
shěng zhǎng
  • governor of a province;prefect
省长[shěng zhǎng]
  1. 他在20世纪70年代末担任该省的省长。

    He was governor of the province in the late 1970s

  2. 对这种不幸境况负有直接责任的人是该省的省长。

    The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province 's governor

  3. 有一天我要成为省长。&那未必吧。

    But one day I 'm going to be the governor . & that 'll be the day .

  4. 目击者称,身穿军装的持枪分子袭击了前省长,总统助手JanMohammadKhan的家。

    Eyewitnesses say gunmen dressed in military uniforms attacked the home of Jan Mohammad Khan , a former provincial governor and key presidential aide .

  5. 省长Mangal表示已经采取了正确的措施来确保选择合适的人员。

    Governor Mangal said right measures were in place to ensure the right people were selected .

  6. 不列颠哥伦比亚省省长简蕙芝(ChristyClark)说,贸易顺差将会略有反弹,但是只要我们能有好几个市场,就不会只依赖一个市场。

    The balance of trade will bounce around a bit , but as long as we have several markets , we won 't be captive to one , ' said British Columbia Premier Christy Clark .

  7. 加拿大魁北克省省长JeanCharest否认蒙特利尔网站上一份宣称他以死于心脏病发作的报道。

    The premier of the Canadian province of Quebec , Jean Charest , has laughed off a report on the website of a Montreal daily that he 'd died of a heart attack .

  8. 阿富汗赫尔曼得省省长GulabMangal表示,由美国提供资金的平民义勇军项目将得到拓展。

    The governor of Helmand province in Afghanistan , Gulab Mangal , says a programme of American-funded civilian militia is to be expanded .

  9. 由于荷兰政府ORET贷款项目在工人医院的顺利开展,省长本次抽出时间专程访问了工人医院。

    Thanks to the smooth implementation of ORET project in Tangshan Gongren Hospital , the Governor has made a special trip to the hospital together with his delegation .

  10. 你且把这些献给你的省长。

    Present it , if you will , to your governor .

  11. 明显地,北京的三月会议这位省长之见没有受到欢迎。

    He was apparently not welcome in the March Beijing meeting .

  12. 你所在省的省长是谁?

    What is the name of the premier of your province ?

  13. 离合器钟前操练接受省长传感器磁体。

    The clutch bell is pre-drilled to accept governor sensor magnets .

  14. 阿尔及利亚省长卓脱尔是个懦弱者。

    The governor in Algeria , Chatel , was a weakling .

  15. 跟从省长的少年人先出城。

    The young officers of the provincial commanders went out first .

  16. 陈玉驹主席出席一个欢迎山东省孙守璞副省长的宴会。

    President York Chan attended the Vice-Governor of Sandong Province of China .

  17. 全国人大代表、陕西省长娄勤俭

    Lou Qinjian , NPC deputy and governor of Shaanxi province

  18. 但是,省长仍保为唯一有行动权威的人。

    However , the Governor retained sole authority to act .

  19. 他一度担任青海省省长。

    For a time he was governor of Chinghai Province .

  20. 革命前他父亲是个省长。

    His father is a prefect in a province before the revolution .

  21. 谢强华副省长在昨天的首发式上要求各

    Xie Jianghua 's vice-governor goes up in a hairdo yesterday cadre of

  22. 副省长刘力伟主持会议。

    Vice-provincial governor Liu Li Wei chairs a conference .

  23. 然后把关于证书的信亲自交给省长。

    Then deliver the letter about the enrolment to the governor in person .

  24. 与省长一样,银行家既是商人,也是政界人士。

    Like provincial governors , the bankers are as much politicians as businessmen .

  25. 辽宁省长寿命沥青路面重载作用下的结构响应分析

    Structral Response Analysis on Perpetual Asphalt Pavement under Heavy Loading in Liaoning Province

  26. 陜西省省长与记者见面并接受采访;

    The Governor of Shaanxi Province meets the press ;

  27. 他当上了省长。

    He established himself as governor of the province .

  28. 我到了河西的省长那里,将王的诏书交给他们。

    Now the king had sent captains of the army and horsemen with me .

  29. 山东省副省长贾万志视察工作。

    Jia wanzhi , deputy provincial governor ofShandong province , visited the company forinspection .

  30. 靳善忠副省长在全省煤炭工业工作会议上的讲话(节选)

    Deputy Governor Jin Shan-zhong Speech on Shanxi Provincial Coal Work Meeting ( Abbreviated );