
  • 网络the Nixon shock
  1. 正当IMF在尼克松冲击(Nixonshock)终结布雷顿森林体系后找到新角色时,我们可能即将迎来一个新的IMF时代。

    Just as the IMF found a new role after the Nixon shock ended the Bretton Woods System , a new era for the Fund may be upon us .

  2. 同时尼克松冲击增强了日本朝野要求改善中日关系的动力,为中日邦交正常化提供了一个好契机,中日两国顺利修好。

    Meanwhile " Nixon Shock " enhanced Japanese government to improve Sino-Japanese relations and provides a good opportunity for the normalization of two countries . The relationships were smoothly fixed between China and Japan .

  3. 更早一些时候,在1971年8月,美国总统理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)实施了尼克松冲击措施,包括征收10%的进口附加税,并结束美元与黄金的相互兑换。

    Earlier still , in August 1971 , the US president Richard Nixon imposed the Nixon shock , imposing a 10 per cent import surcharge and ending dollar convertibility into gold .