
jiǎ shè jiǎn yàn
  • hypothesis-testing
  1. 真实问题情境中儿童科学假设检验思维的研究

    A Study of Children 's Hypothesis-testing in Real-life Problem Situations

  2. 也有学者认为假设检验过程应当包含三个阶段:提出假设、设计实验和检验假设。

    Some psychologists suggested that hypothesis-testing should include forming hypothesis . designing experiment and verifying hypothesis .

  3. 基于Web的假设检验辅助分析系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Aided Analysis of Hypothesis Test System Based on Web

  4. 用ASP实现假设检验中P值的积分求解

    Using ASP to Realize Integral Solution of P Value in Hypothesis Test

  5. 线性假设检验的chi-平方统计量与F统计量;

    Chi-square statistic and F-statistic used for the linear hypothesis test ;

  6. 基于假设检验的SAR图像机场跑道自动识别

    Automatic recognition of airfield runways based on hypothesis testing in SAR images

  7. 正态总体均值的假设检验及其在Excel中的实现

    Hypothesis Testing of Normal Population Mean and Its Application in Excel

  8. 假设检验在AHP及卫星方案优选中的应用

    Application of Hypothesis Testing on AHP and Optimal Selection of Satellite System Scheme

  9. 假设检验与CFD不确定度量化分析

    Hypothesis Tests and Analysis of CFD Uncertainty Quantification

  10. 关于Cox模型的Bootstrap区间估计和假设检验

    On Bootstrap Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Test of Cox Model

  11. 偏最小二乘回归系数的Bootstrap假设检验及SAS实现

    Statistical Hypothesis Test for Partial Least Square Regression Coefficients by Bootstrap Method and Implementation of SAS

  12. 双参数Weibull分布函数用作国产轮盘材料疲劳寿命分布模型时必须进行假设检验。

    The two-parameter Weibull distribution used to be fatigue life distribution for domestic disc materials is preceded by hypothesis test .

  13. 例如对于DNA微阵列数据的分析,同时识别两个总体的成千上万个基因中哪些基因的表达水平有显著性差异便涉及到多重假设检验问题。

    For example , as the analysis of DNA microarray , we want to know which genes are different in the expresion levels of thousands of genes which involves the multiple hypothesis testing problem .

  14. 然后,运用SPSS和AMOS统计软件对调研所得数据进行分析和假设检验。

    Then SPSS and AMOS statistical software are adopted to analyze the obtained survey data and test hypotheses .

  15. 假设检验中NeymanPerson准则是一种基于似然比的信号分类、检测、识别方法。

    Neyman_Person criterion in hypothesis testing is a method based on the probability rate for problems like classification , detection , and pattern recognition .

  16. 在方差非齐情况下,对动态特性稳健设计响应面进行了GLM研究,并考察了方差非齐下动态特性稳健设计响应面模型的参数估计及其假设检验。

    The parameter estimation and hypothesis test of the model under heterogeneity are reviewed .

  17. 本章研究的主要问题是交互效应是否存在以及主效应是否相等的假设检验问题,我们提出了参数Bootstrap检验方法,并将它与现有的广义p值检验作了比较。

    For the problem of testing no interaction effects and equal main effects , we propose a parametric bootstrap approach and compare it with the existing the generalized p value test .

  18. 最后,探索模型中参数估计的统计推断,研究了随机化Logistic方程中的参数的极大似然估计的渐近性,相合性,并对参数作了假设检验。

    At last , statistical decision problems of the estimation of the parameters will be explored for randomized Logistic equations , asymptotic properties , consistency and hypothesis testing of MLEs of parameters are studied .

  19. 接着,根据实地调研获得原始数据,运用SPSS统计软件,通过假设检验和实证分析,对研究假设进行论证。

    Thirdly , based on field research to obtain the original data , it uses SPSS statistical software to demonstrate the research hypothesis through hypothesis testing and empirical analysis .

  20. 并采用了X2拟合优度检验法和偏度、峰度检验法对它们进行了假设检验。

    Furthermore the correctness of normal distribution has been proved by the hypothesis testing of X2 goodness of-fit testing and the skewness-kurtosis testing .

  21. 最终利用统计分析软件SPSS建立了路基干湿状况模型,并通过假设检验证明所得模型是有意义的。

    Make use of SPSS statistical analysis software to build dry and humidity conditions model of subgrade gradually , and prove the availability model significative by means a series of hypothesis testings .

  22. 结果所建立的城乡居民的多项logit模型均不能通过IIA假设检验;

    Result The multinomial logit model of health seeking behavior of rural and urban residents can not satisfy the independence from irrelevant alternatives hypothesis .

  23. 该方法采用ADF假设检验,从时域和空域分析背景灰度的变化,利用线性回归的方法进行协整性检验,从而得出结论。

    The method used the ADF test to analyze the clutter temporal-spatial variation , and used line-regress-method to test cointegration , then made that conclusion .

  24. 通过多元回归方法和AMOS建立结构方程模型,进行比较分析,得出假设检验结果。

    Then the paper establishes a structural equation model by multiple regression and AMOS , and adopts comparative analysis to derived hypothesis testing .

  25. 本文求解出的概率分布结果与数理统计中假设检验的求证结果一致,从而验证了PERT技术的概率分布假定是符合客观实际的。

    The result of probability distribution in the paper is consistent with outcome of Hypothesis test , so verify the assumption of PERT technology is objective .

  26. 并利用假设检验方法对测量数据进行分析,A支的COD水平均高于B支,各点的COD均超过地表水三级标准,两支的SS波动不大。

    The analysis of monitor data using hypothesis testing method indicates that COD of the A branch is higher than the B branch , they exceeds the third standard of surface water , SS of both branch waves less .

  27. 结果实例分析表明,当再抽样容量较大时,Bootstrap区间估计和假设检验与直接对原样本应用正态性得到的结果相差不大,前者在后者周围波动,假设检验结果也趋于一致。

    Results When sample is enough , the example shows that confidence intervals and hypothesis tests which set up according to bootstrap method and normality respectively are of asymptotic consistency .

  28. 本文以Kappa系数和两总体率差值检验为例,说明一般的假设检验法与用置信区间作检验是不相同的。

    The article sets forth that standard errors are different sometimes between confidence limits and hypothesis test in the light of examples of kappa coefficient and difference of two population rates .

  29. 根据概率统计假设检验原理,建立两个统计假设检验,分别称为R检验和V检验,再利用这两个假设检验所得的两个统计量的概率,构造速度谱的度量函数。

    Building two statistical hypothetical tests according to hypothetical test principle in probabilistic method that are called R test and V test separately and using these probability of two statistical figures resulted from above hypothetical tests , the measuring function of velocity spectrum can be constructed .

  30. 并引进了均匀分布离散化分析,把对数变换与Ridit作为特例,讨论了它在分布假设检验中的应用。

    As a generalization of Ridit and Discrete Entropy , the discrete transform of uniform distribution and its application to test distribution hypothesis is also discussed .