
  • 网络drugs acting
  1. 制药企业的药品代理制度研究

    The Medicines Agency 's System of Pharmacy Enterprises Research

  2. 目的:探索药品代理制的现状及其未来的演变趋势。

    Objectives : To analyze and discuss the status and the future evolution of the Drug Agency Pattern ( DAP ) .

  3. 对药品市场营销中代理环节监督管理的思考

    Discussion on the Supervision and Management of Commission Agencies in Drug Market

  4. 药监工作人员要准确掌握药品分销市场的现状及发展趋势,抓好药品市场营销中代理环节的监督管理。

    The supervision and management on the drug market should be strengthened on the basis of current situation and the developing trends of drug distribution .