
sā hā lā shā mò
  • the Sahara
撒哈拉沙漠[sā hā lā shā mò]
  1. 她最近心血来潮,想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营!

    Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert !

  2. 这是撒哈拉沙漠,世界上最大的沙漠。

    This is the Sahara Desert , the largest desert in the world .

  3. 受害最深的将是不发达国家,尤其是非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区。

    The big losers will be the undeveloped countries , especially sub-Saharan Africa .

  4. 赞比亚是撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区城市化程度最高的国家。

    Zambia is black Africa 's most urbanised country

  5. 从月球上能看到撒哈拉沙漠的全貌。

    From the moon you can see the full extent of the Sahara desert .

  6. 伊比利亚半岛上的垃圾填埋场长期吸引着当地的白鹳,但这项研究中贴有标签的所有西班牙白鹳都飞越撒哈拉沙漠来到萨赫勒西部。

    Landfill sites on the Iberian peninsula have long attracted local white storks , but all of the Spanish birds tagged in the study flew across the Sahara desert to the western Sahel .

  7. 尽管如此,撒哈拉沙漠以南地区的非洲城市并没有像世界其他地方的城市那样日益富有。

    Yet cities in sub-Saharan Africa not getting richer the way cities in the rest of the world have .

  8. 除了南非之外,撒哈拉沙漠以南地区只有埃塞俄比亚的亚迪斯亚贝巴有地铁轻轨系统。

    With the exception of South Africa , the only light rail metro system in sub-Saharan Africa is in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia .

  9. 撒哈拉沙漠的昼夜温差很大。

    In the Sahara , temperatures are very different during the day and at night .

  10. 西起塞内加尔,东至吉布提,南临撒哈拉沙漠。

    It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east , on the south of the Sahara Desert .

  11. 由于使用早期版本的Google地球软件,被派往伊拉克搜索大规模杀伤性武器的联合国核查员错误的降落在撒哈拉沙漠中。

    Apparently the UN Inspectors who were searching for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq never actually made it to Iraq .

  12. n.沙漠撒哈拉沙漠是位于北非的大沙漠。

    desert The Sahara is a great desert in the northern part of Africa .

  13. A)撒哈拉沙漠,B)黑海,C)死谷还是D)太平洋?

    Is it : A ) Sahara Desert , B ) Black Sea , C ) Death Valley or D ) Pacific Ocean ? You 've got three seconds -- GO !

  14. 双重打击:撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲,这个世界上HIV最为肆虐的地方,现在同样受到结核病的严重袭扰。

    Double whammy : Sub-Saharan Africa , which has the world 's most widespread HIV epidemic , has also been hardest hit by new cases of tuberculosis .

  15. 不论属于哪一类生育率的国家,人类的预期寿命都将会延长,尤其许多在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲国家,因为有了更好的HIV和爱滋病治疗,可以降低早期死亡。

    Life expectancy is expected to rise across all categories of countries , particularly as better treatment for HIV / AIDS cuts early deaths in many sub-Saharan African countries , Zlotnik said .

  16. 在HIV感染儿童中进行这项研究是因为他们受到机会性感染疾病的高度威胁,例如肺炎和腹泻,尤其是在亚洲和撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲的部分地区。

    The study was carried out in children with HIV because they are most at risk from opportunistic diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhoea , especially in parts of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa .

  17. 2005年,据UNICEF估计,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区共有一亿三千两百万儿童生活在单亲家庭。

    In2005 Unicef estimated that there were132m children who had lost at least one parent in sub-Saharan Africa , Asia , Latin America and the Caribbean .

  18. 三十年来,艾滋病一直是困扰非洲撒哈拉沙漠南部一些国家的最大的健康问题。博茨瓦纳虽然有积极有力的艾滋病预防项目。但是那里的成年人当中仍然有四分之一是HIV携带者。

    For 30 years , AIDS has been a major health problem in some African countries south of the Sahara Desert . In Botswana , one of every four adults is infected with HIV . Yet the country also has aggressive AIDS , prevention campaigns .

  19. 阿曼沙漠马拉松赛是设立不久的赛事,首届赛事于2013年举办,与参赛者近1.5万人的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠地狱马拉松赛(marathondessables)相比,实在是小巫见大巫。

    The Oman Desert Marathon is a relatively newcomer , first held in 2013 , and a low-key alternative to Morocco 's Marathon des Sables , which now attracts almost 1500 runners .

  20. Webster还说,她希望有科研小组能尽快将第三种血吸虫亚种S.haematobium的基因图也绘制出来,这个亚种是非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区流行的泌尿系统血吸虫病的元凶。

    Webster says she expects the genome of the third schistosome , S.haematobium , which causes urinary schistosomiasis across much of Sub-Saharan Africa , to be sequenced soon .

  21. 摩洛哥乌季达默罕默德第一大学的研究人员在撒哈拉沙漠对Waterboxx进行了三年的测试。

    Researchers at Mohammed the First University in Oujda , Morocco , tested the Waterboxx for three years in the Sahara .

  22. 领跑的男选手是摩洛哥人与约旦人,他们从小就适应沙漠环境,尽管领跑的女选手是瑞典人伊丽莎白巴恩斯(ElisabetBarnes,她也是今年的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠地狱马拉松赛冠军)。

    The leading male runners are Moroccans and Jordanians , people used to the desert , though the women 's race is led by Swedish runner Elisabet Barnes ( who also won this year 's Marathon des Sables ) .

  23. 使用触控板在27英寸的iMac屏幕上移动文件夹就好像拖着一架巨大的钢琴穿越撒哈拉沙漠――我在这个过程中必须要不时地休息,因为我的触控板不够大。

    Moving a folder across a 27-inch iMac screen with the trackpad was like lugging a grand piano across the Sahara & I had to keep taking breaks along the way , as I ran out of pad .

  24. 这个万名女性项目还将为Camfed等组织提供资金。Camfed是一个资助非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区的女孩上中学的组织。

    The 10,000 Women effort will also provide grants for groups such as Camfed , which pays for girls in sub-Saharan Africa to attend secondary school .

  25. 该公司还涉及了一次性使用的设备。摩洛哥乌计达默罕默德第一大学的研究人员在撒哈拉沙漠对Waterboxx进行了三年的测试。

    The company also makes a version for one-time use . Researchers at Mohammed the First University in Oujda , Morocco , tested the Waterboxx for three years in the Sahara .

  26. 旋角羚羊生活在北非洲的撒哈拉沙漠中。

    The addax lives in the Sahara Desert of northern Africa .

  27. 来自于撒哈拉沙漠的流沙可无法掩盖这些。

    Drifting sands from the Sahara simply don 't cover it .

  28. 一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。

    A member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara .

  29. 完成穿越撒哈拉沙漠后他从非洲回到德国。

    He returned to Germany from Africa after crossing the Sahara .

  30. 今天的生物不能在撒哈拉沙漠上生存。

    Creatures that can 't live anywhere in the Sahara today .