
  • 网络Samarkand;Samarqand
  1. 当年的撒马尔罕(Samarkand),摩苏尔(Mosul)和梅尔夫(Merv)等伟大城市拥有大量富裕的精英,这提供了巨大的商机。

    The great cities such as Samarkand , Mosul and Merv offered great commercial opportunities , thanks to their large , rich elites .

  2. 撒马尔罕古城:世界文明的纽带

    The Old City of Samarkand : the Tache of the World Civilization

  3. 有着像布哈拉和撒马尔罕这样有惊人财富的城市&同时也是重要的穆斯林城市。

    It contained fabulously wealthy cities like Buqhara and Samarqand , important Muslim cities as well .

  4. 他回到了刚建立的新蒙古帝国首都撒马尔罕。

    He returned to samarkand , the capital of the new Mongol empire he had created .

  5. 他们占领并抢劫许多著名的城市,包括撒马尔罕、塔什干、布哈拉、赫拉特等。

    They captured and looted many famous cities , including Samarkand , Tashkent , Bokhara and Herat .

  6. 撒马尔罕&文化交汇之地

    Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures

  7. 明朝时期,中亚地区主要有撒马尔罕、哈烈等国家。

    In the period of Ming Dynasty , there are some countries in Central Asia area , such as Herat and Samarkand .

  8. 丝绸之路&我们了解了过去,又观望现在,如果谁去参观撒马尔罕这座美丽的城市,这种感觉将会发生在每个人的身上!

    Great Silk Road-we know our past and see the present * That is what could happen with everyone who will visit this beautiful city-Samarqand !

  9. 松潘造山带马尔康强过铝质花岗岩的成因及其构造意义《康国乐》传自乌兹别克撒马尔罕。

    Petrogenesis of Strongly Peraluminous Granites in Markan Area , Songpan Fold Belt and Its Tectonic Implication the " Kangguo Yue " originated from Samarkand of Uzbekistan ;

  10. 在9世纪,西班牙科尔多瓦学校里的学者和开罗、巴格达、布哈拉、撒马尔罕的学者保持通信联系。

    In the ninth century learned men in the schools of Cordoba in Spain were corresponding with learned men in Cairo , Bagdad , Bokhara and Samarkand .

  11. 元朝初期,撒拉族先祖从中亚撒马尔罕地区迁徙而来,定居在现今青海省循化地区。

    The ancestors of the Salar people were the Samarkand people who migrated from Central Asia to China during the Yuan Dynasty , and they settled down in the Xunhua area of Qinghai Province .

  12. 该路线从中国乌鲁木齐、伊宁出发,途经哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图、吉尔吉斯斯坦的比什凯克、塔什干、乌兹别克斯坦的撒马尔罕、土库曼斯坦的阿什哈巴德,最后通过伊朗的德黑兰到达西亚铁路网。

    His proposed route was from China 's Urumqi and Yining to Almaty in Kazakhstan , then to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan , Tashkent and Samarkand in Uzbekistan , Ashgabat in Turkmenistan and finally blending into West Asia 's network through Teheran , Iran .