
  • 网络International Monopoly Alliance;international monopoly combines;internationalmonopolycombines
  1. 国际垄断同盟与地区经济一体化&从欧共体的产生、发展看世界经济发展的必然趋势

    International Monopoly Alliance and Unitization for area Economy

  2. 近代史上世界市场的形成和发展是自由竞争资本主义时代资本扩张的初步表现;国际垄断同盟划分世界市场和势力范围是私人垄断资本主义时代资本扩张的进一步表现;

    The formation and its development of the world market are the preliminary expression of capital expansion in the capitalist times , and the alliance of international monopoly dividing world market and influence sphere is the further development of capital expansion of private monopoly capitalism .