
liánɡ shi chǔ bèi
  • grain reserves/stocks
  1. NOVELL网络打印系统在国家粮食储备库的应用及分析

    Analysis of Novell network printing system and its application to national grain barn

  2. 以国家粮食储备库为例对计算机NOVELL局域网的打印系统硬件、软件设置方法进行了论述及分析。

    The paper relates the novell network printing system , hardware configuration , software configuration and so on by analysing a national grain barn .

  3. 他说,WFP在海地拥有广泛的粮食储备,还将尽快将补给分发给受害者。

    He says WFP has stocks of food in the country and will supplies to the victims as soon as possible .

  4. 咸阳市粮食储备库拱板屋架施工

    Construction of arch roof truss of grain reserve depot in Xianyang

  5. 民间粮食储备研究综述及其政策启示

    A Summary Study on Folk Grain Storing Up and policy Enlightenment

  6. 换填法在国家粮食储备库基础中的应用

    Application of earth replacing method in base of national grain depot

  7. 在灾害频发、基础设施薄弱地区建立小型地区性人道主义粮食储备。

    Establish small regional humanitarian reserves in disaster-prone , infrastructure-poor areas .

  8. 世界缺乏大量国际粮食储备作为缓冲。

    The world lacks the buffer of large international grain reserves .

  9. 湖北地区国家粮食储备库建筑节能研究

    Study on Architectural Energy-saving of the National Grain Reserves in Hubei Area

  10. 七十年代末,世界粮食储备重新建立。

    During the late seventies world grain reserves were rebuilt .

  11. 大型粮食储备可能成本高昂、容易变质,并且抑制生产商的积极性。

    Large stocks can be costly , degrade easily and impede producers .

  12. 粮食储备制度是我国的基本国策。

    Grain reserve system is basic national policy of China .

  13. 国家粮食储备库财务管理系统的研究与开发

    Development of the financial management system of national grain storage

  14. 中国农户粮食储备及其对市场的影响

    Chinese Farmers ' Grain Stock and Its Effect on Market

  15. 我们必须确立可靠的国际粮食储备政策。

    Reliable international grain reserves policies need to be established .

  16. 与此同时,减少粮食储备的分发仍在继续。

    Meanwhile , the distribution of dwindling food stocks continues .

  17. 国家粮食储备和外汇储备日益雄厚。

    Grain and foreign exchange reserves continued to grow .

  18. 粮食储备对保证粮食供应、解决粮食安全有着重要的意义。

    The grain storage is very important to food supplies and food security .

  19. 江门市国家粮食储备库码头工程设计总结

    Design of Jiangmen National Grain Reserve Storage Dock Engineering

  20. 对国家粮食储备制度的再认识

    Thoughts on the System of the State Grain Reserve

  21. 某国家粮食储备库屋面防水施工

    The roof waterproof construction of a national grain depot

  22. 某粮食储备库设计探讨

    Discussion on the design of Hejin provincial grain storage

  23. 扩充粮食储备将有助于缓解短缺。

    Larger food reserves will help to relieve shortages .

  24. 同时剖析了我国中央储备粮和地方储备粮为主体的粮食储备体系的特征和缺陷,进而提出健全我国粮食储备体系的对策建议。

    Suggestions have been made by dissecting the state and local grain reserve system .

  25. 而现在我们既缺乏粮食储备,又缺少种粮的农民。

    But now we don 't have inventories and we don 't have farmers .

  26. 让公众更多地了解关于粮食储备质量和数量的信息。

    Increase public access to information on the quality and quantity of grain stocks .

  27. 这部分中,还研究了粮食储备对粮食安全的保障作用。

    The paper studies the importance of state grain reserve to the food security .

  28. 建立和完善国家粮食储备体系,提高应急能力;

    To establish and improve our national grain storage system to deal with emergency ;

  29. 我们的粮食储备现在是低得可怜

    Our food supplies are now desperately low .

  30. 政府已经向人们保证拥有充足的粮食储备。

    The government has assured people that the country has sufficient stockpiles of food .