
nuó wēi
  • Norway
挪威[nuó wēi]
  1. 你记得我们去挪威的情形吗?那次旅行真不错。

    Do you remember when we went to Norway ? That was a good trip .

  2. 挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。

    Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam

  3. 我站在那儿呼吸着挪威新鲜的空气。

    I stood there breathing in the fresh Norwegian air .

  4. 1,654名乘客在海上转搭了一艘挪威游轮。

    1,654 passengers were transferred at sea to a Norwegian cruise ship .

  5. 他的名字叫汉森,在挪威是一个常见的名字。

    His name was Hansen , a common name in Norway

  6. 挪威的捕鲸人说昨天他们用捕鲸叉捕获了一头雌性小须鲸。

    Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned a female minke whale .

  7. 像往常一样,挪威人比其他所有人都提前两小时进山。

    Typically , the Norwegians were on the mountain two hours before anyone else

  8. 挪威有好几位女部长。

    Norway has a fair sprinkling of women ministers .

  9. 从摩尔曼斯克到挪威边界的主路仍对外国人关闭。

    The main road from Murmansk to the Norwegian border is still closed to foreigners

  10. 挪威对欧盟的出口已经增加了3倍。

    Norway has quadrupled its exports to the EU

  11. 这些对虾是如何从挪威跑到超市货架上来的呢?

    How do those prawns find their way from Norway to the supermarket shelf ?

  12. 真有趣,格兰杰讲挪威语。

    It is interesting that Grainger spoke Norwegian .

  13. 从挪威回来后我就一直被报纸和电视台的记者纠缠不休。

    I 've been bombarded by the press and television since I came back from Norway .

  14. 那辆军用卡车正载着14名士兵到挪威的一个偏远地区进行操练。

    The military truck was taking 14 men on exercise in a remote area of Norway .

  15. 挪威的预算盈余已经从1986年的5.9%降至今年预计的0.1%。

    Norway 's budget surplus has fallen from 5.9 % in 1986 to an expected 0.1 % this year .

  16. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。

    The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone .

  17. 在最近发布的一项研究中,挪威研究者发现,7。8%的挪威人已经成了工作狂。

    In a study just released , researchers from Norway found that 7.8 % of Norwegians have become workaholics .

  18. 但挪威能否保持其生活水平,同时将其排放量削减到摩洛哥甚至埃塞俄比亚的水平?

    But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels ?

  19. 一般的挪威人比美国普通老百姓更富有。但他们对气候变化的影响仅为美国大众公民的一半。

    The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen , but contributes about half as much to climate change .

  20. 芬兰和挪威的人均收入增长都成功地达到了美国的水平,甚至比美国快得多,而且更加平等。

    Finland and Norway have all succeeded in having about as much or faster growth in per capita incomes than the United States and with far greater equality .

  21. 人们听腻了斯堪的纳维亚的成功故事,但事实是瑞典、芬兰和挪威的人均收入增长都成功地达到了美国的水平,甚至比美国快得多,而且更加平等。

    People get tired of hearing about Scandinavian success stories , but the fact of the matter is that Sweden , Finland and Norway have all succeeded in having about as much or faster growth in per capita incomes than the United States and with far greater equality .

  22. 这项研究调查了将近28万名来自挪威的母亲,研究发现,那些更加焦虑、更加抑郁、更加愤怒的母亲更有可能给孩子准备不健康的饮食。

    That study looked at nearly 28,000 Norwegian mothers and found that those moms who were more anxious , depressed and angry were more likely to feed their kids unhealthy diets .

  23. 挪威的小镇Rjukan坐落在几座山之间,从9月下旬到3月中旬没有阳光直射,一年中差不多有6个月没有阳光直射。

    The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March — nearly six months out of the year .

  24. 这艘船是“坚忍号”,它小巧、紧凑,由挪威制造,行驶需要三位船长。按计划,它本要载着厄内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士、一小队船员还有科学家共计27人前往南极洲威德尔海最南岸。

    The ship was the Endurance , a small , tight , Norwegian-built three-master that was intended to take Sir Ernest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists , 27 men in all , to the southernmost shore of Antarctica 's Weddell Sea .

  25. 已实施该计划的挪威现在的回收率是94%。

    The Norway scheme has recycling rates of 94 per cent .

  26. 挪威的壮丽景色有着让人无法抵制的魅力。

    The grand panoramas of NORWAY prove irresistible to adventurers .

  27. 挪威和日本是承诺进一步减少排放而博得称赞的唯一工业化国家。

    Norway and Japan were the only industrialized countries to win applause for pledging further emission reductions .

  28. 然而,来自挪威奥斯陆和意大利费拉拉市部分大学的研究团队发现,黑死病肆虐其实另有原因。科学家们利用九个欧洲城市的瘟疫爆发历史记录再现了该病在当时传播的过程。

    Scientists used historical records from plague outbreaks in nine European cities , building a picture of how the disease spread .

  29. 挪威首相埃尔娜·索尔贝格表示,4月20日起将逐渐取消封锁措施,孩子们也将回归学校。

    Prime Minister Erna Solberg has said lockdown measures will be slowly lifted starting April 20 as children go back to school .

  30. 关于这个完爆所有其他咒骂语的词最早可以追溯到挪威语fukka和瑞典语focka,都是“交配”的意思。

    The " F " Bomb The oldest theories trace the expletive-to-end-all-expletives back to Norwegian fukka and Swedish focka , both meaning " to copulate . "