
yuǎn qī huì piào
  • time draft;usance draft;usance bill
  1. 我建议开具价值8万美元的远期汇票,支付第一批交货的贷款。

    I propose a time draft for us $ 80000 covering the first partial shipment .

  2. 受益人的远期汇票需要在即期议付,并转寄给付款人银行。

    Beneficiarys time draft shall be negotiated on at sight basis and should be forwarded drawee bank .

  3. 下面开具的远期汇票采取见票即付。

    Usance bill drawn hereunder are to be negotiated at sight .

  4. 你们接受即期汇票还是远期汇票?

    Do you accept at sight draft or time bill ?

  5. 该远期汇票已被承兑银行承兑了吗?

    Has this bill been accepted by the acceptance bank ?

  6. 远期汇票按即期议付,利息由买方承担。

    Usance draft to be negotiated at sight basis , interest is for Buyers account .

  7. 如卖方开出的是远期汇票,以此向买方提供信用,此时就做了一笔商业汇票承兑业务。

    If a seller extends credit to a time draft , they have made a trade acceptance .

  8. 远期汇票表明:出口商已经同意给与进口商一定信用期限!

    A usance bill is an indication that the seller has agreed to give the buyer some credit .

  9. 请确认我们可以就你328号订单向你方开出金额为两万八千美元的六十天远期汇票收款。

    Please confirm that we can draw on you at60 days after sight for US $ 28,000 against your Order No.328 .

  10. 我建议开价值五万美元的远期汇票偿付第一批交货的货款。

    I propose issuing a time draft for US $ 50 , 000 covering the value of the first partial shipment .

  11. 手签的、按装船货物全额开具的以进口商为付款人的远期汇票一式两份,必须附有相关单据。

    Your manually signed additional drafts in duplicate drawn on importers at usance for full invoice value of shipment must ACCOPMANY documents .

  12. 即期汇票、定期汇票、远期汇票和信用状这些专用语,足以表现各种不同的付款方式吗?

    Are the expressions of sight draft , time draft , usance and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment ?

  13. 我们已通过纽约花旗银行开出第GB418号不可撤销信用证,据此,你们可向我们开出30天远期汇票。

    We have opened an irrevocable letter of credit No.GB418 through the City Bank , New York , under which you may draw on us at30 days after sight .

  14. 我建议开具价值90万美元的远期汇票,偿付第一批交货的货款。更快的交货期-模块式工程部件缩短了生产周期。

    I propose issuing a time draft for 900 , 000 US dollars coveting the value of the first partial shipment . Better delivery - Modular engineering speeds production .

  15. 商品交易,见票即付。授权议付银行议付远期汇票,依票额即期付款。

    Accounts covering commodity dealings should Be settled By cheque payaBle at sight . The Negotiating Bank is authorized to negotiate the usance drafts at sight for the face amount .

  16. 承兑汇票倘若使用远期汇票,比如120天远期,它必须向受票人提示并由其承兑。

    Acceptance of draft : in the case of a usance draft , for example , at 120 days ' sight , it must be presented to the drawee for acceptance .

  17. 粘单上的第一记载人,应当在汇票和粘单的粘接处签章。我建议开价值五万美元的远期汇票偿付第一批交货的货款。

    The first person to write on the allonge shall endorse the conjuncture of the bill and the allonge . I propose issuing a time draft for US $ 50 , 000 covering the value of the first partial shipment .

  18. 如果托收包含有远期付款的汇票,则其指示不应要求付款才交付商业单据。

    Collections should not contain bills of exchange payable at a future date with instructions that commercial documents are to be delivered against payment .

  19. 如果托收包含有远期付款的汇票,而且托收指示表明应凭付款发放商业单据时,则单据只能凭该项付款才能发放。

    If a collection contains a bill of exchange payable at a future date and the collection instruction indicates that commercial documents are to be released against payment , documents will be released only against such payment .

  20. 远期信用证显然要使用远期汇票。付款期限可为30天、60天甚至可长达180天。

    A usance credits obviously calls for a time draft , and the usance varies from 30,60 days to as long as 180 days even longer .