
  • 网络international money market;imm;international monetary market
  1. 正是由于弗里德曼的这篇论文,利奥•梅拉米德(LeoMelamed)才得以在1972年5月设立了芝加哥国际货币市场(ChicagoInternationalMoneyMarket)。

    With Friedman 's paper , Leo Melamed was able to open the Chicago International Money Market in May 1972 .

  2. 国际货币市场近来行情波动非常大。

    The international money market has gone bananas lately .

  3. 随着巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)开始了对中国的首次正式访问,人民币的命运再次成为国际货币市场的焦点。

    As Barack Obama undertakes his first official visit to China , the fate of the renminbi is again in the spotlight of the international currency market .

  4. 国际货币市场摇摆不定。

    The international money market be nervous .

  5. 您可能有所警觉,当前国际货币市场不太稳定。

    As you are probably aware , the international money market is not so stable nowadays .

  6. 外汇期货的创始者是美国芝加哥商品交易所的国际货币市场。

    The creator of foreign currency futures is the International Money Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange .

  7. 在布雷顿森林体制下,国际货币市场的交易基本上是为国际贸易服务的。

    Under the Bretton Woods System , the transactions in the international capital market were principally aimed to facilitate the international trade .

  8. 由于顾客可以用电子货币在网上买东西,电子货币将会以任何形式通过互联网进入国际货币市场。

    Since customers can use electronic cash to buy things on the Internet , electronic cash will transform the Internet into a global marketplace for everything .

  9. 人民币升值幅度过大和频率过快,还会引起国际货币市场的混乱,加剧货币市场的投机现象。

    Excessive appreciation of RMB or its frequent changes will also bring in confusion in the international currency markets , increasing speculation in the money market .

  10. 而市集贸易的进一步发展,国际货币市场的形成以及簿记技术的进步,促进了钱币兑换商经营职能和范围的扩大,并最终发展成为银行家。

    The development of the fair , the maturity of international monetary market and the progress of bookkeeping technique lead to the enlargement of money-changers ' business function and scope .

  11. 由于新的紧缩政策未能在希腊议会通过,引发国际货币市场对希腊债务危机的担忧,欧元大幅下跌。

    The euro has fallen sharply on the international money markets because of concern about the debt crisis in Greece , where fresh austerity measures have still not gone through parliament .

  12. 国际货币市场昨日再度受到重创,此际美国国会在批准布什政府7000亿美元金融救市方案上的不确定性加大,而市场也在担心修改后的提案能否恢复公众信心。

    Money markets seized up once more yesterday amid deepening uncertainty about whether Congress will approve the Bush administration 's $ 700bn financial rescue plan and whether revised proposals would succeed in restoring confidence .

  13. 国际货币在市场上轮流坐庄&20实际上半叶是美元,近十年来是欧元。

    Global currencies emerge sporadically & the dollar in the first half of the20th century , the euro over the past decade .

  14. 现在,让这个国家几乎未受监管的银行从国际批发货币市场借入他们国内生产总值10多倍的资金。

    Now allow this country 's banks – virtually unregulated – to borrow more than 10 times their country 's gross domestic product from the international wholesale money markets .

  15. 国际货币,软件市场是全球性的,您的采购并非总是在相同的货币。

    International Currency-The software market is global and your purchases aren 't always in the same currency .

  16. 欧洲市场是国际货币与资本市场,从事与欧洲货币的,欧洲货币即在货币发行国境外的欧洲(及地方)交易的货币。

    The Euromarkets are international money and capital markets , they are concerned with EurocurrencIEs , that is , currencIEs traded in Europe ( and elsewhere ) outside their home countries .

  17. 国际货币现货与期权市场联系研究

    Research on the Linkage between Spot Market and Future Market of International Currency

  18. 其次分析动荡的国际货币体系加剧新兴市场金融脆弱性的原因,并从国际政治经济学角度对美元霸权加剧国际货币体系的动荡性进行了分析。

    Secondly , how the turbulent international monetary system intensifies financial fragility in emerging markets is discussed .

  19. 当前,国际财务报告的趋同化已成为国际资本市场和货币市场的现实需求,是正在实现的近期目标;

    Now , to bring about convergence of international financial reports can be considered as a realizing recent target .

  20. 国际银团贷款兴起于20世纪60年代,经过几十年的发展,已经成为当今国际货币市场较为通行的中长期融资方式。

    International syndicated loan , which emerged in the 1960s , has become one of the major long and medium-term financing methods in the international currency market after decades of development .