
zhè jiānɡ shī fàn dà xué
  • Zhejiang Normal University;Zhejiang Teachers' University
  1. 浙江师范大学教室CO2体积分数测量结果分析

    An Analysis of the Volume Fraction of CO_2 in Classrooms of Zhejiang Normal University

  2. 本文对浙江师范大学外国语学院综合英语课RICH教学学生学习档案评估模式进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses an evaluation system for student portfolios in RICH Comprehensive English Course ( CEC ) conducted at College of Foreign Languages , Zhejiang Normal University .

  3. 通过近八年的教学改革实践,浙江师范大学外国语学院RICH教改组部分教师的教学观念逐渐发生了变化。

    The past 8 years of teaching reform have seen some teachers of the RICH group at Foreign Languages College of Zhejiang Normal University gradually change their concepts of teaching .

  4. 目的对浙江师范大学教室全年CO2体积分数进行测量分析,为改善教室环境提供依据。

    Objective To analyze the volume fraction of CO_2 in the classrooms of Zhejiang Normal University , and to provide basis for the improvement of classroom environment .

  5. 浙江师范大学校园居室氡浓度及其影响因素

    Indoor radon consistency and influence factors in Zhejiang Normal University

  6. 浙江师范大学发展软式排球运动的可行性研究

    On feasibility developing soft volleyball in Zhejiang Normal University

  7. 毕业于浙江师范大学,获得文学学士学位。

    I graduated from Zhejiang Normal University and received the Bachelor of Arts degree .

  8. 该实验由浙江师范大学英语专业34名三年级学生参加。

    34 third-year students of English major in Zhejiang Normal University participated in the experiment .

  9. 制约与创新&浙江师范大学科技实验大楼设计札记

    Restriction and Innovation & Design of the Science And Technology Building in Zhejiang Normal University

  10. 研究对象为浙江师范大学(计算机系和政法系的)二年级文、理科学生共67人。

    The subjects under the investigation were 67 second-year students from 2 classes at Zhejiang Normal University .

  11. 地方高校创新人才培养体系的构建&以浙江师范大学为例

    Construction of Innovative Talents Training System in Local Universities & Taking Zhejiang Normal University as an Example

  12. 高校校园环境规划论析&以浙江师范大学校园环境规划实践为例

    On Campus Environmental Planning in Colleges and Universities : A Case of Practice at Zhejiang Normal University

  13. 浙江师范大学体育教育专业学生首届基本功大赛的实践性研究

    A study on the first basic capability competition for the physical education majors in Zhejiang Normal University

  14. 浙江师范大学医院门诊抗生素应用情况分析

    An analysis on the use of antibiotics in outpatient service at the Hospital of Zhejiang Normal University

  15. 把文学与地理学嫁接在一起的人(上)&访浙江师范大学梅新林教授

    The Man Who Grafted Literature with Geography & An Interview with Professor Mei Xin-lin from Zhejiang Normal University

  16. 新形势下高校辅导员心理压力及其调适&以浙江师范大学辅导员调查为例

    Psychological Pressure of College Political Instructors and Its Release : An Survey of Instructors at Zhejiang Normal University

  17. 通过对596名大学生进行问卷调查,对该问卷的项目进行了筛选和修订,最后共保留了20个项目。浙江师范大学发展软式排球运动的可行性研究

    The subjects were 596 normal university students in Zhejiang . On feasibility developing soft volleyball in Zhejiang Normal University

  18. 城市规划专业认识实习的探索与实践&以浙江师范大学城市规划专业认识实习为例

    Exploration and practice of recognizing practice : A case study of City Planning recognizing practice of Zhejiang Normal University

  19. 城市绿地空间景观生态设计研究&以浙江师范大学附中为研究案例

    Landscape Ecological Planning and Design on City Green Spaces & A Case of the Campus of High School in Zhejiang Normal University

  20. 本文以浙江师范大学为例,分析了高等教育大众化进程中的大学定位与管理创新问题。

    Taking Zhejiang Normal University as an example , this article analyses the university orientation and management innovation in the popularization of higher education .

  21. 浙江师范大学物理系学生、22岁的付正成(音译)便是万门大学的支持者之一。

    Fu Zhengcheng , 22 , a physics major at Zhejiang Normal University , is one of the student followers of Tong 's online college .

  22. 择业期间贫困大学生生涯自我效能、焦虑的变化&浙江师范大学贫困生的调查研究

    Changes of Career Decision-making Self-efficacy and Anxiety among Poverty-stricken College Students during Job-hunting Period : An Investigation of Students with Financial Difficulties at Zhejiang Normal University

  23. 此后几套初中语文教材相继出版发行,浙江师范大学版《初中语文课本(实验本)》在此背景下编写而成。

    Several sets of Chinese textbooks were compiled and published in succession , including Junior Chinese for China ( Trial Version ) ( Zhejiang Normal University Version ) .

  24. 针对浙江师范大学有半数左右的学生还不了解软式排球这项新兴体育运动项目的现状,建议该校必须加大对软式排球运动的宣传、推广力度,让更多的学生了解并参与这项运动。

    The auther suggests that we should strengthen the publicity and the promotion of the game so that more and more students would know about it and participate in it .

  25. 今年是浙江师范大学的50周年校庆,作为浙江省高等师范教育的主体力量,浙江师范大学对浙江省的基础教育作出了巨大的贡献。

    Zhejiang Normal University will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary this year . As the backbone of higher teacher education in Zhejiang , it has made great contributions to the basic education of the province .

  26. 本研究以浙江师范大学大学最近开发的现代教育技术网络课程为例,深入探讨教学内容与媒体呈现之间的关系,并检验现代大学生的媒体素养。

    This study investigated the relationship of instructional contents and media delivery , as well as examined college student 's media literacy , based on a web-based course designed by the Normal University of Zhejiang recently .

  27. 就读于浙江师范大学英语系、21岁的徐丹(音译)之所以喜欢放假,是因为这样她就可以投入更多时间去做志愿者了。她认为志愿者的经历改变了她的生活,令她进步。

    Xu Dan loves vacations because it means she can spend more time volunteering . The 21-year-old English major from Zhejiang Normal University believes that volunteering has changed her life and made her a better person .

  28. 从浙江师范大学集中采购的实践出发,对高校实行集中采购的意义、应遵循的原则、操作的程序以及应注意的问题等方面进行了探讨和思考。

    Based on the practice of centralized purchase in Zhejiang Normal University , the author puts forward his views on the principles , procedures and other important issues in the centralized purchase in schools of higher education .

  29. 通过量表、反思日志、质性评价提纲、反思性评价档案袋等一系列的评价工具测量浙江师范大学2006级生物科学师范生的技能水平。

    The third grade of biological science students in our school are measured teaching skills by a series of evaluation tools such as the scale , reflection logs , qualitative evaluation of the outline and reflective portfolio assessment .

  30. 本文对浙江师范大学近年来实施的课堂教学质量评估的内容和方法、评估的结果和产生的影响等进行了分析。

    This paper analyse the content and the method of the evaluation of the classroom instruction quality , as well as the result and the influence of the evaluation which has been put into effect in Zhejiang Normal University in recent years .