
  1. 论票据善意取得对票据诈骗犯罪侦查的作用

    Instruments in Good Faith on Defrauding the Role of Criminal Investigation

  2. 票据善意取得的实质是财产化债权的取得及对有瑕疵票据权利的救济。

    Its essence is the acquisition of the assets claim and the remedy of the defect right of the negotiable instrument .

  3. 由于理论上对票据善意取得制度的一些重要问题认识模糊,实践中错误适用票据善意取得制度的情况时有发生。

    Due to inadequate understanding of some important issues in the good-willed acquisition of financial instruments , in practice misuse of such a mechanism often occurs .

  4. 论票据的善意取得

    On the Goodwill Transfer of Bills

  5. 论善意取得制度本文系一篇从法理学和比较法学的角度对票据权利善意取得制度进行研究的文章。

    This paper discusses the Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights by use of nomology and comparative jurisprudence .

  6. 票据权利善意取得与动产善意取得之辨析是本文的第三部分。

    The third part of this paper concerns the comparing analysis on Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights and that of Chattel .

  7. 内幕交易的构成要件浅析关于票据权利善意取得构成要件若干问题探讨

    Discuss-ion about the Constitutive Requirements of the Insider Trading A Study on Some Issue About Constitutive Requirements of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights

  8. 票据权利善意取得制度就是为了保障票据的流通性,实现法的社会公正价值和法的经济效益价值而做的一项特殊制度设计。

    The said system is a very special arrangement in the Bill Act , to ensure the Bill negotiability and the legal social value of justice and economic benefit .

  9. 文章第二部分为票据权利善意取得具体制度,包括票据权利善意取得的构成要件和法律后果两部分。

    The second part of this paper is named as " Concrete System of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights ," including " ingredients " and " legal consequence " of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights .

  10. 票据权利的善意取得制度在于化解原票据权利人与最后善意持票人之间的冲突。

    Boon Fide acquisition of instrumental rights aims at solving the conflict between the former owner of instrumental rights and final holder ` s.

  11. 但在法律上确认票据权利的善意取得制度会带来原权利人对于票据权利的损失。

    That will bring the loss of the right of the right of the original obligee to affirm the innocent gaining system in law .

  12. 票据法设立票据权利善意取得制度,归根结底,立法宗旨是保护交易安全。

    Bona law set up the Bona Fide Possession , It 's aim of legislation is protecting deal safe in the final analysis .

  13. 由于我国《票据法》第12条关于票据善意取得的规定过于笼统,实务中对于票据善意取得的适用范围存在很多争议。

    As Article 12 of the Law of the People 's Republic of China on Negotiable Instruments stipulates the bona fide acquisition of negotiable instruments in an over general way , in practice there are many controversy over the application scope of the bona fide acquisition of negotiable instruments .