
zhè jiānɡ dà xué
  • Zhejiang University
  1. 浙江大学电工电子网络实验室是基于Internet的远程实验室。

    Electrical and Electronic Network Laboratory of Zhejiang University is an Internet-based distant laboratory .

  2. 构建基于WWW的浙江大学学位论文全文数据库

    Constructing a Full-Text Database of Dissertations for Zhejiang University on WWW

  3. 随着饲料中维生素C水平的提高,黑鲷仔鱼全鱼、肌肉、肝脏、脑、鳃和血浆中的维浙江大学硕士论文生索C含量呈匕升趋势。

    Vitamin C concentrations in whole body , muscle , liver , brain , gill and plasma enhanced as the dietary vitamin C level increased .

  4. PCR是1985年兴起的一项基因体浙江大学硕土学位论文外扩槽的分于生物学新技术,多年来在生命科学研究领域发挥了前所未有的作用。

    PCR founded in 1985 , as a amplification technology in vitro , it acts in life science study importantly in recent ten years .

  5. 为了研究模糊模型PID优化控制的策略,我们在浙江大学工业控制技术国家重点实验室建立的填料塔实验装置的基础上,建立了一套填料塔热交换系统。

    In order to study the strategy of fuzzy model PID control , we established one set of packed tower heat-exchange system in the laboratory .

  6. 本文提出了一种设计CK·CORE内存管理单元的新的方法,CK·CORE是由杭州中天微系统有限公司和浙江大学合作开发的32位高性能嵌入式处理器。

    This paper presents a new designing method for CK-Core MMU , CK-Core is a 32 bit high performance embedded processor collaborated by Hangzhou C-Sky Microsystem Inc and Zhejiang University .

  7. 浙江大学博士学位论文3.针对一类具有严重非线性的复杂被控对象,提出两种基于T-S模糊模型的预测控制算法。

    Two predictive control algorithms based on T-S fuzzy model are presented for a family of complex systems with strong non-linearity .

  8. 针对浙江大学研制的智能管捆成形电液位置伺服系统,应用粗糙集数据分析的理论,提出一种有自学习能力的粗糙-模糊PID控制方法。

    An approach of rough-fuzzy control , which uses rough set data analysis to upgrade fuzzy PID control , is presented for the electro-hydraulic servo position system in pipe bundle shaping process .

  9. 通过使用Globustoolkit和SUNGridEngine两种网格中间件,部署层次化结构的浙江大学校园网格。

    The architecture is based on a hierarchical combination of two grid middleware products , Globus Toolkit and Sun Grid Engine , in order to use both of their advantages .

  10. 浙江大学硕士学位论文3.LPS对大鼠离体主动脉环对苯肾上腺素(phe咧ePhrine,PE)收缩反应的影响(1)LPS处理组主动脉环对PE的浓度一收缩反应曲线明显低于对照组;

    The concentration-contraction curves evoked by phenylephrine ( PE ) in aortic rings from LPS-treated rats was significantly decreased compared to the rings from control rats .

  11. 浙江大学博士学位论文企业信息系统相集成的智能企业诊断系统,建立了基于数据仓库的智能企业诊断系统模型,并提出以模糊Petri网实现企业诊断的知识表示和模糊推理。

    A model of intelligent enterprise diagnosis system based data warehouse is established , and fuzzy Petri net is used to realize knowledge representation and fuzzy reasoning of enterprise diagnosis .

  12. 本文在分析浙江大学设计的基于PSD的光电式数字水准仪的基础上,提出设计基于PSD的激光坡度与指向装置。

    We analyse the design of photoelectric digital level based on PSD , and design the laser gradient direction and measurement device based on PSD .

  13. 平移床由本院和浙江大学联合研制,最大移动距离60cm。

    The maximum moving distance of the table was 60 cm .

  14. 于是,我们浙江大学博士学位论文决定将员工的组织情感承诺和主管情感承诺·作为POS和PSS与员工工作产出之间的中介变量。

    We take employees ' affective commitment ( toorganization and supervisor ) as the mediators between POS , PSS and employees ' work outcomes .

  15. 本文介绍了浙江大学人工智能研究所在产品造型研究基础上完成的一个面向机械产品设计的实用化计算机辅助设计(CAD)系统ZD-MCADⅡ。

    In this paper we introduce a practical computer-aided design ( CAD ) system towards mechanical parts design on the basis of our researches on product modelling systems at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence in Zhejiang University .

  16. 最后,在系数N和R的指导下,在浙江大学热能工程研究所高温气固两相流风洞试验台上验证测量系统的可靠性。

    Finally , under the guidance of coefficient N and R , experiments were taken in high-temperature gas-solid two-phase flow wind tunnel in Institute of Thermal Engineering at Zhejiang University , to verify the reliability of the measurement system .

