
  • 网络Iowa State;iowa state university;ISU;Lowa State University
  1. 而市场价格正飙升至异常强劲的水平,爱荷华州立大学(IowaStateUniversity)农业经济学家查德·哈特(ChadHart)表示。

    And the markets are surging to incredibly strong prices , Chad Hart , agricultural economist at Iowa State University , said .

  2. LeeAlekel博士(爱荷华州立大学营养学教授)在给路透社健康专栏的一封e-mail里这样写道。

    D.Lee Alekel , a professor of nutrition at Iowa State University in Ames , told Reuters Health in an email .

  3. 爱荷华州立大学的研究人员在《大学录取期刊》(JournalofCollegeAdmission)上发表的研究称,绝大多数在美国大学念本科的中国学生都求助于中介来指导他们完成申请程序。

    Most Chinese students who are enrolled at American colleges turn to intermediaries to shepherd them through the admissions process , according to a study by researchers at Iowa State University published in the Journal of College Admission .

  4. 爱荷华州立大学玉米研究员RogerElmore并没有参与该项目。他称赞该项目综合的解决方法和令人印象深刻的基金水平。

    Iowa State University maize researcher Roger Elmore , who is not involved in the project , praises its comprehensive approach and the level of funding .

  5. JohnAtanasoff教授开发了第一台数字计算机,他从1937年开始并于1941年完成,其对爱荷华州立大学的计算使用二进制。

    Professor John Atanasoff developed the first digital computer , which he began in1937 and completed in1941 , that used binary for computation at Iowa State College .

  6. 科学家试图弄明白为何这种方式会起作用,在爱荷华州立大学试验田中,MattLiebman复制了其中很多做法。

    Scientists are trying to understand why his practices are working . Matt Liebman has copied many of them at his research fields at Iowa State University .

  7. 爱荷华州立大学(IowaStateUniversity)最近用一个简单的共包括20个问题的测试,总结出“无手机恐惧症”(nomophobia)的主要特点。20个问题均测试受访者对iPhone的依赖程度。测试内容在本文下方。

    A new study from Iowa State University has identified some of the central aspects of nomophobia -- that 's " no mobile phone " phobia -- with a handy new 20-question survey measuring iPhone codependence.Scroll down to take the quiz .

  8. Chegg作为一个超本地化分类指南,于2005年在爱荷华州立大学成立,两年后变成一个教科书租赁服务平台。如今Chegg已经发展为以高中和众多教育机构的学生为服务对象的平台。

    Chegg was founded in 2005 at Iowa State University as a hyper-local classifieds directory , and the business evolved two years later into a textbook-rental service . It now has a variety of offerings centered on students from high school onward to many thousands of educational institutions .

  9. 爱荷华州立大学一项研究发现在争吵前转移一下自己的注意力,吵的时候就没那么生气了。

    An Iowa State University study found that people who distract themselves before an argument end up less angry .

  10. 燕晓哲在爱荷华州立大学读书的第一学期,他没有奖学金,日子过的很艰难。

    During Yan 's first semester at Iowa State he did not have a scholarship and had to make daily sacrifices .

  11. 爱荷华州立大学的托马斯•格鲁卡主持的一项交易研究发现对电影票房进行预测失败的概率达到31%。

    A study of that exchange , by Thomas Gruca of the University of Iowa , found that it errs in predicting box-office returns by an average of31 % .

  12. 上周末猫咪开始出现流感样症状乏力,厌食于是主人将它带到了爱荷华州立大学兽医学院治疗。

    Late last week , when the cat came down with flu-like symptoms malaise , loss of appetite its owners brought it to Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine for treatment .

  13. 爱荷华州立大学最近总结出“无手机恐惧症”的主要特点。“无手机恐惧症”的四个主要担忧是:不能交流、与世界失去联系、不能获取资讯以及不能享用智能手机带来的便利。

    A new study from Iowa State University has identified some of the central aspects of nomophobia - that 's " no mobile phone " phobia . The four basic symptoms of nomophobia are : not being able to communicate , losing connectedness , not being able to access information and giving up convenience .