
  • 网络International Financial Innovation
  1. 国际金融创新是国际金融业发展的巨大推动力,因而,研究国际金融创新对推动我国金融企业改革有着十分重要的意义。

    International financial innovation is a great motive force of developing international financial industry .

  2. 住房抵押贷款证券是国际金融创新浪潮的产物,也是增强我国银行资产流动性、化解金融风险的重要工具。

    Mortgage-backed Securities ( MBS ) is the product of international financial innovation and the tool to enhance the liquidity of our banks ' assets and decrease finance risks .

  3. 国际金融创新与通货膨胀的威胁

    On the Innovations of International Finance and the Threat of Inflation

  4. 金融全球化激发了全方位的国际金融创新。金融创新的影响非常广泛,主要表现在促进了国际金融企业自身的不断完善和发展。金融创新促进了金融产业的发展。

    Financial globalization is launching a widespread movement of international financial innovation .

  5. 本文就国际金融创新的成因及其经济影响作一些探讨。

    This article will discuss international finance innovation 's reason and economic influence .

  6. 试论国际金融创新及其经济影响

    International Finance Innovations and Economic Influence

  7. 本文创新点在于:一是在国际金融创新、跨国金融以及金融全球化的大背景下,说明了我国银行监管与国际接轨的走向。

    The article is a little bit creative to consist in : firstly , in the background of the international finance creation , multinational finance and financial globalization , it explains the trend of connections between ours and international bank monitoring .

  8. 首先,明确国际金融监管创新。

    Firstly , definition international finance supervising and managing innovation .

  9. 期权是二十世纪国际金融市场创新实践的一个成功典范,同时也给财务金融学理论的发展注入了勃勃生机。

    " Option " is considered to be a successful example of pioneering practice in international finance market of the 20th Century . At the same time , it inserts the development of financial and banking theory with vigor and vitality .

  10. 外汇期权是20世纪国际金融市场创新实践的一个成功典范,由于其自身的特殊性,在给会计理论带来巨大冲击的同时,也给会计理论的发展注入了勃勃生机。

    Derivative is a successful example of innovation in international financial markets in the 20th . Because of its specific characteristics , foreign currency option makes a violent impact on accounting theory and brings vitality for the development of accounting theory .

  11. 区域货币一体化作为国际金融制度创新的一个重要内容,最为重要的价值之一是从货币层面上重新揭示市场与制度的一般规律,以一种市场一种货币代替了一个国家一种货币。

    As an important component of the international financial system regional monetary integration , One of its most important values , is restating the general rules of market and system from the monetary , a market with a single currency instead of a national currency .

  12. 其次,国际金融监管体制创新的理论解释。

    Secondly , international finance supervising and managing system innovation theory explanation .

  13. 国际贸易和金融创新为这座城市带来了经济财富。

    The city 's economicfortunes were born of its embrace of international trade and of financialinnovation .

  14. 国际金融公司通过创新项目和不断扩大的业务,开拓更广的投资领域。

    The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) is working through its innovative projects and growing portfolio to expand the frontier of investment opportunities .

  15. 论近期国际金融市场的金融创新

    On Recent Financial Innovations in International Financial Market

  16. 与此同时,国际范围内的金融创新活动风起云涌,金融衍生品的应用使得市场之间的联系变得越来越紧密。

    At the same time , the international scope of activities in financial innovation kept surging , financial derivatives application made the link between the markets becoming more and more closely .

  17. 就目前我国房地产市场融资情况来看,借鉴国际经验,加快金融创新,引入房地产投资信托基金,对解决资金短缺、促进我国房地产业发展具有积极意义。

    According to the international experience , through speeding up financial innovation and promoting development of the real estate enterprises , we can solve the problem of shortage of funds by introducing Real Estate Investment Trusts .

  18. 首先,从国际视角对金融产品创新理论进行系统的整理和研究,总结各时期代表理论的核心原理及现实环境中的相关论证和具体金融产品。

    First , the writer got the systemic research and settlement of the financial product s ' innovation theories , summarized the key principle of representative theory for every periods , found out the corresponding financial product .

  19. 福费廷业务是国际金融业务品种不断创新的产物,是银行以无追索权方式买断出口商远期票据、为其提供贸易融资的行为。

    Forfaiting business is the outcome of the new ideas from the international financial business , it is the ac - tion that the bank bought all the long-term bills from the export trade in a untraced way and provided trade financing .

  20. 世行执董会对国际复兴开发银行和国际金融公司就创新型产品开展的合作表示称赞

    Board praises IBRD-IFC cooperation on innovative product

  21. 金融衍生工具的发展是20世纪80年代以来国际金融业的主旋律,金融衍生工具的创造和交易是国际金融创新的主要内容。

    Since 1980s , financial derivatives have been widely developed in international finance . The creation and transaction of financial derivatives have been the main part of the international financial innovations .