  17. 浙江大学硕1:学位论文·摘要中文摘要A组和2例B组患者术后1上周内伤口部分裂开,有少量骨组织外露,去除表面死骨后伤口愈合良好;

    In three patients in group A and two in group B , partial wounds dehiscence occurred within 1-2 weeks after operation with a bit of bone tissues exposed , and after the removal of the sequestra on the surface , the wounds healed well ;

  18. 本论文是围绕山西经纬纺织机械股份有限公司和浙江大学化机研究所CAD实验室合作开发的山西经纬纺织机械股份有限公司PDM系统这一课题而展开的。

    This paper is based on the project " Shanxi Jingwei Textile Machinery Co. LTD RDM System " which is developed by CAD research room at the Institute of Chemical Machinery of Zhejiang University and Shanxi Jingwei Textile Machinery Co.

  19. 浙江大学博士学位论文结果:1.左、右两肺血管壁NO含量,eNOS、iNOS、Ps表达强度以及肺组织湿/干重比率未见差异。

    There is no difference between left and right lung in the content of NO , eNOS , iNOS , Ps in vascular endothelium and Wet / Dry ratio in lung tissue .

  20. 浙江大学硕士学位论文结果:从注射sTz后第二天起,实验组大鼠均出现多饮、多尿、多食、尿糖升高大于++。

    Results : The experimental group rats all presented polydipsia , polyuria , polyphagia and urine sugar raised , above + + from the second day of the injected STZ .

  21. 实验中以浙江大学校园地图为例,结合WAPPush技术和手机定位功能,成功地实现了手机导航的功能。

    In the experiments , the mobile map service is implemented with map database of Zhejiang University area as an example . Through WAP Push technology the user can get the map and campus navigation can be offered successfully .

  22. 本验证方案成功应用于在浙江大学和中天微系统有限公司合作开发的拥有自主知识产权的媒体DSP处理器Spock的设计中,提高了验证自动化及标准化水平,缩短了设计过程中验证的时间。

    The verification method , used in a media DSP processor named Spock ( developed by Zhejiang University and C-sky Microsystems Co. , Ltd ), increase design automation level and save the verification time .

  23. 研究目的:应用射频治疗仪(RadioFrequency)进行面部皮肤年轻化治疗的疗效评估研究方法:选择2010.1至2010.4月间浙江大学附属第二医院皮肤科门诊15例患者。

    Purpose : To evaluate the effect of radiofrequency on facial skin rejuvenation . Methodology : Fifteen patients were selected at the Dermatology Department of Second Affiliated Hospital , Zhejiang University during the period from January to April 2010 .

  24. 在大量研究和试验基础上,确定了浙江大学5Hz空心圆柱仪的试样尺寸。

    Based on researches and tests , the sample size of 5 Hz HCA in Zhejiang University was determined .

  25. 本章提出的快速DCT算法不仅减少了所需乘法的次数,而且变换后的后置乘法和矩阵转置过程可与量化和扫描相结合,进一步加速浙江大学博士学位论文整个MPEG编码过程。

    The fast DCT algorithm not only can reduce the multiplication number , but also can combine the post-scaling and matrix transpose needed for fast DCT with the quantization and scan processes , so as to speed up the whole MPEG encoder .

  26. 将85例同期住院病人分成BTCC组、泌尿系良性疾病组、泌尿系非尿路浙江大学硕士学位论文上皮恶性肿瘤组和膀肌内翻性乳头状瘤组。

    Methods : 85 patients were divided into four groups , bladder transitional cell carcinoma , benign diseases of urinary system , no-urothelium malignancy of urinary system and inverted urothelial papilloma of bladder .

  27. 并从Compton散射的物理过程出发,浙江大学博士学位论文对Norton提出的背散射成像解析重建公式作了重新推导,使探测器响应函数具有了明确的物理意义,便于对问题的深入理解及进一步研究。

    By analyzing the whole physical process of Compton scattering , we have educed newly the analytic reconstruction expression of the backscatter imaging putted by Norton , which has a physical meaning in accordance with its definition .

  28. 取脾脏行病理浙江大学硕士学位论文学检查和免疫组化检测研究移植的人源性肝细胞在脾脏的分布和增殖情况以及糖原、ALB、AFP、HEP的表达。

    Tissue sections were made from the spleens , then pathological research and immunohistochemistry were performed to study the distribution and multiplication of human-derived hepatocytes in the spleen . Expression of glycogen , AFP , ALB and HEP were detected .

  29. OSCAR(V2.0)是浙江大学计算机系自行研制的一个OODB系统,本文介绍了OSCAR的数据描述语言(DDL),它支持STEP标准下的标准数据存取接口(SDAI)。

    OSCAR ( V2.0 ) is an object - oriented database management system which has been worked out by computer science department of ZheJiang University . A new data describe language ( DDL ) supporting STEP is introduced in this paper .

  30. 本文首先介绍了分布式GIS的相关概念、发展现状和目前面临挑战,然后讨论了对于浙江大学人工智能实验室的地理对象服务器GOS在分布式方面的扩展,由此提出了地理对象服务器集群GSC的架构。

    This dissertation introduced the background , evolution and challenges to current GIS applications . Then , it discussed the extension to Geographical Object Server ( GOS ) in distributed aspect , Based on which , the dissertation proposed a cluster of GOSs-GSC .