
  • 网络Grain transportation;foodstuff transportation
  1. 唐代河南的仓储体系与粮食运输

    Storage System and Foodstuff Transportation of Henan in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 设计应急指挥系统,规划车辆行驶路线,结合GPS技术动态监视粮食运输车辆的位置,并实现与车辆之间的通信,保证应急响应的及时有效性。

    Designing a emergency command system , planning the route of vehicles which carrying food , monitor the position of the vehicles by using the technology of GPS and realize the communication with the vehicles to ensure the response of the system is timely and effective . 3 .

  3. 秦国粮食运输政策探略

    A Probing into the Cereal Transport Policy of the Qin State

  4. 铁路粮食运输方式与运输装备的优化选择

    The Optimized Selection of Railway Transport Mode and Transport Equipment for Grain

  5. 依据经济水平建立的华中&华南粮食运输模型

    Models of domestic cereals flow between Middle China and southern China due to economic gradient

  6. 运输问题中一类不平衡模型的处理及求解我国产销区粮食运输存在的问题及对策

    The Solution and the Solving to A Category of Mathematic Model ; Problems and Countermeasures of Grain Supply in Production and Selling Area of China

  7. 粮食运输分收纳租粮运输、地区间粮食调节运输、军需与工程建设用粮运输;

    The cereal transport system included the taxation cereal transport , adjusting cereal transport among the different districts , and military supplies & project contructions cereal transport .

  8. 我国产销区粮食运输存在的问题及对策依据经济水平建立的华中&华南粮食运输模型

    Problems and Countermeasures of Grain Supply in Production and Selling Area of China MODELS OF DOMESTIC CEREALS FLOW BETWEEN MIDDLE CHINA AND SOUTHERN CHINA DUE TO ECONOMIC GRADIENT

  9. 所有证券您目前手中,如粮食运输和医学会消失在一个巨大的打击,因为我们的整个文明,溶解成虚无。

    All securities you presently have at hand such as food transportation and medicine will disappear in one big blow , as will our entire civilization , dissolved into nothingness .

  10. 粮食运输包装采用集装袋,其容量大,装卸快,比常规麻袋包装提高工效十几倍。

    Compared with using the conventional gunnysack as transportation package for grain , using flexible intermediate bulk container ( FIBC ) enhances work efficiency several times , whose cubage is big and can be loaded and unloaded quickly .

  11. 大型粮食仓储运输系统的计算机监控

    Computer monitoring and control design for large-scale grain storage / transportation system

  12. 粮食集装箱运输建设方案探讨

    Study on Construction Scheme for Grain Container Transportation

  13. 在市场经济形势下如何搞好粮食合理运输

    How to do well in the reasonable transportation of grain under the situation of market economy

  14. 总体来说,上海主要通过制定粮食调拨运输作价办法、加强对粮食调运的统一管理和领导、拓展粮食来源、加强与兄弟省份的协同作战等措施保证了上海的民食所需。

    Shanghai mainly developed food allocate transport , strengthen the unified management It should expand food sources , and strengthen fraternal provinces coordinated operations .

  15. 分析了我国铁路粮食散装运输发展缓慢的原因,提出了加快发展铁路粮食散装运输的一些看法。

    In this paper the reason that the domestic railway grain bulk transportation develops slowly is analysed and the views to speed up the development of the railway grain bulk transportation are presented .

  16. 本文介绍了国内外铁路粮食散装运输车辆及称重计量设备的发展概况,对国内外铁路粮食散运设备进行了比较;

    This article introduces the general situation of the development in the railway grain bulk transportation vehicles and the weighing equipments both at home and abroad and compares both domestic and foreign equipments for the railway grain bulk transportation .

  17. 调查报告指出,我国每年在粮食储存、运输及加工等餐桌外环节的粮食损失高达350亿公斤以上。

    The country also sees over 35 billion kg of grain loss at pre-consumption stages including storage , transportation and processing , the report added .

  18. 谈市场经济条件下铁路粮食不合理运输的原因及其解决对策

    On the reasons & coping strategy of unreasonable railway transportation of foodstuff under the market economy

  19. 这个问题就是饥饿它曾经不可避免,而如今则不是了,因为就全球粮食产量和运输网络来说,要养活所有人也已绰绰有余。

    The problem is hunger , once unavoidable but now truly unnecessary since global food production and transport links are more than adequate to nourish everyone alive .

  20. 粮食加工、运输过程中产生的粉尘不但对健康和环境造成巨大危害,也会损坏机械设备,更为重要的是粉尘爆炸成为粮食加工储运企业的安全隐患,危及着人类的生命和生产的安全。

    Grain dust harms to the health and environment , damages to facilities . Importantly , the explosion of grain dust is an incipient fault ; it endangers our lives and safety of production .

  21. 本文介绍了我国粮食作物集装箱化运输研究这一论题的背景和意义,目前的研究成果,全球粮食作物集装箱运输现状和发展趋势,我国粮食作物运输现状和存在的问题。

    This article describes the research background and significance of the containerization transport of crops , the current study results , the global grain situation and development trend of container transportation , as well as the status and problem of transportation for crops in China .

  22. 中部地区具有丰富的能源和矿产资源,是我国主要的粮食产区和交通运输枢纽,在全国政治、经济、文化和社会发展中具有十分重要的地位。

    The central region of China has abundant of energies and the mineral resources . This area is the main producing areas of grain and the key positions of the national transportation , which plays an important part in the national economic , political , cultural and social development .

  23. 国内粮食产销地的不平衡,导致了粮食运输运量大,运距长。

    The imbalance of the domestic grain production and marketing , results in a larger volume of grain transportation and a longer distance .

  24. 不仅废除了粮食出口特别许可证和肯尼迪政府的粮食运输限制,而且和苏联率先在农产品出口问题上达成协议。

    Not only abolished the special license of grain export and food transportation restriction formulated by Kennedy Administration , but also reached an agreement on agriculture export with the Soviet Union .

  25. 唐代粮食流通主要包括三部分内容:粮食储藏、粮食运输、粮食贸易。

    This chapter includes three sections . They are grain reserve , grain transportation , and grain transaction .

  26. 他们说,办法之一可能是在受援国就地购买和加工粮食,而不是把从遥远地区购买的粮食长途运输过来。

    They say one way is to develop means of purchasing and processing food in the countries that receive the aid , rather than have to transport it from far away places .

  27. 随着全球粮食生产趋向高品质和多元化,传统的以包粮和散粮流通为主的粮食运输方式已无法满足市场的需求。

    With the global food production tends to be of high quality and diversification , the traditional transportation mode , which is dominated by the grain and bulk grain circulation , has been unable to meet the needs of the market .