
  • 网络The second coming;Parousia
  1. 这叫做基督再临。

    This was called the parousia .

  2. 我希望我回答:那么我们不用撰写关于基督再临的文章了?

    So we won 't be covering the Second Coming ? I wished I 'd said .

  3. 是预备迎见基督再临的荣耀教会。

    The church that prepares to meet the second coming of Jesus Christ .

  4. 大多数的基督教徒相信基督再临。

    Most Christians believe in the Second Coming .

  5. 坎迪斯发布了一封给牧师的简讯,宣告基督再临。

    Candace has put out a newsletter to clerics , to announce the Second Coming .

  6. 我的朋友们,你认为基督再临的另一个名字是什么?

    What my friends , do you think the Second Coming , that they are calling it but another name is ?

  7. 他真的相信自己就处于,基督再临的末日已经开始的时期。

    He really believed that he was right there and that the end had already begun in a sense with Jesus .

  8. 假如他们知道,他们所感知到的基督再临极不像他们所预期的那样,许多人会极度的失望。

    Many will be gravely disappointed , should they know , that their perceptions of his return scantily resembles their expectations .

  9. 在《帖撒罗尼迦前书》里他说,很快就要发生,准备好,别睡觉,耶稣要回来了,基督再临就要发生了,一切都将很快发生。

    In1 Thessalonians he says , it 's coming very soon , get ready , don 't go to sleep , Jesus is coming back , and the parousia will happen & is all going to happen very soon .

  10. 他相信基督现在就会再临,于是他将自己置于末日开始的时期。

    He believes that Jesus is coming back right now , so he just places himself right at the beginning .

  11. 加州的罗玛琳达以其高度集中的基督复临安息日会教友闻名于世,而在那里信仰基督再临的人比一般美国人的平均寿命要长11岁。

    Loma Linda , California , boasts the highest concentration of Seventh-Day Adventists in the world , and the average Adventist man lives 11 years longer than the average American man .