
  • 网络Edward I;King Edward I;Edward I of England
  1. 爱德华一世国王和卡斯提尔的Eleanor王后的女儿,乔安娜,在18岁时嫁给了46岁伯爵。

    The daughter of King Edward I and Queen Eleanor of Castile , Joan was18 when she married the46-year-old earl .

  2. 爱德华一世统治时期英格兰社会内部变革

    The social transform of England during the rule of Edward I

  3. 结论:在前三章论述的基础上,对爱德华一世在不列颠群岛扩张的历史意义的归纳和总结。

    Conclusion : A summary of the three chapters .

  4. 圭内斯郡的爱德华一世时期的城堡和城墙

    Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd

  5. 爱德华一世喜欢剥敌人的皮,把他们的皮钉在圣器礼拜堂的墙上。

    Edward I flayed his enemies and nailed their skin to the chapel of Pyx .

  6. 在亨利三世的儿子爱德华一世的统治下,征服了威尔士。

    Under Edward I , Henry III 's son , Wales was conquered and came under the English Crown .

  7. 这是为爱德华一世所建的13世纪杰作,而且对于一些喜欢英国皇室的故事,战争史和宝藏的人来说,这是一个必去的地方。

    This thirteenth-century masterpiece was constructed for King Edward I , and it is a must-see for those interested in stories of ancient British royalty , wars , and treachery .

  8. 爱德华一世的扩张加速了凯尔特地区的封建化进程,以暴力方式密切了英格兰封建文明与凯尔特文明间的交往,同时也推动了英格兰社会内部税收、军事、议会等制度的变革。

    The expansion of Edward I accelerated the development of feudal society in the Celtic district , promoted the association between two districts , and advanced the institution reform of taxation , military and parliament of England .

  9. 英格兰对威尔士的征服持续了两个多世纪,直到爱德华一世时才告完成。英格兰国王、威尔士土著首领与边境贵族三者间的关系是影响这一时期政治史发展的决定性因素。

    The English conquest on the Wales lasted over two centuries , it completed until Edward I. In this period , the relationship among the kings of England , the Welsh native rulers and the Marcher lords was the decisive factor on the development of the political history .