
  • 网络Standard terms;standard clause;standard form contract
  1. 从电信合同谈格式条款的规制

    On the Regulation of Standard Terms : A Telecommunication Contract Perspective

  2. 接着本文对格式条款的理论基础进行了探讨。

    Then , the theory of control standard terms are discussed .

  3. 试论合同格式条款的控制和干预

    On Control and Interference of the Forms and Terms of Contracts

  4. 此为对格式条款进行规制之法理基础。

    That is the legal principle of regulation of form clause .

  5. 网上购物格式条款法律问题研究

    On Problems in Shopping Contract Format Item Laws on the Net

  6. 第二部分规制格式条款效力的法律原则。

    Part n Principles of Regulation on the Force of Standard Terms .

  7. 试论格式条款效力的概括规制&兼评我国合同法第39条

    On the General Regulation of the Effect of Adhesion Contracts

  8. 电子合同中格式条款的法律规制研究

    Research on Legal Regulation of Standard Terms in Electronic Contract

  9. 对格式条款的识别可以从相对方的不特定性、预先拟定性和不可协商性三个方面加以判断;

    To determine a standard term is from three aspects .

  10. 格式条款的价值分析及其法律规制

    On Analysis of the Value of Format Contract and Its Legal Regulation

  11. 网上电子格式条款的法律问题及规制策略

    Terms of web-based electronic format of the legal issues and regulatory strategy

  12. 不利解释原则在解释保险格式条款中起着不可替代的作用。

    Unfavorable interpretation principle in the insurance clauses plays an irreplaceable role .

  13. 格式条款的效率性,决定了格式条款存在的合理性。

    It is its efficiency that makes its existence reasonable .

  14. 浅议《合同法》中有关格式条款的规定

    On Provisions Related to Format Clauses in the Contract Law

  15. 也正是这些不公正格式条款背离了契约正义。

    It is these impartial standard clauses that deviates the justice of contract .

  16. 第三部分格式条款规制的法律途径。

    Partin The Law 's Regulation on standard Terms .

  17. 电子合同格式条款的法律调整

    On Legal Regulation in the Electronic Contract Format Terms

  18. 论格式条款的解释规则

    On the Rules of Interpretation of the Standard Clauses

  19. 最后,对于格式条款的规制提出了一些其他的方式。

    Finally , some other ways are put up .

  20. 应坚持有利于消费者的思想解释格式条款。

    When interpreting the format items , it should benefit for the consumers .

  21. 论合同法对格式条款的规制

    On the Regulation of Formula Articles by Contract Law

  22. 高校图书馆借阅格式条款的法律规制

    On the Standardization of the Unilateral Provisions on Library Loan in College Libraries

  23. 文章的第二部分是对格式条款基本法理念的研究。

    The second part analyzed the basic legal principles of the standard clauses .

  24. 论格式条款的司法规制&从诚实信用原则视角分析

    Judicial regulation on contractual standard terms & From the principle of good fait

  25. 浅析格式条款及其法律规制

    Analysis on Unfair Contract Terms and The Legal System

  26. 格式条款是从19世纪发展起来的。

    Standard terms have been developed since 19th century .

  27. 论完备合同理念在格式条款规制中的应用

    Theory of The Perfect Contract Apply to the Regulation of the Pattern Term

  28. 论述了标准条款和格式条款无效的具体规定;

    The rule for invalidation of standard provision and formatted one is explained .

  29. 消费者合同中的格式条款研究

    Research on Standard Form Clauses in Consumer Contracts

  30. 第二章是从法理的角度对格式条款法律制度作了深入分析,并对格式条款制度的利弊进行了权衡。

    Chapter Two assays standard form contract , and studies its advantage and disadvantage .