
  • 网络Grain Logistics
  1. 福建省粮食物流网络建设的构想

    How to Construct Grain Logistics Network in Fujian Province

  2. 大连市粮食物流基地设计

    The Design of Dalian Grain Logistics Base

  3. GIS中的地理数据的抽象是一个关键问题,本文根据粮食物流配送的特点,将需求粮库与粮食配送中心抽象为图论理论中的网络图构建粮食物流配送网络拓扑结构。

    The key problem in GIS is the abstract of the geographical data . According to the feature of grain logistics distribution and the topology theory , required grain depots and grain distribution center are converted to the network topological graphs of grain logistics distribution .

  4. 文章对港口粮食物流的现状和工艺流程进行介绍,根据需求,提出了港口粮食筒仓监控系统的PLC软件设计方案,对解决大型港口粮食筒仓的自动化控制难题提供了有效途径。

    The the present situation of port and the food logistics process are analyzed in this article . According to demand , the paper puts forward the software design scheme of PLC , and then provides effective way to solve the automation control puzzle of large port grain silos .

  5. 应用系统方法对我国粮食物流的分析研究

    A Research on Grain Logistics in China with the Systematic Method

  6. 福建省粮食物流现状及策略思考

    The Current Situation and Strategy of Grain Logistics in Fujian Province

  7. 新时期粮食物流的宏观调控研究

    Researches on the Macro-control of Grain Logistics in the New Period

  8. 吉林省粮食物流发展策略及其第三方物流展望

    Jilin Province Grain Logistics Development Strategy And Its Third Party Logistics Prospects

  9. 降低粮食物流业经营成本的对策研究

    On the Countermeasures of reducing the operating cost of grain logistics industry

  10. 浅谈现代粮食物流的改革和电子商务的运用

    A Simple Discussion on Modern Grain Distribution and the Use of E-Business

  11. 基于系统动力学的粮食物流需求预测研究

    Study on Grain Logistics Demanding Forecast Based on System Dynamics

  12. 我国粮食物流:主要问题、国际借鉴与对策探究

    Grain Logistics in China : Its Problems , International Reference and Countermeasures

  13. 虚拟仓库在粮食物流市场运行体系中的作用

    The Role of Virtual Warehouse in the Grain Logistics Market Operation System

  14. 我国粮食物流体系建设中的问题与对策分析

    Analysis of Problem and Measures in Construction of Our Grain Logistics System

  15. 吉林省粮食物流现状分析

    Analysis of the actuality of food logistics in Jilin Province

  16. 基于可拓理论的粮食物流中心选址研究

    Research on Grain Logistics Center Location Based on Extension Theory

  17. 我国粮食物流体系建设探究

    On the construction of grain logistics system in China

  18. 我国智能化粮食物流系统现状及发展趋势

    The present situation and developing trend of china 's intellectualized grain logistic system

  19. 河北省粮食物流发展现状及对策研究

    Research on the Status and Countermeasure to the Grain Logistics in Hebei Province

  20. 基于智能优化的粮食物流中心选址评价体系

    Evaluation system for site selection of grain logistics center based on Intelligent Optimization

  21. 基于GPS/GPRS的粮食物流车载终端系统设计

    Design of Car-carried Terminal in Commissariat Logistics Based on GPS / GPRS Technology

  22. 粮食物流企业仓单质押风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Pledging by Warehouse Receipts in Grain Logistics Enterprise

  23. 对构建粮食物流供应链的思考

    The Thought of Building Supply Chain of Grain Logistics

  24. 浅析发展粮食物流业对老工业基地改造的作用

    The Influence of Food Logistics Industry on the Reform of Old Industry Bases

  25. 利用农产品期货市场促进粮食物流发展&基于粮食安全的视角

    Promoting Grain Logistics Development by Agricultural Futures Market : Based on Food Security Perspective

  26. 大型粮食物流工业园区供配电系统节能技术措施

    Energy-saving Measures for Power Supply and Distribution System in Large-scale Grain Distribution Industrial Park

  27. 锦州港现代粮食物流控制系统的设计与应用

    Jinzhou Port of Modern Grain Logistics Control System

  28. 重视和加强粮食物流的宏观调控是市场经济条件下实现粮食物流科学、合理运作的重要保证。

    Macro-control ensures scientific and reasonable operation of grain logistics under the market economy .

  29. 粮食物流发展回顾与展望

    Reflections and expectation on development of food logistics

  30. 推动粮食物流项目的发展。

    To promote grain logistics project development .