
  1. 两大票据法体系在调整票据伪造方面有很多相同的地方,也有很多不一致的地方。

    In adjusting the counterfeit note , there are many similar places between two major negotiable instrument law systems and also many inconsistent places too .

  2. 而背书伪造场合,日内瓦票据法体系下,风险责任主要被归结于被伪造人,而英美票据法体系下,风险责任则主要被归结于伪造者的直接后手。

    On the occasion of forged endorsement , the risk responsibility is attributed to the forged person under the Geneva commercial paper law system . Whereas the risk responsibility is mainly attributed to the forger immediate subsequent one under the Anglo-American paper law system .

  3. 在票据制度体系中,票据抗辩对实现票据法权利体系的内在平衡具有重要作用。

    In the system of bill policy , bill demurrer plays an important role in keeping the inner balance of the bill law .

  4. 其他票据伪造行为主要指票据的背书伪造行为,各国关于票据伪造的法律制度不尽相同。由此产生了调整票据法规范的两大票据法体系,即英美票据法体系和日内瓦公约体系。

    Therefore has produced two major negotiable instrument law systems to adjust the negotiable instrument regulations , named common negotiable instrument law system and the Geneva Convention system .

  5. 票据法是调整市场经济生活的重要法律,纵观世界各国都确立了票据无因性原则,随着国际票据法律统一化进程的深入,现在仍存在着英美票据法体系和日内瓦统一票据法体系的差异。

    The non-causa principle in bill is established all over the world , along with the developing of the international bill law unified process , but there is still some differences between the common law system and the Geneva united law system .