

    The Autocontrol and Automonitor System of Granary

  3. 为了给圣达菲慈善机构的粮食仓库项目和野生狼群庇护所项目筹款,Martin拿出了非常诱人的条件。

    To raise money for the Santa Fe charity The Food Depot and the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary , Martin is offering some very tempting items for purchase .

  4. 本文报导112例粮食仓库保管员与50例正常成人常规肺功能和最大呼气平均流速&容量曲线(MEFV)的测定结果。

    The article reports the pulmonary function and the maximal expiratory flow - volume ( MEFV ) curves of 112 grain - store keepers and 50 normal healthy adults .

  5. 我国北方粮食仓库建设与使用情况调查报告

    Investigation on construction and application of grain bins in North China

  6. 粮食仓库设计标准使用的智能化系统模式研究

    Study on the intelligent use of criteria of grain storehouse design

  7. 粮食仓库计算机测温中的通讯技术

    Communication technique of computer determining temperature for grain storage

  8. 粮食仓库温湿度检测系统粮库温湿度检测系统的研制

    Development of Inspecting & Measuring System of Temperature and Moisture in Grain Depots

  9. 排风扇通风在粮食仓库中的应用

    Application of discharge fan in grain warehouse

  10. 这是你们的粮食仓库吗?

    Is this your subsistence depot ?

  11. 粮食仓库磷化氢环流熏蒸装备

    Phosphine recirculation equipment for grain storages

  12. 广州粮食仓库空气中螨的沉降量与螨种调查

    Subsidence Number of Mites and Investigation of Mite Species in Indoor Air of the Grain Storehouses in Guangzhou

  13. 应用汉字信息微机管理粮食仓库的研究试论隋唐义仓在救荒中的弊端

    Study of granary Management with Chinese Characters In for mention Computer Drawbacks of Public Relief-grain Granary in the Sui and Tang Dynasties

  14. 主要用于粮食仓库、粮油加工厂、粮食烘干车间、农场等清除粮食中的大型杂质。

    Mainly used for large impurities removal in grain depot , grain and oil processing plants , grain drying workshops and farms ;

  15. 现代化粮库的模式,是我国粮食仓库建设中,大家都很关心的一个问题,而且也是广大粮食仓储职工和仓库建设者边建设边探索的一个问题。

    The pattern of modernized grain warehouse is a matter of interest in warehouse construction and a problem which needs to be solved .

  16. 农田荒芜,农场建筑以及粮食仓库、种子仓库、牲畜和农业设施都遭到破坏。

    The agricultural sector suffered substantially . Farms were abandoned and farm buildings together with food stocks , seed stocks , livestock and agricultural implements were destroyed .

  17. 现在广泛应用的粮食仓库管理系统主要由下面几个部分来构成:数据库系统的建立、相关数据的维护,依据要求进行相关程序开发。

    Now widely used treasury management system consists of several parts : the database system , the establishment of related data maintenance , according to the requirements to develop related procedure .

  18. 如今它们在岛上、以及另一批外来物种(目前要在该岛居住一年的十位勇敢的科学家和气象学家)的探险营地和粮食仓库里肆意横行。

    They now over-run the island , the base camp and the food store of the other newly arrived species : the currently ten intrepid scientists and meteorologists who live there for year-long stretches .

  19. PLC在大型粮食中转仓库监控系统中的应用

    Design of a foodstuff storehouse monitoring system based on PLC

  20. 基于PLC的粮食中转仓库监控系统设计

    The design of an foodstuff storehouse monitor system based on a PLC

  21. 介绍了大型粮食中转仓库控制系统的方案设计、硬件选择和软件设计,该系统以PLC为核心,上位机开发平台采用工控组态软件FIX32,系统具有稳定、可靠、功能完善的特点。

    The project design of system , hardware selecting and software design are introduced , in which PLC is used as the core part . The software of supervise computer is designed on industrial controlling configuration software__FIX32.The system has the characteristics of stability , reliability and perfect function .

  22. 我国粮食系统仓库害虫调查中发现的问题

    Some Problems Encountered During the Survey of Storage Pests in China

  23. 当地人还表示,大量的粮食储备仓库中的可能以及成为一个真正的多层次地下城。

    The locals also say that an enormous amount of food is stocked in warehouses of what could well be a true multi-leveled underground city .

  24. 附近两个储存有8600吨粮食的仓库也严重受损,仓库铁门被损坏,谷物也撒了出来。

    Two granaries located nearby , holding about 8,600 tons of stock , were so damaged that the grains burst out , shattering the iron doors .

  25. 设计开发了应用于粮食行业数据仓库的ETL(ExtractTransformLoad)程序,支持关系数据库数据源和文本格式数据源。

    A ETL ( Extract-Transform-Load ) program for DW ( Data Warehouse ) of grain is designed and developed , which supports two kinds of data source , Relational Database data source and text data source .

  26. 粮食行业数据仓库构建

    Constructing for the Data Warehouse of Grain Trade

  27. 粮食保管在仓库里。

    Provisions were dept in the storehouse .

  28. 联合国表示,关键的水,环境设备和卫生项目都被迫中断。世界粮食署一间仓库被洗劫,焚烧。

    The United Nations says vital water , sanitation and hygiene projects are being ed. A World Food Program warehouse was looted and burned .

  29. 对我国北方5省的9个国家粮食储备库的仓库建设与使用情况作了调查。重点调查了浅圆仓和高大房式仓的建设和使用情况。

    You Wei ( Zhengzhou Grain Science Research and Design Institute , State Administration of Grain Reserves , Zhengzhou 450053 , P.R.China ) The construction and use of 9 state grain storages in 5 provinces in the north of China was surveyed .