
  • 网络terrorist financing
  1. 但今年2月该机构表示,巴拿马在反洗钱和反恐怖融资制度方面“取得了重要进展”,因此将其移出灰名单。

    It was removed in February after the FATF said it recognised Panama had " made significant progress " in improving its regime to combat money laundering and terrorist financing .

  2. 金融情报机构是打击洗钱和恐怖融资及相关犯罪的全国性核心机构。

    Financial Intelligence Unit is a central , national agency specially designated for combating money laundering and financing of terrorism .

  3. 恐怖融资给国际社会带来极大的安全隐患。9·11事件后,国际社会已在全球范围内初步建立了反恐融资机制,并针对恐怖融资行为制订了具体的预防和制裁措施。

    International community has preliminarily established Global Anti-terrorism Mechanism and made some preventive and sanction measures to combating terrorist financing following the September 11 attacks .

  4. 其中一些条款已经付诸实施,包括国家情报总监的设立,加紧陆地边界地区的检查和打击恐怖融资。

    Some of them have been implemented , including the creation of a director of national intelligence , tightening land border screening and cracking down on terror financing .

  5. 全行所有机构可以及时了解并防范涉嫌洗钱、恐怖融资、大规模杀伤性武器等的机构和个人利用银行提供的任何金融服务,并致力于完善反洗钱体系,防止被利用从事上述违法活动。

    All agencies of the bank can know and prevent suspected other institutions and individuals for money laundering , terrorist and financing weapons of mass destruction using any financial services of the bank . The system efforts can to improve anti-money-laundering construction .

  6. 在充分考虑国际金融反恐形势的基础上,反恐部门可以结合我国恐怖活动融资特点,着重从以下几方面开展金融反恐:以反洗钱网络为基础开展金融反恐;

    On the basis of fully considering international situation and domestic financing characters of the terrorism activities , relevant departments of anti-terrorism in China should take some measures as the following : to develop anti-terrorism in finance basing on the network of anti-money - laundering ;

  7. 从2002年到2006年,我国共有28起关于领导、组织、参与恐怖活动的公诉案件,但其中没有一起是涉及恐怖融资犯罪的。

    Out of 28 Chinese prosecutions on terrorism during 2002 to 2006 , none of these is related to terrorists finance .