
jiǎ mào shānɡ pǐn
  • counterfeit goods;counterfeit commodity
  1. 世界知识产权组织这份报告出台之际,中国正准备于本月在世界贸易组织(WTO)接受就其遵守知识产权保护条例情况进行的质询,包括网上出售假冒商品等事宜。

    The Wipo report comes as China prepares to face questioning in the World Trade Organisation this month on its compliance with intellectual property rules , including the internet sale of counterfeit goods .

  2. 今年1月,国家工商局表示,该机构发现了淘宝(Taobao)网站贿赂行为、虚假销售清单及假冒商品的证据。淘宝是阿里巴巴旗下人气最高的购物市场平台。

    In January SAIC said it had found evidence of bribery , fake listings and counterfeit goods on Taobao , Alibaba 's most popular consumer marketplace .

  3. 在中国,盗版迪士尼DVD和假冒商品可能比正版产品还常见,迪士尼英语则给了公司一次从盗版者手中夺取部分利润的机会。

    In a country where pirated Disney DVDs and fake merchandise can be more common than authentic products , Disney English gives the company a chance to beat the counterfeiters to some of the profits .

  4. 今年早些时候,阿里巴巴创始人马云(JackMa)夸口称,许多假冒商品“比真品质量更好,价格更优惠”。这一言论遭到产品制造商的批评,称马云似乎对阿里巴巴的售假记录不以为意。

    Jack Ma , Alibaba 's founder , boasted earlier this year that fakes were often " better quality and better price than the real names " - drawing criticism from goods makers for seeming complacent about Alibaba 's record on fakes .

  5. 从去年起,该公司采取行动将淘宝商城和淘宝(TaobaoMarketplace)分开,以确保在线商城的店家保证某些质量和服务标准,而且不销售假冒商品。

    From last year , the company has taken steps to separate Taobao Mall from Taobao Marketplace to ensure vendors in the online mall guarantee certain quality and service standards and do not sell fake goods .

  6. 我们也曾缴获过其他的假冒商品,其中包括BafanaBafana衬衫,但是数量没有这么大。

    We have seized other consignments of counterfiet goods including Bafana Bafana shirts but not of this magnitude .

  7. 大多数假冒商品来自中国或韩国。

    Most of the counterfeit goods come from China or South Korea .

  8. 购买假冒商品,尤其是名牌时尚之物就是其中之一。

    One is the purchase of counterfeit goods , specifically designer fashions .

  9. 阿里巴巴称,其正致力于改进处理假冒商品的方式。

    Alibaba says it is committed to improving how it tackles counterfeit goods .

  10. 假冒商品是有害的,在许多方面。

    Fake commodities are harmful in many ways .

  11. 许多人已开始意识到假冒商品的危害性。

    Many people have started to be aware of the harmfulness of fake commodities .

  12. 这个家伙是假冒商品的专家。

    This guy here specializes in counterfeit merchandise .

  13. 避免假冒商品的评论,因为人们可以通过它们很容易看到。

    Avoid a fake product review because people can see through them very easily .

  14. 他还指出,有人通过中国的电子商务市场销售假冒商品是另一个需要考虑的问题。

    People selling counterfeit goods through Chinese online marketplaces is another problem , he said .

  15. 不欺骗顾客,不售伪劣假冒商品是公司一向宗旨。

    Do not deceive customers , not sell counterfeit counterfeit goods company has always been the purpose .

  16. 风险感知对消费者购买假冒商品购买态度和意向具有显著影响。

    Perceived risk of buying counterfeit goods , consumer attitudes and purchase intentions have a significant impact .

  17. 王海处理虚假广告和假冒商品投诉案件已有20年时间。

    Mr Wang has made a 20-year career of pursuing false advertising cases and complaints over fake merchandise .

  18. 真品与假冒商品之间的感知替代性显著影响非欺骗性假冒品购买意向。

    Between genuine and counterfeit goods significantly the perception of alternative non-deceptive counterfeit products affect the purchase intention .

  19. 本商场坚决清除假冒商品,并奖励发现假冒商品的顾客。

    Our shopping centre is resolutely eradicating counterfeit goods and will reward customers for discovering any such goods here .

  20. 美国海关上一财年查获的盗版和假冒商品中,62%产自中国。

    Of the pirated and counterfeit goods seized by American customs last fiscal year , 62 % originated from China .

  21. 随着经济的迅速发展,假冒商品已经闯进了我们的生活,而且严重的影响了我们正常的市场秩序。

    With rapid economic development , fake commodities have rushed into our life and greatly affected the normal market order .

  22. 承认为处理国际假冒商品贸易而在原则、规则、纪律上建立多边结构的必要性;

    Recognizing the need for a multilateral framework of principles , rules and disciplines dealing with international trade in counterfeit goods ;

  23. 据马宪民说,互联网盗版以及通过互联网销售盗版和假冒商品的行为也在打击之列。

    Internet piracy and the sale of pirated and fake goods via the Internet are also targeted , according to Ma .

  24. 其开启方便,是一种理想的预防假冒商品出现的包装。

    The utility model has the advantage of convenient opening and is an ideal package which can prevent counterfeit commodities appearing .

  25. 再次,建议消费者去保护自己的利益不被假冒商品误入歧途。

    Third , they should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements .

  26. 这些假冒商品表明,即使是最具开创性的产品,中国山寨厂商也能以极快的速度、极大的胆量和不可思议的准确性加以模仿。

    The China knock-offs demonstrate the speed , boldness and uncanny accuracy with which China 's counterfeiters can mimic even pioneering products .

  27. 网上举办了一个展览会来展示中国过去八个月在打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒商品的成果。

    An online exhibition has opened to show China 's efforts during the past eight months against Intellectual Property Rights infringement and counterfeiting .

  28. 多年来,中国会不时地发起一些打击假冒商品的运动,但这些运动往往针对广泛的行业或产品类别。

    China has for years waged periodic campaigns against counterfeit goods , but those have tended to focus on broad industries or product categories .

  29. 很不幸的是,我只能半开玩笑地说,因为你的品牌足够火,你才会有假冒商品的问题。

    Unfortunately , one of the things I say half-jokingly is that you don 't have a counterfeiting problem unless you have a hot brand .

  30. 这次全国打击侵犯知识产权行动提高了中国对进出口假冒商品的警觉性,并对侵犯知识产权的行业给予严厉的惩罚。

    The campaign increases China 's vigilance against the import and export of fake goods and metes out stern punishment to businesses involved such activity .