
shěnɡ xiá shì
  • Provincially administered cities;municipality directly controlled by a provincial government;municipality under the provincial authorities
  1. 2004年对16个省辖市的86190名劳改劳教人员的专题调查中,确认HIV感染者275例,感染率0.32%。

    In the same year , we surveyed 86 190 persons detained in labor education center in 16 cities of Henan Province , and found 275 HIV positive cases , with a HIV positive rate of 0.32 % .

  2. 部分省辖市单位电子文件及归档情况调查

    Investigations on the Situation of Units in Partial Provincial Cities ' Filing of Electronic Records

  3. 邵阳市是湖南省辖市中的一个大市,但又是一个经济欠发达、城市化水平落后的市。

    A big city among those directly under Hunan Provincial Government , Shaoyang is slow in economic development and backward in urbanization .

  4. 宿迁矿产资源丰富,石英砂、陶土、蓝晶石、黄砂储量居全国省辖市之首。

    Suqian is ample in mineral resources . Its reserve of quartz sand , pottery clay , blue spar and yellow sand ranks among the top of the provincial-level cities in China .

  5. 本文以城市生态位理论为依据,对山西省辖市以及行署所在城市的生产位、生活位、环境位三个评价体系参数进行选择和评价。

    On the basis of the theory of municipal ecological potential , the parameters of three appraisal systems : production potential , domestic potential and environmental potential in the cities of Shanxi Province .

  6. 一般废弃物之回收、清除、处理,在直辖市由直辖市政府环境保护局为之;在省辖市由省辖市环境保护局为之;

    The recycling , clearing away and disposal of the general waste shall be implemented by Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau at municipal level , by provincial city environmental protection bureau at provincial city level .

  7. (一)标明质量标准的商品广告,应当提交省辖市以上标准化管理部门或者经计量认证合格的质量检验机构的证明;

    For the commodity advertisements concerning standards of quality , certificates issued by administrative departments in charge of standardization or by quality inspection agencies , authenticated to the qualified by metrological verification , above the provincial municipality level shall be presented ;

  8. 再次,引用中心城市经济势能量级和经济距离的概念对沈阳都市圈的范围进行了划分,划定八个省辖市及其所辖地区为该都市圈的覆盖范围。

    The definitions of city economic power and economic distance are used to divide the range of Shenyang metropolitan area , at the same time eight cities and the suburban districts belongs to them are defined tobe contained by the metropolitan area .

  9. 基于主成分分析的土地生态安全评价实证研究&以陕西省10个省辖市为例

    Land Ecological Security Evaluation Based on Principal Component Analysis & Take Examples of 10 Provincial Cities in Shaanxi Province

  10. 将所建立的动态综合评价模型运用到辽宁省14个省辖市的公共支出综合绩效评价中,进行实证研究。最后,对全文进行了总结,对进一步的研究作了展望。

    The dynamic comprehensive evaluation model is used to check the public expenditure performances of fourteen cities in Liaoning province . Finally , the whole dissertation is summarized , as well as future research problems .

  11. 并运用生态位原理对我省九个省辖市的生态位进行剖析,揭示出人口激增,水资源短缺和环境污染是城市发展的制约因素。

    On the basis of analyzing the niche of the main cities , this paper makes it clear that the limiting factors of urban development are rapid growth of population , lack of water resource and environmental pollution .

  12. 根据36个单项指标,通过主成分分析和聚类分析的方法,把江苏省13个省辖市人居环境分为3个类型:第一类是南京、无锡、苏州;

    From the provincial statistic data , 36 special indices are chosen to assess the quality of 13 main cities ' urban settlement environment of Jiangsu . Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis are used for these cities ' classification .

  13. 1925年,广东省政府批准将江门埠升格为省辖市,这是江门历史发展过程中具有里程碑意义的重大事件,是江门从1902年对外开埠后社会经济及市政建设迅速发展的结果。

    In 1925 , Guangdong provincial government promoted Jiangmen port to the status of a provincially-administered city . This was a milestone in Jiangmen 's history of development and was the result of its social & economic development as well as its municipal construction .

  14. 省、自治区、直辖市、沿海开放城市、经济特区和计划单列省辖市

    " * provinces , autonomous regions , directly administered municipalities , open port cities , special economic zones and provincially administered cities which are authorized to formulate their own independent plans . "