
sā dàn
  • Satan;devil;shaitan, sheitan
撒旦 [sā dàn]
  • [satan;shaitan, sheitan] 基督教指魔鬼、恶魔

撒旦[sā dàn]
  1. 但是,但丁(Dante)在《地狱》(Inferno)的最后一篇中谴责布鲁图,判他在地狱的最底层永远被撒旦嚼食,和他同在地狱底层的是谋反罪同犯卡西乌斯以及叛徒犹大(JudasIscariot)。

    Dante , by contrast , in the final canto of " Inferno , " condemned Brutus to be forever chewed by Satan in the lowest circle of hell , alongside Cassius , his accomplice in the sin of betrayal , and Judas Iscariot .

  2. 你也听见了,那是撒旦的牙齿。

    You heard the guy . it 's satan 's tooth .

  3. 像克罗伊斯一样富有,可又像地狱里的撒旦一样邪恶。

    Rich as Croesus and wicked as the black man below .

  4. 由于故事被告知,名叫Jack,谁被以为是酒鬼和骗子臭名昭著的一个男人,欺骗,爬树撒旦。

    As the tale is told , a man named Jack , who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster , tricked Satan into climbing a tree .

  5. 当小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)遭到攻击时,图书行业组成了统一战线。

    When the novel The Satanic Verses was under attack , the book industry formed a united front .

  6. 伊朗政权确立了先例,发出针对作家萨尔曼•拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)的追杀令,就为了他写的小说《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)。

    The Iranian regime set the precedent when it issued a fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie in response to his book The Satanic Verses .

  7. 几年前我在这方面有过教训,那是在萨尔曼•拉什迪(SalmanRushdie)受到威胁后,我试图阅读他写的《撒旦诗篇》(TheSatanicVerses)。

    I learnt my lesson in this regard a few years ago , when I tried to read The Satanic Verses after threats were made against its author , Salman Rushdie .

  8. 一张面孔向上帝,一张面孔朝撒旦。

    One face to God , and another to the Devil .

  9. 突然,撒旦出现在教堂前面。

    Suddenly , Satan appeared at the front of the church .

  10. 钱德勒:哦,撒旦的奴才又开始活跃了。

    Chandler : Oh , Satan 's minions at work again .

  11. 撒旦发明了本杰瑞冰淇淋和脆甜圈。

    Then Satan created Ben and Jerry 's and Krispy Creme .

  12. 书中歌颂了幽默的地位。凶手们认为,这本书是撒旦的工具。

    The murderers believe the book is an instrument of Satan .

  13. 经过这场审判撒旦会被驱赶走。

    Through this judgment he ( Satan ) will be expelled .

  14. 那红龙是对撒旦的另一个称号。

    The Red Dragon is one of the names of Satan .

  15. 事实是,这些都是撒旦的谎言。

    The truth is , these are all lies from Satan .

  16. 撒旦:谁是你的父亲?你是谁?

    Satan : who is your father ? Who are you ?

  17. 是否耶路撒冷的建筑,曾建造在撒旦的黑暗中?

    And was Jerusalem builded here among these dark Satanic Mills ?

  18. 这三个有了,就连撒旦都退后了。

    With these three , and even Satan is the back .

  19. 噢,撒旦的奴仆又开始活动了……

    Chandler : Oh , Satan 's minions at work again ...

  20. 用火和剑去消灭魔王撒旦!

    Use of fire and sword to eliminate the devil , Satan !

  21. 撒旦象征纯洁的智慧,而非虚假的自欺!

    Satan represents undefiled wisdom , instead of hypocritical self-deceit !

  22. 撒旦有两个名字,他叫撒旦,又叫谎话。

    Satan has two names , he is called Satan and Lying .

  23. 这正是撒旦想要你去做的。

    This is precisely the Satan wants you to do .

  24. 撒旦带来了千岛酱和蒜头面包。

    And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing and garlic toast on the side .

  25. 我觉得我让撒旦的,而不是朋友。

    I feel like I let satan in instead of a friend .

  26. 撒旦说:“你们要巧克力口味的吗?”

    And Satan said ," You want chocolate with that ?"

  27. 你是个调皮的撒旦不是吗?

    You 're a naughty tempter , aren 't you ?

  28. 撒旦恨神,也恨你和我。

    Satan hates God and he hates you and me .

  29. 有一天撒旦来到伊甸园。

    One day Satan came to the Garden of Eden .

  30. 看到恩典的时候,撒旦的球队全都松了口气。

    Satan 's whole team relaxed when they saw grace .