
ā ěr jí lì yà
  • Algeria
阿尔及利亚[ā ěr jí lì yà]
  1. 包括从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦的94个国家在巴塞罗那设有代表处。

    There are 94 countries represented in Barcelona , from Algeria to Zimbabwe

  2. 阿尔及利亚的官方报告表明这个国家正在恢复往日的平静。

    Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country

  3. 英格兰足球队结束了倒霉的阿尔及利亚之行,回到了国内。

    England 's footballers are back home after their ill-fated trip to Algeria .

  4. 他的批评者们坚持认为他应该为阿尔及利亚所面临的许多难题负责任。

    His critics maintain that he 's responsible for many of Algeria 's ills .

  5. 我问我的驴友对阿尔及利亚的形势有什么看法。

    I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria .

  6. 他得证明他的民主运动在阿尔及利亚政坛确实是一股不可忽视的力量。

    He will have to demonstrate that his Movement for Democracy is really a force to be reckoned with in Algerian politics .

  7. 在一些国家里,比如阿尔及利亚和塞内加尔,英语正在成为法语强有力的竞争者,委员会在这些地方的工作可能会很快陷入停滞状态。

    Some countries where English is becoming a strong competitor to French , such as Algeria and Senegal , may see an immediate halt to the council 's work

  8. 在本届世界杯中,美国与英国、斯洛文尼亚和阿尔及利亚同被分在C组。

    The United States is in Group C with England , Slovenia and Algeria .

  9. 阿尔及利亚B区块上三叠统高分辨率层序及储层特征

    High-resolution sequences and reservoirs in the Upper Triassic strata of B block in Algeria

  10. 英格兰队和美国、斯洛文尼亚、阿尔及利亚同分在了C组,与英格兰队同组的球队都不算是足球大国。

    England were drawn in Group C alongside the United States , Slovenia and Algeria , none of whom are considered major footballing nations .

  11. NPR新闻的蒂娜·塔普雷·拉斯顿报道囚犯是来自阿尔及利亚。

    NPR 's Dina Temple-Raston reports the prisoners are from Algeria .

  12. AFP和其他北非国家不同的是,阿尔及利亚已经把他们的灵魂献给了旅游观光行业。

    Unlike most other North African countries , Algeria has yet to sell its soul to the god of tourism .

  13. 不过,GE去年在科威特、安哥拉、阿尔及利亚和尼日利亚创下了逾1亿美元的营收。

    Nonetheless , last year GE did business in excess of $ 100m in revenues in Kuwait , Angola , Algeria and Nigeria .

  14. 斯洛文尼亚位于C组榜首。但是当美国队在与阿尔及利亚比赛的伤停补时阶段进了关键的一球,战胜了阿尔及利亚,而斯洛文尼亚又0:1输给英格兰之后,这支勇敢的球队滑落到第三位,提前回国。

    Slovenia was at the top of Group C. But the team fell to third place and an early flight home after the United States scored the winning goal against Algeria during injury time and Slovenia lost to England 1-0 .

  15. 英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)在导致逾20人死亡的阿尔及利亚人质危机结束后发表的讲话,令人担心英国可能在北非卷入“几十年”的反恐战争。

    David Cameron has raised the spectre of Britain being sucked into the fight against terrorists in North Africa for " decades " after the Algerian hostage crisis ended with more than 20 dead .

  16. 柬埔寨提名的MohamedAlBejawi是阿尔及利亚前外交部长、海牙国际法院的领导。

    Cambodia proposed Mohamed Al Bejawi , a former Algerian foreign minister and head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague .

  17. IdrissJazairy是阿尔及利亚代表团的领导。

    Idriss Jazairy is the head of the Algerian delegation .

  18. 随机模拟方法在阿尔及利亚OuedMya盆地的应用

    Application of stochastic simulation in Oued Mya Basin , Algeria

  19. 1859年,他在游历北阿尔及利亚期间加入了报喜兄弟会(theBrothersoftheAnnunciation)。报喜兄弟会是一个天主教组织,罗迪尔的叔叔也是其中的一员。

    In 1859 , he traveled to northern Algeria and joined the Brothers of the Annunciation , a Catholic organization of which his uncle was already a member .

