
  1. 确实管好粮食收购市场,搞活粮食销售市场,加强粮食市场监管。

    Do a good job of managing grain purchase markets , invigorating grain sales markets and tightening supervision over them .

  2. 放开粮食收购市场,实现了粮食购销市场化。

    Government control of grain purchasing was lifted , and the purchase and sale of grain are now market based .

  3. 全面放开粮食收购、粮食市场和粮食价格,是不以人们主观意志为转移的必然趋势。

    Thus having a free hand in food purchasing price , market and so on can not be avoided .

  4. 为此,应借鉴国外经验,继续深化粮食收购政策的市场化改革,从粮食价格形成机制、粮食收购渠道、农业生产资料限价、农业补贴等方面采取相应的措施。

    Therefore , should learn from foreign experience . This paper advise that our country should take measures from food price formation mechanism , grain purchasing channels , price of agricultural production , agricultural subsidies .

  5. 随着我国新一轮粮食流通体制改革的进一步深入推进,预计粮食收购和销售市场将在2004年内全面放开,广大粮食生产和经营者将不得不进一步面向市场;

    Along with the thorough advance in the newly round of grain circulation system reform , it is estimated that the purchase and distribution market of grain will be fully opened in 2004 , the grain producers and proprietors will face the market much more directly ;