
ɡuó jì shōu zhī nì chā
  • Balance of payments deficit;international payments deficit;unfavorable balance of payments
  1. 英国的国际收支逆差已略有改善。

    Britain 's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly .

  2. 美国的国际收支逆差使这些因素没有得到关注。

    The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus

  3. 约翰逊政府调节国际收支逆差的货币金融政策国际货币基金组织年会

    Johnson Administration 's Monetary and Financial Policies on Controlling International Payment Deficit

  4. 比如说,美国的国际收支逆差。

    Granted the balance of payments deficit of the usa , for example .

  5. 轻而易举得来的钱财来自导致巨额资金流入国际收支逆差国家的全球宏观经济的失衡。

    Easy money came from global macroeconomic imbalances that generated enormous capital inflows into deficit countries .

  6. 印度的国际收支逆差急剧增加。

    You see there has been a sharp increase in Indian 's balance of payment deficit .

  7. 黄金储备也不再作为支付手段来平衡进口贸易和国际收支逆差。

    Gold reserve was not as a medium of payment to balance the international payment deficit .

  8. 外汇储备对于弥补国际收支逆差,稳定本国汇率以及防范经济金融危机等都具有重要的作用。

    Foreign exchange reserves play an important role in easing balance of payment deficit , stabilizing national exchange rate and preventing economic & financial crisis .

  9. 我国服务贸易的发展现状是服务贸易国际收支逆差变动较大,且逆差有不断加大的趋势;

    The present situation of service trade development in China is that passive balance of payment has changed greatly , and passive balance of payment tends to broaden .

  10. 当一个国家遭受严重的国际收支逆差时,是不可能如同经历顺差时那样大量地进口的。

    If a country is experiencing a serious balance of payments deficit , it is not likely to import as much as it would if it were running a surplus .

  11. 在重商主义时期,是用黄金来弥补这个这个差额,但是现在是通过持有国际收支逆差国的现金和用该国货币的投资来弥补这个差额。

    In the mercantilist period , the difference was made up by a transfer of gold , but today it is made up by holding the deficit country 's currency or investments denominated in that currency .

  12. 过去20年,我们的国际收支逆差已扩大到国内生产总值的6%,将我们的货币置于险境,因为我们的低储蓄率要求我们通过从国外借款来弥补差额。

    During the past 20 years our balance of payments deficit has expanded to 6 per cent of our gross domestic product , putting our currency in peril because our low savings rate requires us to finance our deficits with borrowing from abroad .

  13. 模型分析显示:投资性资本管制放松会增大国际收支逆差和国内商品市场超额供给的矫正难度,投机性资本管制放松会增大外部失衡的矫正难度;

    Model analysis shows that relaxation of the control of investment capital will increase the unfavorable balance of international payments and the correcting difficulty of the excess commodity supply in the market at home ; relaxation of speculative capital control will increase the correcting difficulty for outer unbalance ;

  14. 国际收支的逆差必须进行融通资金。

    Deficits on the balance of payments have to be financed .

  15. 黄金外流可以暂时填补国际收支的逆差。【金融】黄金流动价格机制

    The outflow of gold can temporarily finance the balance of payments deficit . specie flow price mechanism

  16. 这套办法之所以创立,是由于黄金已不足以融通国际收支中的逆差。

    This system was devised because gold was no longer sufficient to finance balance-of-payment deficits .

  17. 在所有上述经济交易后,国际收支出现有逆差的国家称为债务国,顺差的国家为债权国。

    Countries with a deficit after all the economic transactions have been recorded are called debtor nations . Countries with a surplus on their country 's balance of payments are called credit nations .

  18. 他们应当让本币汇率浮动,刺激国内需求从国际收支顺差转为国际收支逆差,并在此过程中,向全球提供大量可自由兑换的人民币。

    They should let their own currency float , stimulate domestic demand to switch from a balance of payments surplus to balance of payments deficit , and in the process supply the world with a sizeable volume of freely convertible renminbi .

  19. 一国国际储备规模合理与否,应当以最优国际储备存量和国际收支出现逆差时稳定汇率能力为标准。

    The standard of whether or not the international reserve scale of a state is moderate is that the optimal international reserve stock and the ability of stabilizing exchange rate when balance of payments deficit appears .

  20. 国际货币基金组织的特别提款权被越来越多地用来融通国际收支中的逆差。

    Balance-of-payments deficits are increasingly financed by special drawing rights at the International Monetary Fund .