  20. 中石油正在收购中石油集团所持中油勘探开发有限公司(CNPCExplorationandDevelopment)50%的股份。这家合资企业持有双方在哈萨克斯坦、委内瑞拉、阿尔及利亚、尼日尔和乍得等12个国家的多数海外资产。

    PetroChina is in the process of buying CNPC 's 50 per cent stake in CNPC Exploration and Development , the joint venture that holds most of the two companies ' overseas assets in 12 countries including Kazakhstan , Venezuela , Algeria , Niger and Chad .

  21. 页岩繁荣对OPEC各个成员国的影响不同。阿尔及利亚和利比亚等非洲国家受到的打击最为严重,而沙特阿拉伯和委内瑞拉依然保持相当强劲的态势。

    The impact of the shale boom on Opec members has varied , with African countries such as Algeria and Libya hit hardest , while Saudi Arabia and Venezuela have remained fairly strong .

  22. 今年的死亡人数会更高——除了马航两起事故以外,还发生了其他坠机事故,包括阿尔及利亚航空公司(AirAlgérie)的飞机在马里坠毁——但依然只会占乘客总数的很小一部分。

    This year 's figures will be higher - there have been other fatal crashes , including that of Air Alg é rie in Mali - but they will still be a tiny proportion of passengers .

  23. 在去年12月举行的一轮许可招标中,一些公司选择了不参与投标,其中包括中国石化(Sinopec)和中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)两者自2000年以来均在阿尔及利亚获得了勘探区块。

    In a licensing round in December , Sinopec and China National Petroleum Corporation which have both secured exploration blocks in Algeria since 2000 were among companies that chose not to present a bid .

  24. 此时,第三位贸易商,一位法裔阿尔及利亚人PierreFalcone加入进来。PierreFalcone长期与安哥拉的精英阶层,特别是总统JoséEduardodosSantos保持着良好的关系。

    They were joined by a third trader , Pierre Falcone , a French Algerian who has long enjoyed close links with the Angolan elite and particularly the president .

  25. 该公司在埃塞俄比亚和阿尔及利亚也有长期目标,并且有意收购维旺迪(vivendi)出售的一家摩洛哥电信企业股权。

    The company also has longer-term ambitions in Ethiopia and Algeria , and is interested in the stake being sold in a Moroccan telecoms business by Vivendi .

  26. TS-101B清洗剂在阿尔及利亚炼厂循环冷却水系统的应用

    Application of the TS-101B cleaning agent for the circulating cooling water system in Algeria Refinery

  27. 副政治国务卿WilliamBurns,前面于周四在阿尔及利亚与AbdelazizBouteflika总统会面,他从阿尔及耳(阿尔及利亚首都)与利比亚外交部长进行了两次电话交谈。

    Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns , who was in Algeria on Thursday to meet President Abdelaziz Bouteflika , spoke twice by telephone from Algiers with Libyan Foreign Minister Musa Kusa .

  28. Petronas还在阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、乍得、喀麦隆、加蓬、尼日利亚、苏丹、南非、突尼斯、利比亚从事上游活动。

    Petronas is also involved in upstream activities in Algeria , Angola , Chad , Cameroon , Gabon , Niger , Sudan , South Africa , Tunisia and Lybia .

  29. 巴塞罗那智库cidob北非问题专家弗朗西斯吉莱斯(francisghiles)表示,如今的西方专家很少有能力解读突尼斯和阿尔及利亚的局势。

    Few Western pundits today are equipped to interpret Tunisia or Algeria , says Francis ghiles , expert on North Africa at the cidob think tank in Barcelona .

  30. 但是现在,阿尔及利亚外交部表示,卡扎菲上校的妻子Safia,女儿Aisha,儿子Mohammed和Hannibal都已经逃到阿尔及利亚。

    But now , the Algerian foreign ministry has said that Colonel Gaddafi 's wife Safia , their daughter Aisha and sons Mohammed and Hannibal have all fled into Algeria .