
  • 网络International Financial Risk
  1. 风险价值(简称VaR)是目前国际金融风险管理领域广泛使用的工具,也是度量金融风险的一种新的技术标准。

    VaR is a widely-applied tool in the international financial risk management area , and it is also a new technical standard for measuring financial risk .

  2. 从它的作用和行为方式等方面来分析与国际金融风险的内在联系。

    The internal ties of the international financial risk are analyzed from its roles and behavior style .

  3. 庞大的外汇储备,表明我国经济地位的提高,抵御国际金融风险实力的增强。

    A huge foreign exchange reserve indicates the rising of China 's economy status and enhanced strength in withstanding international risks .

  4. 伴随着金融自由化、经济全球化进程,国际金融风险急剧放大,金融危机频繁发生。

    The international financial risk is rapid ampliative and financial crisis is frequent , accompanied by financial liberalization and economic globalization .

  5. 同时金融安全也受到金融国际化背景下国际金融风险传导的威胁。

    At the same time the financial security receives the threat conducted by international financial risks under the internationalized background of the finance too .

  6. 开展黄金市场、提高黄金投资需求,是应对国际金融风险显现和美元升值的重要举措。

    The development of golden market , improve the investment demand is coping with gold , international financial risk and the falling dollar appeared important measures .

  7. 外汇储备是一国经济实力的重要体现,也是抵御国际金融风险的重要物质保证,外汇储备问题是国际金融研究领域中的重要问题。

    The foreign exchange reserve ( FER ) is the material guarantee of resistance international financial risk , and of vital importance in the area of international financial research .

  8. 跨国公司转移定价是为了优化资金配置、规避税负、规避东道国的各种管制、规避国际金融风险以及争夺、控制市场。

    Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation , to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks , and to seize and control market .

  9. 最后,本文基于国际金融风险监管理论及国内农村金融风险监管方面的研究,提出了一个包含风险防范机制、风险预警机制及风险救援机制的风险控制框架。

    At last , we put forward a regulatory framework including a risk-prevention mechanism , risk-warning mechanism and risk-control mechanism , based on the theory of financial risk supervision and the research on the risks of rural finance in China .

  10. 具体表现在对外开放中抵御国际金融风险的水平较低,对外贸易的国际竞争力不高,对内开放与对外开放不协调等方面。

    Specific performances are lower level of risk in defense of the international financial in the opening to the outside world , foreign trade and international competitiveness is low , lack of co-ordination with the opening to the outside world and so on .

  11. VaR方法是目前国际上金融风险计量和管理中最有效的方法之一。

    VaR is one of the most effective tool on the financial risk measurement and management .

  12. 国际金融系统风险的放大与传导:对冲基金在金融风暴中的作用

    Amplification and Conduction of Global Financial Risk : Role of Hedge Funds in Financial Storm

  13. 国际金融业风险管理发展的新趋势:综合风险管理

    An New Trend to the Development of Crisis Control in International Finance Business : the Comprehensive Management

  14. 在国际金融市场风险突变的今天,巨额的外汇储备也意味着承担着巨大的风险。

    In the crisis-ridden international financial market , massive foreign exchange reserve also means that the risk undertook is immense .

  15. 针对分析的结果提出国际金融租赁风险控制的建议。

    Based on the results of the analysis , proposed the suggestions for the risk control in international financial leasing .

  16. 美国次级抵押贷款危机影响蔓延,美元持续贬值,国际金融市场风险增大;

    S.sub-prime mortgage crisis is expanding , the value of the dollar is continuing to fall , and there is greater risk in international financial markets .

  17. 第五章:完善内地商业银行国际金融租赁风险控制对策建议。

    Using the ICBC Financial Leasing Company to analyze . Chapter ⅴ: The suggestions for improving the risk control in international financial leasing of Mainland commercial banks .

  18. 最后运用信息不对称、规模经济、范围经济及信用脆弱性等理论对金融租赁的风险进行机理分析。第四章:内地商业银行国际金融租赁风险控制及实证研究。

    Finally , using the information asymmetry theory , the economies of scope and scale theory , the vulnerability of credit theory to explain the risk of financial leasing . Chapter ⅳ: The risk control in international financial leasing of Mainland commercial banks and empirical study .

  19. 不过,G20将抓紧创建两套不同的具有系统重要性的银行名单。第一个包括20家左右若倒闭会对国际金融体系构成风险的全球银行。

    Nonetheless , the G20 will press ahead with the creation of two separate systemic bank lists , the first with an estimated 20 global banks whose failure would pose a risk to the international financial system .

  20. 关注国际形势防范金融风险提高保险资产管理水平

    Paying Attention to International Situations , Guarding against Financial Risks , and Improving Asset Management Level

  21. 另外,对跨国银行进行监管还有其自身的特殊原因,即跨国银行的国际化经营使其面临更为复杂的风险,而且加大了国际金融体系的风险。

    Furthermore , the realistic background for the supervision of multinational banks is its internationalized operations accompanied by more sophisticated risks .

  22. 国际金融市场的风险可能会以一种超常倍数的破坏力量扩散到全球。

    Risks in the international financial market may spread and disseminate swiftly around the globe with a multiplying power of destruction .

  23. 国际金融业的风险不仅是信用风险,还有利率风险、通货膨帐风险、通货紧缩的风险、汇率风险、金融衍生工具风险、政治风险等。

    The risks that international finance faces are credit risk , interest risk , currency deflation risk , currency inflation risk , exchange rate risk , financial derivatives risk and politics risk .

  24. 传统的存贷款政策、落后的金融市场、利息损益调整的被动局面以及在国际金融业务中风险意识淡薄等原因,严重影响我国商业银行的经营效益,同时也带来巨大的经营风险。

    The operational effectiveness of our commercial bank is influenced by the traditional deposit policy , outmoded financial market , fluctuation of the interest regulation and the weak risk consciousness of the international financial business , and the operational risk is coming along with it .

  25. 国际金融兼并动因、风险及启示

    Causes , risks and implications of acquisition of international finance

  26. 国际金融危机下中国风险投资的新变化

    Changes of Chinese Venture Capital under Financial Crisis

  27. 地方政府国际金融组织贷款债务风险与管理研究

    Research on Debt Risk and Management of International Financial Organization Loan by Local Government

  28. 近年来,随着经济全球化与一体化进程的不断加快,国际竞争与全球金融风险也日益加剧。

    Recently , with the accelerating process of economic globalization and integration , international competition and global financial risks are increasing .

  29. 21世纪,经济国际化和全球一体化程度不断加深,国际竞争和全球金融风险也日益加剧。

    In the 21st century , with the acceleration of economic globalization and global integration , international competition and global financial risks is growing .

  30. 因此,从短期经济与政策态势以及从长期经济与金融战略角度看,国际金融市场应加强风险防范并不可掉以轻心。

    Therefore , seen from short-term economy , policy situation and from the long-term economy and financial strategy , the international financial market should be enhanced the risk prevention .