
nuó yònɡ ɡōnɡ kuǎn zuì
  • embezzlement;crime of misappropriating public funds
  1. 第四部分挪用公款罪的客观方面问题。

    Part Four concerns the objective aspects of the crime of misappropriating public funds .

  2. 挪用公款罪作为一种犯罪现象,它属于贪污贿赂罪的范畴。

    The crime of misappropriating public funds is regarded as a criminal phenomenon , which belongs to the scope of the crime of corruption and bribery .

  3. 挪用公款罪是一项严重的经济犯罪。

    Embezzlement of public funds and is a serious economic crime .

  4. 挪用公款罪犯罪构成研究

    A Study on the Crime 's Factors of Appropriating Public Money

  5. 挪用公款罪是市场经济条件下多发的一种犯罪。

    The crime of embezzling public funds is common in economic market .

  6. 论挪用公款罪的司法适用与立法完善

    Judicial Application and Legislative Perfection on Embezzlement of Public Fund

  7. 挪用公款罪判解研究。

    Case study on crimes of embezzling public money ii .

  8. 挪用公款罪的立法及其适用的问题

    Problems of Legislation and Enforcing the Guilty of Misappropriation of Public Funds

  9. “归个人使用”是挪用公款罪客观方面的一个必备要件。

    Some Issues on the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds ;

  10. 挪用公款罪疑难问题探微

    On Knotty Problem about Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds

  11. 本文第四部分对挪用公款罪的立法完善予以了思考。

    The part four of the dissertation has a thought about legislative improvements .

  12. 挪用公款罪的主体;非记叙文的篇章主题解读研究

    Analysis on the Subject of Non - Narrative Text

  13. 挪用公款罪转化为贪污罪的条件

    The Conditions for the Transformation from Appropriation to Corruption

  14. 挪用公款罪的主观方面:挪用公款罪的客观方面;

    The subjective aspect ; the objective aspect ;

  15. 论挪用公款罪的客体规定性及故意内容

    On the Stipulation of Object and Intention of the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds

  16. 挪用公款罪的犯罪本质在于公款私用。

    The nature of the guilt lies in misappropriating public funds for personal use .

  17. 因而应对其作进一步研究以利于完善挪用公款罪。

    So doing some research on its target benefit the improvement of this crime .

  18. 挪用公款罪的主体;教育主客体涵义辨析

    On the meaning of educational subject and object

  19. 在挪用公款罪的主观方面,作者论述了主观方面不仅包括直接故意,还包括间接故意。

    The subjective aspects of the crime .

  20. 第一部分,关于挪用公款罪侵犯的客体和犯罪对象。

    First section , the abject and target violated by crime of embezzle public funds .

  21. 挪用公款罪的共犯必须同时具备犯罪主体、观方面、观方面三个条件。

    Embezzlement accomplice should have three conditions including crime subject , objective and subjective aspects .

  22. 试析挪用公款罪的犯罪构成&从一起挪用公款案的辩护谈起

    The Crime Components of Embezzling Public Funds

  23. 一直以来,挪用公款罪都是司法实务中热点问题。

    Since continuously , embezzlement of public funds have been the hot issues of judicial practice .

  24. 第四部分:挪用公款罪与非罪及相关罪的界限。

    Part ⅳ: the differences of the crime of embezzlement of public funds from other related crimes .

  25. 挪用公款罪是司法实践中多发的犯罪。

    The crime of misappropriation of public funds is a frequently-occurring crime in the practice of judicature .

  26. 现代西方国家有关挪用公款罪的立法较为完备。

    In modern western country , the legislation about the crime concerning embezzling public funds is relatively complete .

  27. 为全军医学中心的管理提供经验挪用公款罪的主体;

    The experience should be provided for the management of the medical special subject center in whole army .

  28. 将贪污罪、挪用公款罪、受贿罪的主体限制在国家机关工作人员的范围内。

    The subject of crime of embezzlement , diverting government money and bribing should be limited in state personnel 's.

  29. 我国现行刑法中的挪用公款罪存在一个由无到有的立法演变过程。

    The current criminal law of our country on the crime of embezzling public funds is legislative course of developing .

  30. 挪用公款罪是从贪污罪中分化出来的独立经济犯罪,实践发案率较高,情况比较复杂。

    Separating from embezzlement as an independent economic crime , defalcate crime is featured as high rate and complicated cases .