
  • 网络Domestic Settlement
  1. 中国银行,公司金融总部,国内结算与现金管理模块,产品总监,林宏。

    Bank of China , Financial Headquarter of the Corporation , Cash Management and Settlement Department , Production Director , Lin Hong .

  2. 办理国内外结算;

    Arrange settlement of both domestic and overseas accounts ;

  3. 国内汇兑结算帐户贷方

    Domestic exchange settlement account credit

  4. 与传统的国内贸易结算方式相比,国内信用证在技术含量、灵活性、风险控制等方面具有独特的优势。

    Compared with those traditional domestic payment instruments , the advantages of domestic Letter of Credit are unique in terms of technique , flexibility and risk control .

  5. 过去,苹果在与应用程序开发者结算时使用美元作为计量单位,在与国内开发商结算时需要将美元转换为人民币发放。

    In the past , Apple used US dollars as a unit of measure when it settled for App developers and converted to RMB when it was settled for domestic developers .

  6. 第五节国内信用证结算存在的问题和风险分析。

    The analysis of the issues and risk in the Domestic Letter of Credit .

  7. 然而在《国内信用证结算办法》推行后的几年之内,没有一家银行真正开立了国内信用证业务。

    However , after the introduction for a few years , no one really opened the domestic bank letter of credit business .

  8. 第二节国内信用证结算产品的必要性,交易结构和类型,过去和目前的结算量。

    The introduction to the service of the Letter of Credit in Domestic Transaction : structure and type , the past and current amount of settlement .

  9. 文章以单证中心模式作为国内外国际结算业务流程再造的主要经验,介绍了单证中心在国内外银行的发展现状。

    It takes the documentation center pattern as the main experience of international settlement BPR , and introduces the developments and present situations of documentation center in domestic and foreign banks .

  10. 多数在国内市场以人民币结算的中国企业债券都被地方银行抢购一空。

    Most Chinese corporate bonds denominated in the onshore yuan currency - CNY - are snapped up by local banks .