
  1. 商业银行票据风险控制与防范

    Control and Prevent Risks from Bank Papers in Commercial Banks

  2. 银行:警惕票据风险

    Banks : Should Guard Bill Risks

  3. 基于VaR模型的商业银行票据业务风险研究

    Research on the Risk of Commercial Bank Bill Transaction Based on VaR Model

  4. 票据伪造风险分担制度的本土化问题研究

    A Study on Localization Problem of Risk Allocation System in Instrument Forgery

  5. 第三部分:中行大连分行票据融资风险管理对策。

    The third is the Bankers ' Paper risks management detailed measures .

  6. 我国票据市场风险的表现与外部环境的优化

    The Representation of Our Country 's Bill Market Risk and the Optimization of the Outer Environment

  7. 接着从市场创新的角度探讨了票据融资风险的控制问题。

    In the following , thesis discusses the control of bill financing risk from the angle of market innovation .

  8. 通过对各类风险成因的深入分析,有针对性的提出中行大连分行票据融资风险管理的四项具体对策。

    Through the happening reasons analyzing , the paper holds the specific six precaution methods in accordance with the risks .

  9. 并着重分析了关于伪造票据法律风险承担的问题,论证了付款人因未能识别出伪造票据而付款,由付款人承担法律责任的公平性与合理性。

    Also , the issue who shall bear the legal risk related to forged negotiable instruments is addressed and the fairness and rationale to ask the drawee to bear the legal consequence incurred from wrong payment due to his failure to recognize the forged negotiable instruments are examined .

  10. 试析票据变造的风险责任负担

    An Analysis of the Risk - Bearing on an Altered Negotiable Instrument

  11. 论伪造票据背书的风险分担

    On the loss distribution of forged endorsement of bill

  12. 票据伪造的风险责任问题研究

    The Research on Venture Liability of Forged Bill

  13. 其次介绍商业票据市场利率风险的产生。

    Secondly , it introduces the coming into being of the interest rate risk in bill market .

  14. 第四部分介绍商业票据的利率风险管理理论。

    Fourthly , it explains the risk management theory of the interest rate in the bill market .

  15. 最后对我国票据市场利率风险管理提出若干建议。

    Last but not lest , the writer puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the management of interest rate risk in the bill market .

  16. 对于票据伪造的风险责任问题,我国票据法并未作直接的规定,因而造成相关法律理解上的混乱,从而为法律的适用设置了障碍,因此须加以完善。

    As to the risk responsibility of forgery of commercial instrument , there is no direct provision in the commercial instrument law in china and it needs to be performed to consummate .

  17. 商业承兑汇票亟待规范有必要对付款人承担的错误付款风险,给予必要的法律救济,加重受让伪造、变造票据人的风险责任。

    Trade Acceptance Needs New Criteria Therefore , it is necessary to give legal aid for the payer who runs the risk of wrong payment and aggravate the risk liability of transferee of forged and altered bills .

  18. 加强中行大连分行票据融资业务的风险管理迫在眉睫。

    It 's urgent to strengthen the Bankers ' paper financing risks management .

  19. 票据流通中的风险承担规则

    Rule of Risk-bearing in the Process of Instruments Negotiation

  20. 商业票据市场的利率风险管理

    Interest Rate Risk Management in Commercial Bill Market

  21. 金融企业票据协议管理及风险防范

    Bill Supervision and its Risks in Financial Institutions

  22. 正视票据业务与银行风险

    Envisage Bill Business and Bank Risks Positively

  23. 将票据市场的各种风险进行分类,引出利率风险是其中的重要风险之一,从而将票据市场的利率风险确立为研究对象。

    It classifies various kinds of risk in bill market , and emphases the risk of interest rate .

  24. 随后重点讲述我国商业票据市场加强利率风险管理的必要性。

    Thirdly , it pays attention to the necessary of enhance the interest rate risk management in the bill market .

  25. 在此基础上,对票据市场的各种风险进行了界定,认为票据融资风险是核心风险,并进一步将其细分为信用风险、流动性风险和利率风险,分别作了理论分析和实证研究。

    Basing on that , the thesis expounds various risks in bill market , among them financing risk is the core risk . Thesis further divides it into credit risk , liquidity risk and interest rate risk , theoretical analysis and empirical study are made .

  26. 第五,强化票据管理,防范票据风险。

    Fifthly , strengthening the management of note and taking precautions against the risk of note .

  27. 我国票据市场发展应该兼顾效率原则、风险控制原则(包括票据信用风险、票据流动性风险、票据系统性风险、票据法律风险以及票据管理风险)、协调性原则以及开放性原则。

    It is concluded that China 's bill market should be developed according to the four basic principles : efficiency , risk control ( include credit risk , liquidity risk , systematic risk , legitimate risk and management risk ), coordination and market opening .

  28. 在介绍商业银行一般利率风险的产生的基础上,根据票据市场的特点,详细分析票据市场利率风险的独特性。

    After introducing the produce of the general interest rate risk relating to commercial banks , according to the characteristic of bill market , the writer analyses the uniqueness of the interest rate risk of bill market in detail .

  29. 介绍利率风险管理的相关理论和方法,并结合票据市场的特点分析商业票据市场的利率风险的度量、防范和管理。

    As usual , the writer introduces the related theory and method on risk management , and connected with the characteristic traits of the bill market , discusses the measure and the management of interest rate risk management in the bill market .

  30. 最后对实现系统中票据录入、票据业务处理流程控制、新增票据品种和风险防范及预警这四个模块的主要技术方法做了详细介绍,并对系统进行了测试和总结。

    Finally , the system notes the time of admission to realize , notes Business Process control , the new instruments of risk prevention and early warning and the four modules the main technical methods described in detail , and system testing and summary .