
ɡuó jì jīn rónɡ
  • international finance
  1. 让我们看看世界银行(WorldBank)和国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)发布的年度《全球营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness)显示出的证据吧。

    Consider the evidence from the annual ' Doing Business ' reports from the World Bank and International Finance Corporation .

  2. 在WTO要求下,国际金融自由化、全球化的发展趋势成为必然。

    According to WTO , making the international finance liberate and global has become necessary .

  3. 这一事件在国际金融市场上引起了连锁反应。

    It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets .

  4. 如何在后国际金融危机时期谋求新的增长动力?如何解决互联互通建设面临的融资瓶颈?我们应该深入推进区域经济一体化,打造有利于长远发展的开放格局。

    We should strive for deeper regional economic integration , and create an open structure that is beneficial for long-term development .

  5. 亚洲与世界其他地区共克时艰,合作应对国际金融危机,成为拉动世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎,近年来对世界经济增长的贡献率已超过50%,给世界带来了信心。

    Working side by side with the rest of the world in time of difficulty to tackle the international financial crisis , Asia has emerged as an important engine driving world economic recovery and growth . In recent years , Asia has contributed to over 50 percent of global growth , instilling much needed confidence in the world .

  6. 论IMF和worldbank在国际金融一体化中的作用

    The Role of IMF and World Bank in International Financial Integration

  7. 国际金融研究所(TheInstituteofInternationalFinance),这是一个银行家团体,它预计新兴经济体的资本流要比2007年低80%。

    The Institute of International Finance , a bankers ' group , expects capital flows to emerging economies to be80 % lower than in2007 .

  8. VaR作为一种市场风险测量和管理的新工具,得到了国际金融界的广泛认可。

    VaR is a globally accepted tool for measuring and managing the market risks .

  9. 中国南车的首次公开发行由麦格理(Macquarie)和中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)担任保荐人。麦格理和中金公司昨日均拒绝置评。

    China Southern Railway 's IPO is being arranged by Macquarie and China International Capital Corp. Macquarie and CICC declined to comment yesterday .

  10. C用国际金融界广泛采用的VAR量化,选择V最大的为投资对象。

    C is quantified by VAR which is common used in international finance field . And select v as the investing object .

  11. 由多家银行与金融机构组成的全球性协会国际金融协会(instituteofinternationalfinance)指责欧洲领导人未能控制这场危机的影响。

    The Institute of international finance , a global association of banks and finance houses , attacked European leaders for failing to grasp the impact of the crisis .

  12. imf股东目前正在讨论其治理方面的改革,并授权加强其在国际金融体系中的作用。

    IMF shareholders are currently discussing the reform of its governance and mandate to strengthen its role in the international financial system .

  13. 我国加入WTO后,作为一个特殊行业,我国金融业将面临国际金融行业的巨大冲击,金融体制改革进一步深化迫在眉睫。

    After the entry of WTO , as a special industry , financial circle of our country is confronting an intense attack from international financial industry , thus urging deeper reform of its system .

  14. 七年前,一家名叫泰山石化(TitanPetrochemical)的中国上市能源公司把位于香港国际金融中心的办公室租了出去。

    Seven years ago , a listed Chinese energy company called Titan Petrochemical leased out Hong Kong office space in the landmark two international finance centre .

  15. 然而,IPO定价一直是国际金融界公认的最具迷惑性的难题之一,由于定价不合理的IPO抑价等问题经常出现。

    Nevertheless , IPO pricing is always regarded as one of the most confused puzzles in finance across the world . Problems such as IPO underpricing come up from time to time .

  16. 加入WTO后,外资金融机构的进入与国际金融资本的流入,丰富了我国金融服务工具和品种,提高了金融服务水平,同时有利于我国金融业整体管理水平提升和从业人员素质提高。

    After joining the WTO , foreign financial institutions and international financial capital will enrich our ' country 's financial service tools and species , enhance the standard of financial service and benefit the whole management level and faculties ability .

  17. 指出我国加入WTO后,面对国际金融业混业经营的世界趋势,发展商业银行混业经营是金融业应对挑战的必然选择,而实现这一目标的现实途径和理性选择是发展金融控股公司。

    After joined WTO , facing the trend of the joint management , to developing the joint management of the commercial bank is the necessary choice to cope with the challenge , while the transition way is to develop the banking holding companies .

  18. 新加坡国际金融交易所(Simex)的保护机制

    The Singapore International Monetary Exchange ( Simex ) Protection System

  19. BOT项目融资作为国际金融的一个重要分支,近三十年来己经发展成为一种为大型工程项目的建设开发筹集资金的卓有成效并且日趋成熟的手段。

    BOT project financing takes the international finance an important branch , near for 30 year oneself after develop into one kind for the big-scale work project construction development raising fund fruitful , and day by day mature method .

  20. 在IMF贷款问题上,主张取消IMF的长期贷款业务,不主张扩大国际金融危机救助规模,是目前美国的主流观点。

    As to the problem of IMF loans , through the analysis in this paper , it can be seen that canceling long-term loans and not expanding the aiding scale of international finance crises are the present mainstream point of view in America .

  21. 论国际金融服务外包及中国的应对策略

    Discuss the International Financial Service Outsourcing and China 's Corresponding Strategies

  22. 国际金融市场金融控股公司法律问题研究

    Legal Research on Financial Holding Companies in the International Financial Market

  23. 国际金融一体化的含义、结构及其内容探析

    Study on International Financial Integration : Definition , Structure and Contents

  24. 国际金融危机传递机制初探

    The primary approach to the transfer mechnism in international financial crisis

  25. 目前,国际金融局势仍然动荡不安。

    At present , the international financial situation remains unrest .

  26. 马克、欧元与国际金融体系

    The D-Mark , Euro and International Financial and Monetary System

  27. 国际金融危机的根源、影响及中国的对策

    The International Finance Crisis : Causes , Effect and China 's Strategies

  28. 当前,金融控股公司已经成为国际金融业发展的主要趋势。

    Recently financial holding company has become main trend of international finance .

  29. 国际金融监管新理念和新趋势

    The New Opinions and Trends of the International Financial Supervision

  30. 当前国际金融危机的成因、性质和趋势

    On the Origin , Nature and Tendency of Current International Financial Crisis