
  1. 浅析票据犯罪的特点、防范措施及法律责任

    Analysis of Bill Crime , Precaution and Legal Responsibility

  2. 伪造、变造型票据犯罪客观行为认定探讨

    Reorganization of Objective Act of Forgery Bill Crimes

  3. 票据犯罪研究

    Research on the Crime of Financial Bills

  4. 票据犯罪侦查的关键也因不同的票据犯罪类型而不同。

    The key to the investigation of bill crimes is different according to different types of crimes .

  5. 提出了票据犯罪是我国刑法规定的严重违反票据法规的票据行为这一概念。

    Bring forward a new concept : commercial bill crime is a behavior seriously violate commercial bill law .

  6. 从而把票据犯罪与票据行为结合起来,揭示了票据犯罪的基本规律。

    It connects with commercial bill crime and commercial bill behavior , reveal commercial bill crime fundamental rule .

  7. 票据犯罪数额的认定,应以票据兑现数额为依据。

    The cognizance of the sum of instrument crime should be based on how much the instrument is honored .

  8. 票据犯罪是票据活动的负面产物,随着票据的产生而产生,票据活动的发展而发展。

    Commercial bill crime is the negative product of commercial transaction , along with the inventing and developing of commercial bill transaction .

  9. 票据犯罪侦查是经济犯罪侦查的一种,其侦查对象具有特殊性、侦查工作易受干扰性和侦查途径具有独特性。

    Bill crimes investigation is one of economic crimes one , whose object has specialty , easily disturbed and the unique approach of investigation .

  10. 票据犯罪结果,主要是指票据犯罪行为对票据法律关系的破坏所造成的社会财产损失。

    The outcome of instrument crime refers to the loss of social property as a result of destroying the legal relation of instruments by instrument crime .

  11. 社会主义市场经济高速发展的过程中,利用票据犯罪的不法分子越来越多,票据犯罪的特点呈现多样化、智能化和集团化。

    With the rapid development of socialistic market economy , there are more and more bill crimes with the characteristics of diversification , intelligence and group .

  12. 因票据犯罪的多样性,票据犯罪的侦查途径也具有多种,主要是围绕票据与票款的流向进行侦查。

    Now that the diversity of bill crimes , the investigation approach also has different kinds , mainly guided by bills and the flow of the money .

  13. 试析当前票据诈骗犯罪

    Analysis on Present Crime of Negotiable Instruments Defrauding

  14. 票据市场犯罪面面观

    Grand View of Crime in the Bill Market

  15. 票据诈骗犯罪问题研究

    Study on Instruments Offence

  16. 票据诈骗犯罪既遂未遂的界限,以行为人是否非法获得数额较大的票据经济利益。

    The dividing line between accomplishment and non-accomplishment of instrument fraudulent crime should be based on whether the doer unlawfully gets the economic benefits from this instrument .

  17. 这三种救济途径对票据诈骗犯罪侦查来讲都有救济后拒竹以避免犯罪嫌疑人实现犯罪目的的作用、查找犯罪嫌疑人的作用、提供侦查线索的作用。

    The three rescue approaches all have the action to avoid the suspect realizing the purpose of committing crimes , searching for the suspects and providing investigating clues by refusing payment after rescuing for the investigation on bills bilk .

  18. 当然,诈骗犯罪中还包含很多其它的问题需要进一步探讨,限于篇幅,在这里不再讨论。票据诈骗犯罪既遂未遂的界限,以行为人是否非法获得数额较大的票据经济利益。

    Of course , there are many questions in Fraudulent Crime . We cannot discuss here . The dividing line between accomplishment and non-accomplishment of instrument fraudulent crime should be based on whether the doer unlawfully gets the economic benefits from this instrument .

  19. 票据诈骗罪犯罪构成客观要件争议问题探析

    Analysis of Objective Problems in the Elements of the Crime of Fraud on Commercial Instruments

  20. 已有观点对票据诈骗罪犯罪客体的认识,囿于纯刑法或者纯公法的思维方式,认为本罪的主要客体是票据管理秩序,具有局限性。

    The existing viewpoints on criminal object of crime of bill fraud are confined by a thinking mode of " pure criminal law " or " pure public law ", thus appear limitations for thinking that the major object of this crime is bill administration order .

  21. 票据诈骗罪的犯罪构成

    Criminal Constitute of Crime of Fraud of Bills

  22. 论票据善意取得对票据诈骗犯罪侦查的作用

    Instruments in Good Faith on Defrauding the Role of Criminal Investigation

  23. 重点分析了票据诈骗罪与其他相关犯罪之界限、票据诈骗罪犯罪形态之界限。

    The article analyses the boundary between crime of swindle about bills and other crimes and give the limit of the crime .

  24. 对票据诈骗罪主要客体的认识是理解票据诈骗犯罪的核心。

    And the understanding of main object of bills defraud crime is the core of understanding the bills defraud crime .

  25. 可以说没有票据以及相应的票据结算制度,就不可能有票据犯罪。

    We can say that without commercial bill and relative commercial bill settlement system , without commercial bill crime .