
fǎ dìnɡ wéi yuē jīn
  • Legal penalty;legal compensation for breach of contract
  1. 对于经济补偿金的性质,笔者比较赞同法定违约金说,但同时对传统法定违约金说的内容进行了丰富。

    For the nature of economic compensation , I much prefer that the statutory penalty , but rich the traditional content of the statutory penalty .

  2. 随着现代社会市场经济的发展,法定违约金渐渐退出历史的舞台,而约定违约金越来越发挥着不可替代的作用,我国合同法规定的即是约定违约金(简称违约金)。

    Along with the development of modern social market economy , legal liquidated damages to the stage of history , gradually exit and liquidated damages increasingly plays an irreplaceable role in the contract law provisions , is that the liquidated damages ( hereinafter referred to as liquidated damages ) .