
ɡuó jiā fēnɡ xiǎn
  • country risk
  1. 国家风险(Countryrisk)是跨国投资者在从事国际投资活动过程中,因东道国政治、法律或经济政策的变化而遭受经济损失的可能性。

    Country risk is possibility because of the change of politics 、, law or economic policy , which cross-border investors will suffer frequently in the process of MA in other countries .

  2. 因此,国家风险在特定情况下出现了对我国企业OFDI的推动作用,这与传统的观点相悖。

    Therefore , the country risk have been greatly pushed Chinese OFDI in certain circumstances which contradicts the traditional view .

  3. 美国国家风险投资协会(nationalventurecapitalassociation)发现,进入生物技术公司的风险资本比其它类型的公司更多。

    The National Venture Capital Association found that more venture capital went into biotech companies than into other categories .

  4. 美国国家风险投资协会(NationalVentureCapitalAssociation)数据显示,2012年以来,美国风险资本公司已在硅谷投资了约700亿美元,在全美为1600亿美元。

    Since 2012 , American venture capital companies have invested around $ 70bn in Silicon Valley and $ 160bn overall , according to the National Venture Capital Association . Last year , several billion of this went to New York .

  5. 与此相对应的是,对东欧国家风险敞口最大的西方国家是奥地利,其对东欧贷款占该国国内生产总值(GDP)的75%,紧随其后的是瑞典(30%)和希腊(19%)。

    Proportionately , the most exposed western nation is Austria , with east European loans of 75 per cent of gross domestic product , followed by Sweden ( 30 per cent ) and Greece ( 19 per cent ) .

  6. 也有潜在的不利因素:除了国家风险以外,该业务主要依靠预付费、服务较为初级(2g)而且竞争激烈(传言称将有第四家公司获得移动牌照)。

    There are potential downsides too : country risk aside , the business is largely pre-paid , basic ( 2G ) and competitive ( with talk of a fourth mobile licence being granted ) .

  7. 本文最后利用Black-Scholes期权定价模型计算出国家风险费率作为出口信用保险机构评价国家经济风险的一个重要参考指标,并对我国及智利在不同担保水平下的国家风险费率水平进行了对比分析。

    Finally the article makes use of Black-Scholes option pricing model to calculate the overall country risk index , and then analyzes the country risk level of China and Chile under different guarantee levels .

  8. 因而复杂得多的跨国并购,在考虑它们的系统风险的同时,不能忽略国家风险以及由于文化等因素导致的风险,于是CAPM就成了的一个评估这些风险的有用工具。

    To the much complex transnational M & As , other risks , such as state risk and cultural risk should also not be neglected as well as systematical risk , and CAPM is just such kind of valuable tool .

  9. 通过对文献的研究和问卷,使用风险识别技术国际EPC电站工程中比较关键的国家风险、环境风险、商务风险、设计风险、实施风险等关键风险因素,对这些风险因素进行分析。

    Based on the literature study and questionnaire , I use some risk identification technique find the key risk factors , that is country risk , environment risk , business risk , design risk , implementing the risk , and other key risk factors , and give some analysis .

  10. 根据第四部分的案例数据分析和第五部分的数量分析,有针对性地从政府层面和企业层面对我国OFDI应对东道国的国家风险提出对策建议。

    According to the quantitative analysis of case in the fourth part and data analysis in the fifth part , this part puts forward policy recommendations in a targeted manner from the government level and enterprise level to Chinese enterprises to cope with the country risk from the host country .

  11. 跨国借贷和跨国投资的特点之一在于国家风险。

    Cross-border loans and cross-border investments are characterized by country risk .

  12. 国家风险与跨国并购目标企业价值分析

    Country Risk and the Transnational Merger and Acquisition Value Analysis

  13. 国家风险和主权风险是一对密切相关但又互不相同的概念。

    Country risk and sovereignty risk are two related closely but different conceptions .

  14. 走出去企业如何应对国家风险

    Going abroad : how to deal with sovereign risk

  15. 跨国投资国家风险的计算机辅助决策评价系统

    Evaluation System of National Risk for Transnational Investment Projects

  16. 跨国信贷业务中的国家风险评估

    Assessment of Country Risk in Cross-border Loan Businesses

  17. 在那些工作机会下降变得温和的国家风险也很巨大。

    The risk is greatest in countries where job cuts have so far been modest .

  18. 国家风险与重新安排债务的概率&亚洲5国的实证研究

    Country Risks and Possibility of Debt Rearrangement : the Experimental Analysis of 5 Asian Countries

  19. 中国商业银行跨国经营中的国家风险分析及控制

    An Analysis on Country Risk of Multinational Operation of China 's Commercial Bank and Risk Control

  20. 国家风险与主权评级:全球资本市场的评估与准入

    Country Risks and Grade Sovereignty

  21. 国家风险一个国家不能履行财务承诺的风险。

    Country risk the risk that a country will not be able to honor its financial commitments .

  22. 国家风险理论研究的缺乏导致在实践操作和防范上存在诸多困惑。

    The lack of research on the theory of Country risk results in more and more difficulties in practice .

  23. 模型二在国家风险、文化差异和语言差别这些不确定性因素下考察了外商直接投资进入模式选择。

    Model II examined FDI entry mode option under uncertainties of country risk , cultural distance and language diversity .

  24. 论文在研究中还注重对世界主要国家风险资本的运作方式进行对比分析和讨论,以便能探索出存在于其中的问题的核心关键。

    Moreover , the paper lays stress on the study on different operation forms between main countries in the world .

  25. 本文首先对出口信用保险进行简介,随后重点讨论了出口信用保险中的国家风险评价问题。

    This paper puts emphasis on discussing the issue of country risk assessment in the field of export credit insurance .

  26. 欲改变这一现状,就必须从源头上准确界定国家风险及其性质。

    In order to deal with these problems , we must generalize the concept of Country risk and its characters .

  27. 其次,本章论述了国家风险的主要类型,包括主权风险、政治风险、法律风险;

    Secondly , we discuss the primary kinds of country risk , namely sovereignty risk 、 political risk and law risk .

  28. 然后介绍国际著名的国家风险评估机构关于朝鲜的国家风险报告以及对朝鲜的风险评级情况。通过这些介绍使拟投资者对朝鲜的基本状况及风险情况有大致的了解。

    And then I will present the National Risks Report and Risk-Rating Situation of North Korea made by the well-known risk evaluation organization .

  29. 辛恩认为,欧元区资本市场一体化,以及认为外围国家风险已消失的错误观点,促使各国利率水平趋同。

    Integration of the eurozone capital market and the mistaken view that risk had disappeared in the periphery drove convergence in interest rates .

  30. 文中对无风险利率的选取、国家风险补偿及资产风险溢价的计算提出了见解。

    Also , we discuss the methods to calculate thenon - risk interest rate , the sovereign risk premium and the equity risk premium .