
ɡuó jì jì shù mào yì
  • international technology transfer transactions;international transfer of technology
  1. 我国加入WTO之后,在国际技术贸易领域必将迎来新的发展机遇,同时也会面临严峻挑战。

    After China joins the WTO , it will inevitably have new opportunities for development and at the same time encounter severe challenges in the international technical trading field .

  2. 国际技术贸易合同条款的风险及其防范

    Risk in International Technology Trade Contract Terms and its Prevention

  3. 我国国际技术贸易与企业技术创新的协整分析

    Cointegration Analysis between International Technology Trade and Enterprises Technological Innovation in China

  4. 论国际技术贸易中的知识产权限制

    The Limitation on Intellectual Property in International Trade of Technology

  5. 国际技术贸易中卖方成本模型的设计及运用

    Design and Application of Seller 's Cost Model in International Technological Trade

  6. 国际技术贸易管理法律制度探析

    A Discussion and Analysis of Administrative Law in the International Technological Trade Area

  7. 国际技术贸易的特点与趋势分析

    An Analysis of the Trend of International Technology Trade

  8. 中国国际技术贸易的问题及对策研究

    Problems in International Technology Trade and Countermeasure Researches

  9. 目前,国际技术贸易发展迅速,规模越来越大。

    At present , the international technique trade develops quickly , the scale is bigger and bigger .

  10. 国际技术贸易理论研究随着国际技术贸易的发展日益受到重视。

    With the development of international technology trade , the theoretical study on it has got recognition .

  11. 基于交易费用的国际技术贸易制度的演进研究

    The Research on Changes in the Institution of International Technology Trade on the Basis of Transaction Cost

  12. 发展中国家在国际技术贸易中的利益、成本和技术选择

    The Profits , Costs and Technology Option in International Trade of Technology : The Case in Developing Countries

  13. 近年来,国际技术贸易发展加速。

    During recent years , the advancement of knowledge economy has been accelerating the development of international trade on technology .

  14. 广东国际技术贸易电子商务应用的现状与对策

    The Conditions and Countermeasures for the International Technology Trade Of Guangdong Province in Terms of the Application of E-Commerce Trade

  15. 随着国际技术贸易的迅速增长,世界各国特别是发达国家对国际技术贸易政策的设计和操作工作非常重视。

    In according to the rapid growth of international technical trade , the international technical trade policies have drawn worldwide attention .

  16. 随着知识经济的发展,国际技术贸易规模越来越大。

    Along with the development of the knowledge-based economy , the scale of the international technique trade becomes bigger and bigger .

  17. 我国现有的限制性商业条款的立法远远不能满足迅速发展的国际技术贸易的需要。

    The present legislation of the restrictive clause in our country is far from satisfaction to the need of rapidly developing international technology trade .

  18. 实践已经证明,国际技术贸易是世界经济增长特别是国际贸易增长的主要推动力。

    It has been reported that the international technical trade is an important engine tO propel theworld 's economic growth , especially the international trade growth .

  19. 由于国际技术贸易与国际竞争,促使了知识产权保护国际化,促使了专利制度的发展。

    The international technical trade and international competition have resulted in promoting the internationalization of the protection for intellectual property and the development of patent system .

  20. 世界各发达国家均以垄断法为基础,制定了单独的法规指南,用于专门规制国际技术贸易中的限制性商业做法。

    Lots of developed countries established specialized regulation for restricting the business practice in international technology trade . All of this are based on the Monopoly Law .

  21. 20世纪60年代以来,国际技术贸易发展迅速,国家之间利益斗争有增无减,其中有关限制性条款的争执一直处于重要位置。

    The International technology trade has developed rapidly since 1960s and the battle of interests has become fiercer , of which the dissention on Restrictive Clauses is essential .

  22. 电子商务在近几年高速发展,但就广东国际技术贸易的现状来看,其电子商务化水平还停留在比较低的水平。

    E-commerce has been developing rapidly in recent years , but in view of the present situations of the international technological trade in Guangdong , it still remains at a low level .

  23. 技术进步和生产力的发展,使制度演进的需求和供给处于非均衡状态,进而推动了国际技术贸易制度的动态演进。

    It 's the development of technology and productivity that makes the demand and supply of the institutional change under the unbalanced condition and helps forward the dynamic institutional change of international technology trade .

  24. 中国国际技术贸易的发展相对滞后,有必要通过制度创新来降低交易费用,促进国际技术贸易的进一步发展。

    Concerning the practices of relatively sluggish development of China 's international technology trade , it 's necessary to reduce the transaction costs through the innovation of institutions so as to encourage the enhancement of international technology trade .

  25. 国际技术许可贸易中限制竞争行为的法律规制

    The Legal Rule Carried on the Limiting Competition Behaviors of the International Technical Permission Trade

  26. 国际技术许可贸易是以知识产权制度形成的技术垄断为前提的商业活动。

    International technical permission trade is a kind of commercial activities in the base of technical monopoly .

  27. 圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮是一种新型齿轮,1986年在布鲁塞尔第35届国际新技术贸易展览会上展出。

    Gear having arcuate tooth traces is a new type one . It was exhibited in the 35th international new technological trade exhibition .

  28. 当前,中药走向世界面临的一个重要障碍就是国际技术性贸易壁垒和绿色壁垒。

    Currently , the Chinese herbal medicine is confronting with an important obstacle to go outside is the international technical trade barrier and the green barrier .

  29. 并对建立新的专门规制国际技术许可贸易中限制竞争行为的法律体系提出设想,安排了具体的实现步骤,以期为我国在新的国际贸易环境中取得较为有利的地位尽微薄之力。

    And talks about posing scenario of establishing new special system to rule the limiting competition behaviors in the international technical permission , and arranging the concrete realizing steps so as to make our country to get a more favorable position in the present international environment .

  30. 技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)与当代国际贸易非法技术性贸易壁垒的危害性分析及对策研究

    Technical Barriers to Trade and the Present International Trade ; On Harm & Countermeasures of Illegal TBT