
ɡuó jì shōu zhī pínɡ hénɡ
  • equilibrium of balance of payments
  1. 我国宏观经济政策措施对国际收支平衡的影响分析

    Analysis of Macroeconomic Policy 's Impact on the Equilibrium of Balance of Payments in China

  2. 不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应。

    Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President 's nemesis .

  3. IMF与WTO法律关系之研究&以国际收支平衡为视角

    The Relation Between IMF and WTO Law & The Balance of International Income and Pay as Viewpoint

  4. 本文旨在研究外商直接投资(FDI)对中国国际收支平衡产生的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of FDI on China 's balance of international payments .

  5. 印度国际收支平衡案专家组将与IMF磋商看作可以自由裁量的内容值得商榷。

    It is open to discussion that Indian experts consider the negotiation with IMF free to interpret .

  6. 国际收支平衡是IMF与WTO法律关系的联结点,二者关系的密切性决定其合作的必要性。

    The balance of international income and pay is the joint of IMF and WTO law . The close relation decides the necessity of their cooperation .

  7. 中国国际收支平衡表中净误差与遗漏项目一直处于非正常状况,而近几年又由很高的负值转为很高的正值,对其分析和研究已成必然。NET实现Web服务的方式。

    The net errors and omissions item in China 's balance of payments statement is in an abnormal state all along and has turned into high plus from minus in recent years , so it is necessary to research in this field .

  8. 鉴于imf的创立宗旨是处理国际收支平衡问题,在充满不确定因素的时期增强其火力,是一个合乎逻辑的步骤。

    As the IMF was set up with the aim of dealing with balance of payments problems , increasing its firepower at a time of uncertainty would be a logical step .

  9. 巨灾对受灾国家的就业、债务、国际收支平衡、汇率等宏观经济指标造成巨大的负面影响,这种负面影响集中体现在受灾国家的GDP下降。

    Catastrophes have huge negative impacts on a country 's employment , debts , balance-of payments and exchange rate , etc , and the negative impacts can be seen as loss in terms of GDP change .

  10. 该机构预计,由于油价下跌,明年俄罗斯的经常账户赤字将占到其国内生产总值(gdp)的2.6%,给国际收支平衡带来进一步的压力。

    The agency expects Russia to run a current account deficit next year of 2.6 per cent of gross domestic product due to the oil price fall , putting further pressure on the balance of payments .

  11. 由于外汇措施和贸易措施具有交叉性质,IMF与WTO在实践中形成了以技术方法来确定IMF在国际收支平衡问题上管辖权的传统。

    Due to the intersection character of measures concerning foreign currency and trade , IMF and WTO have formed in practice the tradition that jurisdiction of IMF in international balanced budget is determined with technical methods .

  12. 利用WTO贸易政策审议机制对一缔约方国际收支平衡提前作出指导和评估。IMF加强自身改革,以适应全球贸易自由化的发展趋势。

    It is proposed to use WTO inspecting mechanism to direct and evaluate the promise of one party 's balance of international income and pay , to strengthen IMF reform to adapt the developing tendency of the global business freedom .

  13. 其中,GNP较快增长和国际收支平衡是基本的因素,政府的积极干预则是最直接的力量。

    Of the factors , the GNP increase and the balance of international income and outgo are basic ones , while the government 's active intervention is the direct force .

  14. 在外汇问题上,WTO必须向IMF磋商,IMF对于国际收支平衡例外的磋商具有评估的性质,而对于外汇措施是否符合IMF协定所做出的决定则构成法律裁决。

    As to foreign currency , WTO must negotiate with IMF and the negotiation of IMF with the exception of international balanced budget is evaluation while the decision concerning whether measures of foreign currency conform to the agreement of IMF serves as legal verdict .

  15. 对国际收支平衡模式的思考

    Some Reflections on the Pattern of Balance of International Payment

  16. 国际收支平衡表中的数据有许多用途。

    Balance of payments data are useful in a number of ways .

  17. 基于国际收支平衡的汇率机制模型

    Model of Exchange Rate Mechanism Based on the Balance of International Payments

  18. 从经济政策方面看,充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长、国际收支平衡是其主要目标。

    Unemployment treatment is a main target of economic policy .

  19. 保持适度的经济增长是保持国际收支平衡或顺差的关键点之一。

    It is important to keep moderate economic growth rate .

  20. 国际收支平衡表摘要记录所有的经济交易。

    The balance of payments is a summary of all economic transactions .

  21. 石油美元对全球国际收支平衡的影响

    How Does Oil Dollar Influence the Global Balance of Payments

  22. 国际收支平衡表的这一定义是相当明确的。

    This definition of the balance of payments account is straightforward enough .

  23. 中国国际收支平衡表历年对比分析(1982-2007年)

    The Contrastive Analysis on China 's International Balance of Payment ( 1982-2007 )

  24. 为了深入探讨这个问题,本文首先运用国际收支平衡表和国际资本流动的基本理论,对我国的国际收支及国际资本流动的状况进行了分析;

    International capital movement has affected the balance of payments of China profoundly .

  25. 充分认识改善当前我国国际收支平衡的重要性和紧迫性

    Fully Understanding the Importance and Urgency of Improving China 's International Balance of Payment

  26. 解读2005年中国国际收支平衡表

    Tables 11 . To Explain the Chinese Balance Form of International Payments in 2005

  27. 这是国际收支平衡的必然结果。

    This is an automatic consequence of the way the balance of payments works .

  28. 什么是国际收支平衡?

    What is a balance of international payment ?

  29. 国际收支平衡的调节机制与政策效应分析

    An Analysis on Adjustments and Policy Effects on the Balance of International Income and Expenses

  30. 在国际收支平衡表中我们如何将这些交易归类?

    How do we group the international transactions in the balance of international payments statements ?