
  1. 挪用资金罪构成要件若干问题研析

    The Research on Compose Important Condition of Divert Fund Crime

  2. 挪用资金罪研究

    Research on Crime of Funds Misappropriation

  3. 然后在挪用资金罪的主观方面直接剖析了本罪的主观故意为直接故意,即对挪用财产的使用权而非占有权,为接下来的论述挪用资金罪与贪污罪的区别打下基础。

    This is the foundation of the demonstration of the difference between crime of funds misappropriation and crime embezzlement .

  4. 挪用资金罪是随着我国社会经济体制改革、现代企业制度的推行而出现的新型犯罪。

    Transfer the funds offense is along with promoting but appearing of the our country social economic system reform , modern business enterprise system of new crime .

  5. 文章主要围绕叶某是否构成对购彩款的占有,是否构成挪用资金罪以及被挪用的金额的计算问题展开论述。

    This article mainly constitute of lottery money Ye possession , whether to constitute the crime of misappropriation of funds and the misappropriated amount calculation problem is discussed .

  6. 对于本案的定性,在司法界和理论界主要有贪污罪、侵占罪、合同诈骗罪、挪用资金罪四种不同的处理意见。

    For the case of qualitative , mainly in the judiciary and the theoretical circles of embezzlement , embezzlement , contract fraud , misappropriation of funds sins four different treatment advice .

  7. 挪用资金罪属挪用犯罪,由于世界各国的法律文化和经济制度的不同,各国对挪用犯罪的规定也不尽相同。

    The crime of funds misappropriation belongs to crime of misappropriation . With different legal culture and economic system , the definition of crime of misappropriation is different in every country .

  8. 本文对挪用资金罪的犯罪客体、犯罪主体、刑罚立法和司法实践中存在的若干问题进行研究,提出了自己的观点和立法建议。

    Based on the study in object of crime , subject of crime , judicial act and criminal penalty , the author here in the essay advances her viewpoint and legislature suggestions .

  9. 但从司法实践来看,挪用资金罪的新情况、新特点也为刑法理论和司法认定提出了一些新问题。

    But practiced from the judicatory to see , transfer the new circumstance of the funds offense , new the characteristics also affirmed to put forward for the penal code theories and judicatory some new problem .

  10. 挪用资金罪是随着我国经济体制改革和现代企业法律制度的建立发展而出现的一种新型犯罪,是新形势下打击犯罪需要的立法选择。

    With the continuous reformation of the economic system and the development of the modern enterprise system in China , appropriation as a new kind of crime comes into our sight , which is really a legislature choice to fight against those appropriation activities .

  11. 论述了挪用公款罪与一般违法行为、与挪用资金罪、与贪污罪、与用账外客户资金非法发放贷款罪、与拆借资金的界限。

    It discusses the differences of the crime of embezzlement of public funds from unlawful acts , embezzlement of funds , corruption and illegal borrowing of funds .